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Was I wrong?

This past weekend, I was hanging out with two female friends at a mutual friends house and we were having drinks. Both of them asked for a ride home so I stop drinking hours before we have to go. 

Around 1 am, I ask if they were ready to call it a night but asked if I can go get food since I was sober enough to drive. I did with the promise that we leave soon after. I bring food and we eat but both friends keep drinking. It's now 2 am and I'm really tired and am urging my friends to get going but they keep saying "just one more drink" or "a few more minutes." Both friends are showing no signs of calling it a night as they break out a new bottle of vodka.

Around 2:30 am, I tell my friends that they're obviously planning on spending the night so I said I was leaving. They stop me and say they just need to use the bathroom and then we can leave. After waiting 30 minutes for them to use the bathroom, I give up and leave. They call me obviously drunk and ask where I went and I told them I was leaving since they don't respect my time and wishes to go. I go home and go to bed.

The next morning, both friends won't stop telling me how "f*cked up" my actions were last night. Asking how I could leave them both in a drunk state at someone else's house. I refused to take the blame and told them it was a mutual friends house and not a stranger's house that I left them at. 

So any thoughts? Anything I could've done differently or better? Were my friends at fault or was I?

2 Answers

  • T J
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    You were more patient than I would have been. I would tell them once, give them 5 mins. And then left.  You wqere more than patient, yes you were right. Dump the 2 bit chs.

  • 1 day ago

    You were right. They were taking advantage of you. You should have told them to call an Uber. 

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