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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 4 days ago

Why do some men assume the worst of women?

I had a bad day at work. My supervisor was a real *** to me. Later on some man at work was kind to me or at least that's how I perceived it and it made me feel a bit happier so I was kind back to him in the way I spoke to him. My intention was just to be kind back and I also like being kind. Immediately after that he started acting awkward, strange but also happy about it like he thinks I was flirting with him. Another older man and him were talking about me and I couldn't quite hear what the older man was saying but it was obvious they were talking about me whilst sort of laughing. It was weird. I felt really awkward and disrespected.

2 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    People are just getting to sensitive about everything now days.  Little mole hills turn into huge mountains.  People talk, people gossip & you just happened to be the topic at the time.

  • Ashley
    Lv 4
    4 days ago

    That’s part of working in the service industry. I’ve had a guy stalk me when I quit a work place because he thought me saying he looked good after HE pointed out he lost weight, was me saying I wanted to be personally involved in his life. I’m going to assume you are young, pretty etc and that is going to happen. If you can’t let things like this blow over your head, maybe the service industry isn’t for you 

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