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? asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 6 days ago

Find the requested term of the geometric sequence?

the third term of a geometric sequence whose first term is 2 and whose fifth term is 512

5 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    #1 ; a = 2 

    #5 ; =ar^4 = 512 


    r^4 = 256 

    r = 256^(1/4) 

    r = 4 

    Hence #3 ; ar^2 = 2(4)^2 = 32 

  • 5 days ago

    For a geometric progression:


    a₂ = q * a₁ → where q is the common ratio

    a₃ = q * a₂ = q² * a₁

    a₄ = q * a₃ = q³ * a₁

    a₅ = q * a₄ = q⁴ * a₁

    The third term of the geometric sequence is 2: → a₃ = q² * a₁ = 2

    The fifth term of a geometric sequence is 512: → a₅ = q⁴ * a₁ = 512

    a₅/a₃ = (q⁴ * a₁)/(q² * a₁) = 512/2

    (q⁴ * a₁)/(q² * a₁) = 512/2

    q⁴/q² = 256

    q² = 256

    q = ± 16

    Recall: a₃ = 2

    q² * a₁ = 2

    a₁ = 2/q²

    a₁ = 2/256

    a₁ = 1/128

    a₂ = q * a₁

    a₂ = ± 16 * (1/128)

    a₂ = ± 1/8

    a₃ = q² * a₁

    a₃ = 256 * (1/128)

    a₃ = 2

    a₄ = q³ * a₁

    a₄ = (± 16)³ * (1/128)

    a₄ = ± 4096/128

    a₄ = ± 32

  • TomV
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    an = a₁r^(n-1)

    a₁ = 2

    a5 = 2r^(5-1) = 2r^4 = 512

    r = 256^(1/4) = 4

    an = 2(4)^(n-1)

    a3 = 2(4)^(3-1) = 2(4²) = 2(16) = 32

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

     Find the third term of a geometric sequence 

      whose first term is 2 and whose fifth term is 512.

      2r^4 = 512

      r^4 = 256

      r = 4

      2, 8, 32, 128, 256, ...

      The third term is 32.


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  • 6 days ago

    Geometric = next term = this term multiplied by a constant number.

    In this case, it looks like

    n=1, term = 2

    n=5, term = 2*4*4*4*4 = 2^9

    I suspect that

    n=2, term = 2*4 = 2^3

    The constant factor is 4

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