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What can you put on your resume when you have no previous work history?

I'm trying to pad out my first resume to make it look as impressive as I can, But I have no previous work history. What else can I put in place of that to prove I can be a good candidate for consideration?

6 Answers

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Professional summary (even if you have no experience in your resume)

    Key skills you've learned in school and other experiences.

    Education and academic achievements.

    Classes, training and certifications.

    Personal or academic projects relevant to the job.

    Awards and accomplishments.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Stress you education, internships, and volunteer work.  That is all you have. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    In these cases highlight your education and volunteer work.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    LINDSAY$499 has the best answer, Mark has a good answer as well... I just want to add that you can list a hobby, perhaps coin collecting, if the job requires organizing things. If it requires stamina or strength, list football and weight training.

    Good luck. That time of life can be hard... no job, no work history. No credit card, no credit history!

  • Education history, any volunteer experience, clubs you belonged to and or team sports. If you're not working right now try doing some volunteer work. That's what I did when I first started looking for work, and I got hired in a retail arts and crafts store. 

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Put everything you've done that an interviewer could consider to be something he/she would want to have in a trainee. Employers want their employees to show up, on time, ask for help and be willing to learn. If you do your best that's all you can do. After a few weeks you will get the hang of it and know whether you want to stay there and advance or try for another job.

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