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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 6 days ago

How did you meet your partner/long time ex?

I met my ex near a cash point. He was getting cash out and was with his friend. I was looking for somebody to have sex with randomly and I stopped and stared at him. I found him attractive. 

He also stopped and stared back. When we started talking, I told him that I was looking for a guy when actually I just wanted to get laid lol. But then I told him in the end that I’m looking to get laid lol. I lost my virginity to him. We had a lot of drama for the 7 years we’ve known each other. We’ve met several times, gone on dates, drives and our families know each other too. We’ve had ups and downs. Anyways 7 years later, we are still talking. I think it’s a strange place to meet your partner near a cash point lol. How did you meet your partner? 

4 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    We met at a birthday party for a mutual friend. We spent most of the evening talking -about what I don't recall  - but I remember kind of liking him. When it was time to leave I told him I had just undergone a very very bad break up and I wasn't interested  in dating now but if he was willing to give me some recovery time then I would be happy to start dating. About a year and a bit later he gives me a call, we went on a date and that was it. A year later we were planning our wedding  in 1985.  And we've been together ever since.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    I saw him on a train platform talking to a group of people I assumed were family he was visiting in Britain (I was wrong on that point, they were colleagues out for a jolly).  Anyway, I was heading back to work cross country after a few days off and was in a bad mood because I'd been squashed up next to a loquacious conspiracy theorist for a 7 hour train ride on a packed train and hadn't even been able to get a bite to eat because the train had been that crowded.  So, there I was changing trains when I saw the most gorgeous man, and for the first time in several years thought, "I WANT a piece of that!"  What could a girl do but sidle up closer? and to my delight they were discussing GIS, something I know something about, so I "suavely" (yeah right) dropped myself into the conversation.  What do you know, it worked and I got to bed him 24 hours later and somehow things kept going from that point, not without a little drama in the early days.  I must've had something going for me considering I probably looked like I'd escaped from the set of a post apocalyptic film at the time - that first train had been brutal.

  • We haven't met yet. But this is how it will go down. She and her movie crew was there making a movie and I just so happen to be at that location too. I was goofing off and he found it funny and laugh. I waved at her and she waved back. Then she walked over to me to talk to me. And that's how I met my beautiful wife.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 days ago

    I met my boyfriend weirdly on Facebook. I had a feeling me and him were going to date weirdly even though we didn’t know each other and I was interested in him ( even though I was in a relationship, not a good relationship though) my ex ended up cheating on me and me and my boyfriend hit it off one day from being in a Facebook comment section together. He randomly messaged me, and said he sensed I was depressed. We basically met at a bar, we had lots of fun, and we were friends up until like 3 months. Then things got spicy and we have been happily in a relationship since august of last year 

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