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Not stepping in...?

While working as a server for my aunt's restaurant, I witnessed a woman getting pushed by her boyfriend and I was about to step in and break up their fight but my aunt ordered me to stay and to "mind your own business" and to only worry about taking care of the dining customers since it's where we "make our money." The couple ended up leaving with no further issues.

With recent rises in asian violence, I wonder what would you do in a situation where someone was being attacked. I was brought up to mind your own business and to NOT get involved cause the aggressor could then turn and attack you as well.

If that situation ever comes up, would it be wrong of me to stay out of it to protect myself or fear that I could get hurt too?

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago

    In college I needed a PE credit, and I took a course in being a life guard.  One of the big things we learned was to NOT just jump in the water.  You need to first take a look at what's going on and what's available to help.  Like you can throw the guy a life ring.  When you just jump in the water without thinking it through, you can put your life in danger and the other guys like in danger.  You always need to stop and think it through first.

    If someone was going to get seriously hurt, I would certainly do something, even if it's just to say "hey man, calm down".  But in the situation that you describe there was really nothing you could do.  If you had stepped in or if you had said something, I suppose it would stop the problem for a moment.  But the fight would have continued after they left.  What they really needed was counseling, and your not qualified for that kind of counseling.

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