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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 week ago

Is he using me or her?

Lol so long story short I’ve been with a man on and off for 8 years we have two kids together he cheated on me various times and ran me and our 2 kids off for another woman ends up getting her pregnant while he is with her he keeps trying to get back with me we end up getting back together before her child is born for about 2 months then her child is born and he kicks us out again then he wants me back but surprise she is pregnant again but he begs me back I come back and it turns out she is pregnant again. Now the side story of this when he ran us off he didn’t do anything for our 2 kids for over a year would only visit the kids if I would have sex with him no money no nothing eventually after him ignoring court orders I am granted full custody and issued 1,019 a month in child support which was issued in October 2019 he hasn’t ever paid on it now the other extra story me n him got back together in late dec early Jan they are split and he starts fighting her in court over custody of the child they share end up with him getting weekend visits but she doesn’t like me surprise lol after the child coming here for a few weeks she decides the only way he can see the kid is if he comes there he is constantly lying telling me he loves me and wants me he tells her the same thing he says he is using her but I am the one who is here paying bills giving him money and he isn’t doing anything for me and his other 2 kids but runs down there n spends money when he didnt do it when it was us

5 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    He's using all of you, the kids included. This person is emotionally dysfunctional. You can't wave a magic wand and make him behave but you can police yourself to where you inflict the least damage possible on your children. So from now on, don't have sex with him, don't take him back, defend your child support order and get your kids into some therapy so they don't grow up to be serial killers from being raised in such a psychotic situation. 

  • T J
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    When will you wake up, get him out of your life and for sure, do not give him anymore money. He is a user, using both of you. dump him, go find a good man, not this P O S

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I pity your children. 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    I’ve been alone and it’s ok I do it for the children he is a cop a known *** and she is a prostitue she used him for gain and he uses me 

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  • 1 week ago

    He willingly uses BOTH of you women because you both can accept being treated like a convenience store - open 24/7, whenever he feels the need. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it is the truth. 

    The ONLY way to get this to stop, is to stop investing all your energy and thoughts in making life with him. Let him go and move onto something better. Even being alone is better than being used this way. 

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