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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleFashion & Accessories · 1 day ago

why do autistics wear the same clothes everyday? ?

Some autistic girl wears the same clothes/ outfits everyday. On Monday-Friday, I noticed she wears the same one shirt with the same on pair of jeans, then Tuesday, she wears a different combo, same for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It's like she only has 5 (most likely 7) different outfit, and wears them every day for each week day.

In winter, it's same. Now, it's getting warmer again, and she has 5-7 different shirts with 5-7 different pants. I asked around, and people told me that has done the same thing before, with the exact same clothes, even though I don't believe that last part.

Updated 15 hours ago:

How about your dumb*ss does something about, stevvene /activity/questions?show=...

D!ckhead. Do something about it.

Updated 11 hours ago:

How the hell is this a fetish, you dumb ****?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 hours ago

    Whenever they don't care and likely their mom is putting clothes on for them...

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    A better question would be why do you have a fascination and fetish with autistic girls?!

  • 12 hours ago

    I don't understand what's so fascinating about this. A lot of people wear a very limited array of clothing; I do myself. Black or navy jeans, black or navy roll-neck, three different knitted sweaters, black shoes, black jacket.

    Saves me thinking too hard in the morning.

    It's like a uniform. What's so terrible about that, if it's one that you've chosen for yourself? I promise you, it makes life very simple.

  • Anonymous
    14 hours ago

    Why in the heck do you know this girl’s wardrobe? Why are you to the point where you write down how many garments she has, 

    You sound like a real creeper. Stay away from her. 

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  • Anonymous
    19 hours ago

    So.. you have time to watch what an autistic girl wears.. each day.

    Wow and I thought my life was boring.. man I was so wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Autistic? You don't even know what the meaning of this is. So what if she wears the same clothes, she likes the clothes she wears, it's none of your ******* business. I bet you think everyone autistic who wears the same clothes everyday.  

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    I've ASD (aspergers, very mild autism) and I've way too many clothes. Think i rotate about 50 dresses, 40 jeans/pants, 10 shorts and 40 skirts... lol

    and Well, Mark Zuckerberg wear the same clothing everyday, black top with jeans.. and he has not autism. It just more convenient to some people to not worry about what they wear.

    You don't have to have a diagnose/neurological problems to wear same clothes every week. Some people don't care about what they wear! Too expensive, sustainability, lack of place, frugal, not interested in their clothing and see them as practical wear, like having a roof on their head and not starving are more important than wearing different clothes to SOME people.How hard is it to ask her view on fashion and appearance?

    and FYI, Having Autism is not a "look"!

  • Jill
    Lv 6
    1 day ago

    Here's a crazy idea...ask her!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    And why is this any of your business whatsoever?  If anything it sounds sensible.  If fashion isn't her thing why should she spend money on things she doesn't care for and waste energy on caring about things she doesn't care about?

  • Cee
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    It's her life. I don't see what the issue is.

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