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Any ideas how to make a slingshot shoot further ?

I can only pull it back so far because of the length of my arms, otherwise I could probably pull it back so far that the band would snap as I work out lol

2 Answers

  • BBean
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    This is your lucky day...Mike. I usually don`t reveal secrets like this....but, I feel safe sharing the Anti-Whang-Dang slingshot extension with you...I am assuming you are self conscious about your short arms.

    1. If you have tools.

    2. Purchase a vertical fore grip or make one from a section of wooden broom handle. 

    3. Saw out a length of 1"x2"x(desired length)"

    4. Attach the hand handle (stalk a) with designated screw to the 1x2x?

    5. Then mount the slingshot stalk (b) opposite end of 1x2x?. 

    6. Very important...whether or not to use left hand threaded screw to secure slingshot stalk(a) or right hand threads.

    6a. Right hand held stalk (a) use R.H. threaded screw and practice the angle(12 degrees 30 minutes 4 seconds) off to the left. 

    6b. Left hand held stalk use same angle but opposite direction as R.H. providing your master eye is your right eye.

    6c. Warning. If you happen to swap hands and not change angle of extension... you face the danger of unscrewing the threads and the extension whang dangs you on the side of head (depending upon which action taken.) This copyright design is not even open for fair use as of 4/10/21.

    BTW...I did not copy Bear Crap`s design. BC`s design originated in design is exclusively from Texas. Any similarities are strictly coincidental.

  • 3 weeks ago

    mount the sling shot to a plank of wood near one end then attach a grip under it to hold it. Next mount a clothes pin to the board to hold the end of the leather patch. You now have a rifle sling. Adjust to your liking.

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