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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 6 days ago

why are some people so rude and low class when they attack and criticize people who give out thoughts and prayers to victims of tragedy?

like school shootings or natural disasters

you always have millions who give out condolences with thoughts and prayers then you have millions who are classless and just troll. 

are most of these trolls high school atheists?? 

7 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    Years ago, when I was a child bride, my former husband and I moved to a new state.  We didn't know anyone in the town we moved to and the first couple of months were very difficult in a lot of ways.  I was young and he was an immigrant, so neither of us were skilled at handling what we faced.

    A very nice couple from a church came to introduce themselves.  I was so relieved.  I let them know that my husband was very sick and I wanted to go to the store to get him some things that would settle him and make him more at ease.  We didn't have a car, though, and it was a very cold, snowy winter.  I'd moved from a warm state and didn't have a coat or boots.

    They smiled so kindly and said, "Well, we just wanted to let you know who we were and what time church is on Sunday!  Hope you can make it."  And then they left in their nice car.

    I think, often, when people criticize "thoughts and prayers" they are thinking that's a cop out -- a way to congratulate oneself for being good without putting forth any effort to actually ease someone's burden.

  • 6 days ago

    If someone posts a tragedy in their life on social media and all you see is this: 






    It shows how lazy and uncaring many christians are.

    My friend lost a baby, and one of her christian contacts said, "god had a plan".

    That's what she got from a zombie christian.

    I seriously wanted to punch that b*tch in the face.

    I've never seen anything like what you're talking about.

  • 6 days ago

    low intelligence does that, dear.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Because they are miserable people. Its not your fault they are like that. You arent the problem and they are. Just dont talk to them. And only talk to other peaceful people. 

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  • 6 days ago

    "Thoughts and prayers"

    What good are they except to make the person doing it feel better and lie to themselves that they are helping.

    Two hands working will always achieve more than 1 or 1 million hands clasped in prayer.

    Thoughts and prayers = thoughts and self deception

    Thoughts and $10 = thoughts and action.

  • 6 days ago

    The point is to encourage people to do something real as well. Thoughts and prayers don't buy food and water. But a $5 donation helps.

  • Those people have an unconstitutional agenda they want fulfilled, so they are trying to make you feel guilty.

    Unless you are the shooter, you have nothing to feel guilty for, nor should you have to lose your own rights for his crime.

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