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why doesn't "my body my choice" apply to anti-maskers?

you can k1ll a baby in the womb by using the "my body my choice" line. however, if you walk into a store you're automatically assumed to have COVID, and are seen worse than being a baby k1ller. what's with the double standard?

Updated 5 days ago:

very interesting many of the answers are conveniently ignoring/refusing to talk about how women have the right to end the lives of the people in their womb but will say how you must suffer the consequences if you don't want to wear a piece of cloth on your face.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    The mask isn't inside of you? It's a contagious disease that affects other people? I *do* think this argument works for vaccines. You should not be able to force people to take vaccines.

  • Hayley
    Lv 5
    6 days ago

    Abortions are not contagious. 

  • 6 days ago

    Amazon and Door Dash exist. 

  • 6 days ago

    You might have a case if putting a mask on your face was in any way comparable to giving birth and being responsible for someone for the next 18+ years. 

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  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Not wearing a mask puts everyone around you at risk. It has to be assumed you could have covid because you could. You can have covid and not have symptoms. 

    Businesses are allowed to implement a mask rule if they want. Do you get all butthurt over "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs too? 

    It is your body your choice. If you don't want to put on a mask you can feel free to not shop at that store. Nobody is holding you down and forcing a mask on your face. 

    Studies do show masks, even cloth ones, help stop viruses. Its not 100% but that's why we also need to stay home as much as possible and social distance. 

    It is encouraged that people replace/wash soiled masks and not touch their masks. It drives me nuts when people do. You are getting the germs on your hands when you touch your mask. 

    Masks do not increase the spread. When people use masks the cases of covid go down. 

    Bill, here is one for starters now I would like to see your evidence that masks don't work

    I will be looking forward to you saying something along the lines of "I disagree with it so its not valid" and then not give me a link backing up what you said about masks not working. 

    I never said people do what they are encouraged to do. I even said it drives me nuts when people touch their masks. Even still when people don't do things as they should the masks still help. 

    You are right for once actually. I thought the mask mandate was lifted where I live but I got some bad info and I have seen more and more people without masks so I assumed those people who told me it was lifted were right. I'm glad there is still a mandate. It saves lives. Too bad people have started to ignore it. 

    I see I was right. They linked studies which prove what they are saying and your only argument against them is "I don't like liberals" which does not actually invalidate the studies. I see you you also didn't provide a link to back up what you said which is very typical for you. 

    Its not so much that website that's my source. Its the studies they link to. They already compiled some studies so I didn't have to which is why I linked the website. 

    You still didn't link any sources. I am waiting. 

    Once again I get no sources. Not surprising. You cant just expect people to believe whatever you way with no studies to back it up. 

    OP, its not ending a life if its an early abortion. Late stage abortion I am against and it sounds like you are against all abortion so we can go by that. Does killing unborn babies mean we should put the lives of everyone else at risk? Do the people that are already here not matter because abortion is legal? The answer should hopefully be of course not. These are 2 completely separate issues. Abortion has nothing to do with the pandemic. 

    Why do you care about a piece of cloth on your face? What I said about "no shirt, no shoes, no service" still stands. Do you b*tch about that too? What about seatbelt laws. Is the government overreaching by making that a law? What about literally any law. Laws are all telling you what you can and cannot do. Why is a piece of cloth over your face that will save peoples lives the one that you have a problem with? How selfish can you be to think peoples lives are not worth enough for you to wear a mask. 

    You have a double standard too. Why do people stop mattering when they are born? Why does a clump of cells matter more to you than people that are already here? 

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    You are totally correct. Just like the double standard for vaccines. "Oh, we can't force you to take the vaccine".....but they will FORCE you to wear a freaking mask 

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Fairly simple question, simply answered: Anti-maskers are endangering others, not just themselves. It's the same reason we don't allow intoxicated people to drive automobiles. 

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    @Anonymous: Go ahead and post evidence that masks decrease infection rates. I'll wait.  Oh and btw, what people are encouraged to do and what people do are not the same thing. You're acting like all of society is a controlled hospital environment when it's not. 

    Oh and btw, businesses are being forced to require people to wear masks. Great job not paying attention. 

    A liberal university is your source? I like how they link to the CDC and the WHO as if anyone but liberals care what they think. The best part is that they're both government sources that exist to back up the governments reasoning. It's utterly pointless to link to them when talking about the validity of government policy. That's like like someone linking to an old post of theirs to back up their current post. lol  

    You are however right that I would say your source is invalid, but then you knew that would happen when you picked a liberal university from California as your source. lol

    Answer: .

    Because abortion is seen as a human right even if it involves a mother killing her own ZEF for whatever reason she wants, but someone without COVID walking into a store without a mask that is not medically capable of stopping a virus is a criminal. 

    Oh, and once again, just for the mask freaks.  

    - Doctors wear masks to stop bacteria, not viruses. Masks can not in any way stop a virus.

    - Doctors are not supposed to touch the mask. If they do it must be removed and replaced 

    - Doctors are to keep their masks dry. If the mask gets wet it is be removed and replaced 

    - Doctors are to wear sanitized masks. If a mask is expected of not being sanitized it is to be removed and replaced. 


    - Cloth masks you buy at the store ARE NOT medical masks and they WILL NOT stop a virus. Note: The masks commonly have a warning on them that tells you it's not a medical mask. That should be a hint for people to see how stupid this all is. 

    - When you see someone walking around in a store touching their mask you can be sure that the mask is not sanitized or clean. In fact, such behavior helps spread the virus. 

    - When you see someone hanging their mask in their car you can be sure it's not sanitized or clean.

    - When you see someone take their mask out of their pocket you can be sure it's not sanitized or clean. 

    - People running around with a mask on their face in the above conditions actually INREASES the risk of virus transmission. Mask mandates actually INREASE the threat of the virus. Fauci is an authoritarian lying asshole. 

    Mask freaks that use the "but doctors wear masks" argument should be shot in the head. 


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