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? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 6 days ago

Would the Poison Bullets From Jaws Even Work on the Shark?

Okay I love the Jaws Movies, and I have always had this hypothetical and completely stupid question. Does anyone remember the part of the frist movie where Cheif Brody decides to modify some hollow points for the shark. The bullets are .38 special of course, so nothing super crazy. So he pours some sort of poison into his bullets, then seals it in with wax. Clearly, he wants to use the poison to kill the shark. However, would that even be effective and even work?

Personally, I would expect any of the following difficuties with his plan myself.

1.) The wax could melt and the posion to vapourize.

2.) The bullet might have trouble breaking through the skin of a 50ft shark and deform the bullet, thus losing most of the poison before it gets in the shark to far.3.) The 50ft shark would probably need alot more posion then his bullet would have.What do you all think?  

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