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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 days ago

Of the five most recent presidents, which do you think had the best economic policy, the best foreign policy, and the best social policy?

Here is my opinion:

Best economic policy: Bill Clinton

Best foreign policy: George W. Bush

Best social policy: Joe Biden

9 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Trump.  Of course, those on the left never knew what Trump did.  They couldn't get past his lack of good communication ability.

  • 2 days ago

    ...........Bill Clinton

  • 2 days ago

    Eliminate social policy and then ask the question again.

    There is no best social policy. Shouldn't have one either.

    Biden is the worst in the past few decades.

    Cowtowing to our enemies is NOT the best thing.

    Economic policy? Raping the taxpayers for handouts is not sound fiscal policy.

    So far the best is actually Trump.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    You're right about Clinton- he passed a balanced budget, something people seem to forget.

    Bush? He spend billions invading Iraq to avenge his daddy. And in the process, he created more terrorists and refugees.

    I'll wait on Biden. Clinton got family leave passed, but didn't do anything about health care. Obama was the best on that. Biden has sweeping plans- we'll see if he can put them in place. 

    As when FDR proposed Social Security, it can take a long time to see the real benefits.  Today's retirees are in much better shame, and contribute more to the economy because of SS. But Americans are impatient and want instant results. 

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  • 2 days ago

    Trump gets it on every mark.

    Best economic policy - negotiated trade deals to bring jobs back to America. 

    Best foreign policy - didn't start any new wars, or continue combat operations from wars that were started by prior presidents (did still leave a few troops in Iraq and Afghanistan without combat roles)

    Best social policy - unlike Biden, no crisis at the border, no squalor camps on the other side of the border, no masses of people showing up expecting to be let in. People stopped showing up just expecting to be let in for calling themselves "refugees" when they were really just economic migrants.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Only subhumans agree with economic policies that favor huge tax cuts to corporate shareholders, corporate deregulation, and crippling labor unions!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 days ago

    Bush ignoring an 8/2001 memo warning of the 9/11 attack, then pulling troops out of Saudi Arabia (the source of the bombings),  and getting us into Iraq under bogus reasons that EVERY Republican hack went along with 100% JUST to be partisan was...sorry not sorry... a complete and utter disaster! Cheney and Rove, too.

  • 2 days ago

    You gave Best Foreign Policy to George W. Bush?  Don't you remember a little thing called the Iraq War that we got into for totally bogus reasons?  He was the primary driver of that.

    Best Economic Policy: President Trump.  Though Bill Clinton also was quite good.

    Best Foreign Policy: President Reagan

    Best Social Policy: None of the above.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Clinton. People were very dumb to not elect his wife. 

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