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Atheists, do you think this video answers the question about the pyramids and Babel?

An atheist asked me a question in regards to the pyramids predating Noah’s flood, and that there was not enough time for the Tower of Babel.

Do you think this video answers the question?

3 Answers

  • 35 mins ago

    As according to the information of Ibni Batuta , the traveler of Tangier, express his view after visiting Pyramid of Giza by confirming that the pyramid system of Giza was build by Prophet Idris ,during BC. 8,600 , before the deluge of Prophet Noah , that happen during BC. 8357. The recent  discovery found out that ,there were deposited or accumulated of salt of Mediterranean sea inside the Pyramid entrance , Please see ,web site . The Great Pyramid of Egypt (Martin Grey). 

  • 44 mins ago

    Only if you're a complete moron.

    You're not a complete moron, are you Nathan?

  • Anonymous
    59 mins ago

    Why don't you stick that YouTube video up your @ss?

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