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  • Was I wrong?

    This past weekend, I was hanging out with two female friends at a mutual friends house and we were having drinks. Both of them asked for a ride home so I stop drinking hours before we have to go. 

    Around 1 am, I ask if they were ready to call it a night but asked if I can go get food since I was sober enough to drive. I did with the promise that we leave soon after. I bring food and we eat but both friends keep drinking. It's now 2 am and I'm really tired and am urging my friends to get going but they keep saying "just one more drink" or "a few more minutes." Both friends are showing no signs of calling it a night as they break out a new bottle of vodka.

    Around 2:30 am, I tell my friends that they're obviously planning on spending the night so I said I was leaving. They stop me and say they just need to use the bathroom and then we can leave. After waiting 30 minutes for them to use the bathroom, I give up and leave. They call me obviously drunk and ask where I went and I told them I was leaving since they don't respect my time and wishes to go. I go home and go to bed.

    The next morning, both friends won't stop telling me how "f*cked up" my actions were last night. Asking how I could leave them both in a drunk state at someone else's house. I refused to take the blame and told them it was a mutual friends house and not a stranger's house that I left them at. 

    So any thoughts? Anything I could've done differently or better? Were my friends at fault or was I?

    2 AnswersFriends10 hours ago
  • Calling out cousin...?

    I have an older cousin (38 years old) who is pretty full of himself. He often brags about his nice cars and how much free nights he gets at the Wynn Las Vegas (or so he claims). What he often fails to mention is that he still lives at home rent free with his parents, and often has to call his older brother for extra money when he's in Vegas (I was there once when he got a call from him). Says winning a $5000 jackpot on a slot machine is "not bad" but freaks out and starts screaming when he wins $100 off a lotto scratcher. 

    He obviously is being a poser but it's starting to make his parents and siblings look bad and by extension, the rest of the family as well. I don't like how he continues to tell obvious lies about his lifestyle but not sure if I should leave him be and let his "friends" find out on their own or tell him to stop exaggerating now so he doesn't embarrass himself and the family.

    7 AnswersFamily1 week ago
  • Friend used me?

    This happened to me a while back but I would like some opinions on the matter:

    I have a female friend who has a 5 year old daughter from a previous relationship. My friend started dating a new man and insist he join us everytime we do anything such as lunch which usually means we have to wait for him.

    Anyways, one day I suggest we do something nice for her daughter and take her to a movie. My friend agreed and didn't ask if her boyfriend can go which surprised me. We get to the theater and got to our seats. I go to get some popcorn and return at which point she looks at her phone, looks at me and says "you won't believe this, (insert boyfriend's name) is here too!"

    "What do you mean he's here too?" I ask. We both turn around and see him sitting there by himself with an empty seat next to him. He smiles and waves. My friend then says she doesn't want him to sit by himself so she ask if I wouldn't mind sitting with her daughter while she herself kept him company during the movie. I was shocked but reluctantly agreed.

    After the movie is over we all meet in the lobby and he claims that this was unplanned and he just "felt like coming out to see this movie." My friend claims it was not pre-planned and pure coincidence. 

    I mean, it's pretty obvious that she used me but I don't know how to tell her without getting into a fight. Suggestions?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • Leaving a family business?

    This is a repost but wanted to get some more opinions:

    I once worked for a small family owned grocery store. My aunt and uncle received items in the back while filling in at the register when needed. My cousin also worked there as the primary cashier. I stocked shelves and worked the meat counter. It was only the four of us working the entire store.

    Once I was trained to work the register though, my cousin started showing up less and less, either showing up late or taking entire days off. He clearly knew he could get away with it since his parents owned the place and pretty soon, his parents started to work harder due to his constant absences.Eventually got fed up with their refusal to fire him and secretly started making plans to find a new job. One night after the store closed, I asked to speak to all three of them and officially gave them my two weeks notice. My aunt and uncle seemed unhappy but my cousin was very angry and said 'WHY WAIT TWO WEEKS? IF YOU DON'T WANNA STAY, THEN LEAVE TOMORROW! GET THE F*CK OUT!" That shocked me since it was his laziness that made me want to leave. I was trying to be professional and give them a proper notice but he seemed to take it personal.Anyways, been working at my new job for a year now but I always think back to how I left the family business and wonder if I could've handled it better? Was I justified in my leaving? Anyone ever work at a family business before?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 weeks ago
  • Working with family and leaving the business?

    I once worked for a small family owned grocery store. My aunt and uncle received items in the back while filling in at the register when needed. My cousin also worked there as the primary cashier. I stocked shelves and worked the meat counter. It was only the four of us working the entire store.

    Once I was trained to work the register though, my cousin started showing up less and less, either showing up late or taking entire days off. He clearly knew he could get away with it since his parents owned the place and pretty soon, his parents started to work harder due to his constant absences. 

    Eventually got fed up with their refusal to fire him and secretly started making plans to find a new job. One night after the store closed, I asked to speak to all three of them and officially gave them my two weeks notice. My aunt and uncle seemed unhappy but my cousin was very angry and said 'WHY WAIT TWO WEEKS? IF YOU DON'T WANNA STAY, THEN  LEAVE TOMORROW! GET THE F*CK OUT!" That shocked me since it was his laziness that made me want to leave. I was trying to be professional and give them a proper notice but he seemed to take it personal.

    Anyways, been working at my new job for a year now but I always think back to how I left the family business and wonder if I could've handled it better? Was I justified in my leaving? Anyone ever work at a family business before?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 weeks ago
  • How to confront friend about her lie?

    I live in Los Angeles as a reference. A few months ago, 4 friends and I took a trip to Vegas. We all agreed that it would only be the four of us since we all knew each other well. One friend has to work late the day we plan on going so we pitch in to buy her a late night flight so she can join us out there while we took a SUV out there early in the day.

    Day of the trip, she MISSES her flight despite having FOUR hours to make her flight. She says her boyfriend can drive her to Vegas but says he has to spend the weekend with us since it wouldn't be right for him to take her to Vegas only to go home the exact same day. Anyways, seems like they treated the whole trip like a romantic getaway since they insisted they get the bed since they were the only couple there. 

    We strongly feel as if she did all this intentionally but I'm not sure how to confront her about it since she's very defensive.

    4 AnswersFriends3 weeks ago
  • How to find best price for new car?

    I am considering buying a new car but am told to know what the MSRP of the car is first to give myself the best advantage when haggling for a price. What is the best way to find out the MSRP? Websites? I've checked edmunds, truecar and even the official manufacturer's website and all have different numbers.

    What's the best site and any general tips or tricks I can use when talking to the dealership?

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling3 weeks ago
  • Friend asked for advance on stimulus check?

    My friend asked if I could lend him $1400 and he would repay me when he got his covid stimulus check since he really needs money now. I am cautious since there were many issues last time with people not getting their money on time or at all. He assures me that we're all getting money and that the president just has to sign the bill but I still don't know.

    If you were me, would you lend your friend the money or tell them to wait for the stimulus payment?

    10 AnswersPolitics4 weeks ago
  • Way to confront friend...?

    Long story: Recently, some friends and I took a trip to Vegas to celebrate a friend's birthday. We agreed that it would only be 4 of us. Anyways, one friend says they can't make it until very late in the evening due to work (we're only gonna be there two nights) so the others and myself pitch in to pay for a late night flight so she can make it out. Anyways, day of, she MISSES her flight despite having four hours to make it to the airport (she lives in Los Angeles btw). The next flight isn't until early in the morning so she then says that her boyfriend will give her a ride to Vegas but she insist that he spend the weekend with us. This made the rest of us uneasy since we all agreed to only close friends and now we had to share a suite with someone we didn't know.

    On top of that, they argued to have the one king size bed to themselves and mostly treated the trip as a romantic weekend getaway. The rest of us feel angry since we bought her a plane ticket but almost seemed to miss it on purpose only to have an excuse to bring her boyfriend.

    How can we tell her how we feel without becoming hostile? It almost seemed like she did this on purpose so how can we confront her with that?

    Friends4 weeks ago
  • How to handle leaving a family business?

    So hear me out: I once worked for a small grocery store that my aunt and uncle owned. They had two registers, produce and meat section. My cousin (their son) also works there. At first, he would work the register and check people out while I stocked shelves and produce and eventually learned to cut meat while my aunt and uncle helped where they could (receiving things in the back or office work). Eventually got trained to work the other register so I pretty much knew how to do everything. After that, my cousin started showing up less and less. His parents had to start doing more grunt work since it would only be us three working the whole store. After a few months, I realize he was being lazy because no matter what, his parents would never fire him. I got upset over this and secretly started making plans to find a new job. 

    One day after the store closed, I called my aunt, uncle and cousin to the office to tell them that I intended to move on to a new job and that I was officially giving them my two weeks notice and will work to make it a smooth transition while helping them find new help. My aunt and uncle seemed mad but my cousin said "WHY WAIT? IF YOU WANT OUT, THEN LEAVE TOMORROW. GET THE F*CK OUT!" which shocked me since his laziness was a big reason to me wanting to move on. Anyways, I left the next day and have been in my new job for 6 months now.

    Even though it was a family business, was my reason for leaving ok? Did I handle things well? I feel some guilt. Thanks.

    5 AnswersFamily4 weeks ago
  • Is my friend lying about his Vegas comps?

    I have a friend who claims to get 1-3 weeks of comped rooms at The Wynn Las Vegas. I actually used to work with him and have an idea of his income so I find it hard to believe he would be getting those level of comps making less than 100k a year. I have never traveled with him to Vegas so I don't know if he exaggerates or flat out lies about his level of comps. Anyone that has ever gotten comps in Vegas or at The Wynn have any idea how much you need to spend or lose to get that many free nights? I just don't like how he brags about his "high roller" life style despite the mediocre income and want to call him out on it.

    3 AnswersLas Vegas1 month ago
  • Is this considered a hit and run?

    I was driving next to a guy that made a lane change into my lane while I was still in it, causing me to slam on my brake and I had a slight collison with his rear bumper. He then pulled into the neighborhood for a second then speed off. I gave chase and eventually found him. I didn't call the police to the scene, but we did exchange info. I called the police after to report it as an "attempted hit and run", but the police said they can't get involved since it's not technically a hit and run since I found the guy. I thought a hit and run, regardless if you found the guy or not was against the law, so is what the cop told me correct? No one was hurt, but even though I found him, he showed intent on getting away, so doesn't that count as a hit and run?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Maury show: dumb guests?

    Ok so I'm not gonna argue that the Maury Povich show is fake or real, but if it is real, how dumb can some of these guest be? My example is: a man is being brought onto the show to get a lie detector test to see if he's cheating on his girlfriend, yet they show footage of him flirting with a decoy in the green room. How dumb can he be by flirting back? Doesnt he watch or know about the show and that girl is probably a decoy to catch him red-handed? they're probably actors but still if it is real how dumb can they be to fall for such an obvious trap?

    5 AnswersTalk Shows1 decade ago
  • Will I get a W2 form from my former employer?

    I worked last year for a company that shut down and my employer also never paid me my last month's wages. She has since disappeared and all attempts to contact her have failed. She didnt show up to any court hearings for my wages so will she even send me a w2? i mean the company is no more and the few of us that worked for her when it did shut down are feeling bad about her sending us w2's. what happens if she doesnt send them? can i file my taxes without all my w2's?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • How long to collect on judgement from former employer?

    I live in CA and my former employer failed to appear at my hearing for unpaid wages, so the state issued a judgement on them. I've taken the option for the state to try and collect my wages, which is around $9000. The company has since stopped operation and the CEO is nowhere to be found. I was the only one of 4 people still working for her at the time. How long until I get all my money from this judgement? Also, I know some of her personal info such as her bank. If I tell this to the labor department, will that speed up the process? Will they be allowed to just take the funds out of her bank if she has the funds?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How long to collect judgement on former employer?

    I live in CA and my former employer failed to appear at my hearing for unpaid wages, so the state issued a judgement on them. I've taken the option for the state to try and collect my wages, which is around $9000. The company has since stopped operation and the CEO is nowhere to be found. I was the only one of 4 people still working for her at the time. How long until I get all my money from this judgement? Also, I know some of her personal info such as her bank. If I tell this to the labor department, will that speed up the process? Will they be allowed to just take the funds out of her bank if she has the funds?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does this happen in the army?

    I've been on the fence wheater to join the army or not. Then my friend told me this story: he was at airborne school in georgia and walking down the sidewalk talking on his cellphone. a black hat instructor told him he couldnt do that and made him stand out there and try and catch another airborne student doing the same thing. he said if the instructor looked out and he wasnt there he'd get written up for it. eventually my friend caught someone else on their phone and forced him to turn himself in so that the other guy now had to stand out there waiting to catch someone. my friend said it was the weekend and that was a complete waste of time to do that to him when he was off duty.

    so basically, do commanders and sergants play these cruel games like this just for their own enjoyment? i thought the army was disciplined and all that so why did this happen to my friend or is it an isolated incident?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • So all these fake profiles on Y.A! asking these sex related questions...?

    ...what's up with them? I ran into this one profile that had the same sex related question posted 4 times! This girl asked if she should let her curious 11 year old brother see her naked. Then when looking at her past question, she has more sex related questions and even one where she mentions having a son. If she is a mother how could she even think about exposing herself to her brother? I smell something fishy. So what's up with all these weird sex questions?

    Here's the profile I saw if you're curious.;_ylt=Ah3aQjJtt...

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Caught my ex in a lie.?

    So i broke up with my ex gf about a year ago because she kept lying about where she was and who she was with. turns out she was cheating on me. well she contacted me earlier this month trying to make peace but she was still lying about things. one day I ask her what she was doing and she answered "getting ready to go to knotts scary farm (a local event down where i live)" problem is, she told me this on a tuesday and there is no knotts scary farm on mondays or tuesday. i pointed this out and all she said was "whatever, you're stupid." and tried to cover up her mistaken lie by saying "i meant to say i bought tickets to a party at knotts." theme parks dont sell tickets to random public parties. so i guess my ex is still being shady. any thoughts or simaliar stories?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • So I won my court case, but...? former boss is ignoring the order to pay me my wages. I took her to court for unpaid wages and she never showed up so I won, but she's ignoring all orders by the court to pay me. What can I do and what will happen to her? She doesnt live near me and there's no company left to speak of. will i ever see my money?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago