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I'm a 72 year old retired nurse. I have some difficulty getting around so I interact with people through the internet. I'd love to have an E mail from you. I can't see fast enough to IM with anyone but someone who will love me anyway. I have two grown children one of them is with the Air Force in Kyrgyzstan. No grand children yet. but there is plenty of time. Drop me a line tell me where I know you from. I have a memory like a steel sieve.

  • What can I tell her? She is still angry.?

    My friend who is like a daughter to me told me of an incident that happened at her church. She is really upset. The congregation was asked if they had any personal prayer requests. My friend wanted to loose about 75lbs. When she stated her request, The pastor declared...Well your never going to be as skinny as Jan. Jan is a young girl who is very skinny. stands about 5'2" and maybe weighs about 65lbs.

    It floored friend who stated she was thinking of her mother dying in her arms. She blurted out *No, I don't want to look like a walking skeleton.* She regrets the comment. The girl had done nothing to deserve it. She is angry at the pastor for making such a nasty remark and causing the incident.

    hat can I tell her to help her put this into perspective.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Is there anything I can use to substitute for eggs in cornbread?

    I'm out of eggs. I have no way to the store. I want to make two packages of *Jiffy* Corn muffins. What can I use to substitute for the eggs?


    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Are the*Baby* pumpkins good to eat?

    I bought several to use, with other gourds and squash, as table decoration. They still look as fresh as they did when I bought them. I know the gourds aren't used as food; but I'm not sure about the baby pumpkins. If they are good to eat, what are some ways I could fix them for my family?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How does one pull pork or shred chicken? I've recipes for both but I don't know how to preform this maneuver.?

    I've a slue of recipes that really look delicious that call for pulled pork or shredded chicken. I'd like to know more about the technique with which this is accomplished.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How do i get rid of yaho toollbar asking me to instal?

    I've told it yes, then when it just kept on asking I told it no! Now other than a stick of dinomyte how do I get rid of the little pest? At this point I don't care if it installs it or uses it in an erotic dream scape. Just how do I get it to leave me alone!

    1 AnswerSecurity10 years ago
  • Having trouble moving items into my folders.?

    This New! Improved! Yahoo Has me baffled can anyone explain, In a language a Little Old Lady can Understand How One moves an Item into one's folder? It used to be so easy; Press move and a menus drops down and one selected the ideal place. Now their is the sometime working drag and drop that sometimes goes where It's wanted and other times drops items in the twilight zone never to be seen again. Oh, for the good old days...things worked just because...

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors10 years ago
  • Is anyone happy with the new, improved Yahoo?

    I'm so mixed up by the mess that is now my mail box, I could spit. Nothing is normal. Why change things if you cant make them better?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products10 years ago
  • What can you do to a babbling counselor?

    Several years ago when I was a relatively new Christian I told my pastor about a terrible situation in my family. I ask that it be kept quiet and not ever revealed. (the problem was my father's incest with me) She agreed. after the session she was bragging that she had *done a years worth of work in one night* She went on and on about it. Now many years later she haas asked me twice to tell what a wonderful job she did. The kindest thing I could have said is that she is being very generous with her self praise. My own opinion is that she did a half- a88ed job, refused to do any follow up and praised her self to the Sky's. It is several years later and that part of my life is still private. However she is still trying to get me to say how good she did. I've thought of asking her publicly if she means to tell about All the girls she slept with? NO! she didn't to the best of my knowledge. I just want her to know how embarrassing it is when sexual problems are brought out in Church. So far I've kept my cook and said nothing just refused to talk about it. I think I'll change churches. Dorothy is not someone trust anymore.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why is Yahoo covering answers that are unpopular? What Doctrin is Yahoo pushing?

    In a recent Question all answers that doubted whether Jesus was single at the time of His death were covered as if they were obscene. Are we going back to the dark ages where *priests* decided what people could believe and what facts could be presented and how much information should be kept from the public.Are the PTB at Yahoo Answers now in charge of what is decent doctrine and what is not?

    What Doctrine does Yahoo Answers represent? I'm really disapointed in you.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I access a sight for meat loaf recipes that demand a cell Phone #?

    I love Meat Loaf. I goggled meat Loaf and up comes this site offering hundreds of them but demanding me cell phone # in return. I have no cell phone. How can I get to the recipes? I don't know whether to laugh (what do these people expect? I cook in a nice oven not connected to my cell phone. Or be suspicious that this is a scam to defraud me of my 0.15 cents/ What's up with this?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Bad experience in a hospital?

    My friend is an elderly lady who passed out at home last week, She was taken to the hospital. While there she was given a series of tests. Starting I.V.'s on this lady is nearly impossible, She had two nurses trying to start Iv's, Without success. One red-headed nurse kept saying *You should sign yourself out *against medical advise* that would make me so happy!! I don't know a whole lot about signing anyone out against medical advise. My feelings are that your insurance would refuse to pay for your care. There seemed to be no supervisors there. The beleaguered Doctor just seemed to want to shut the patient up. I think they finally quit trying. The poor patient was shivering and crying and begging God to take these monsters off her.

    Miss 'Daisey' (My own name for her) Is a shadow of her former self. What can I do to get the Hospital to discipline The nurses that behaved so badly. And to see to it that elderly patients ae not ganged up on by nurses who think wrestling patients, verbally or physically. I'm now afraid to take my own mother there. I can't be with her every minute, I'm afraide of the pain and fear they might inflict.

    What can Darline and I do to help her mom and mine?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I take in store bought pants?

    I've lost about 5o pounds. How do I remake my clothes to wear as if they are new?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • My little girl was injured in her Karate class?

    The class was practicing punches. The white belt she was matched with only knew the *round house punch.* She used it over and over. (Only punches were allowed) The upshot of this excersize was a trip to the hospital and treatment for a concussion my *girl.*.

    *girl* is timid about approaching The Instructor. He is a teenager; Approximately 18-20. He has very little knowledge young girls and how they behave in a group.

    My Question is how do i inform the instructor he has a significant problem that he needs to defuse?

    *girl* will be so angry if I say anything and she finds out about it. I don't want to see her hurt or mad at me. The second one in that series being the most important.

    What should I do?

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Hernia repair [Why bowel enemas till clear??]?

    My understanding of a hernia repair is it is done without really interacting with the bowel. Basically, manual alignment of bowel from outside the abdominal cavity, an incision, an insertion of mesh and then closure. Why am I being ordered to have laxatives and enemas? It doesn't make sense. I'd like any help I can get.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is there a polite way to tell my doctor to lay off the weight demands?

    I am 70 years old. I am about 50 lbs over weight. In the last 10 years I've taken off about 120 lbs. I've moved to a new area and have, by necessity, a new doctor. this guy is ok as a doctor. The problem is he has a bug about people being over weight. I've told him, his rants make me want to eat more and regain all the weight I've lost. He doesn't get the message. He thinks He is helping. He isn't.

    Right now this town is having something of a rescission and there aren't very many doctors close and I don't want to have to travel to far. How should I go about telling him to shut up about my weight? At seventy I'm not going to worry about weight.

    I'm going into surgery for a hernia at the end of the week. I want to go to another doctor who isn't so sure losing weight will answer all my prayers.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How is the best way to dry Rosemary and mint.?

    My little mother's day gift has just exploded with fresh herbs. I'd like to preserve them, How is the best way to dry them.OH and if any one lives in the desert I'll be moving to Las -Vegas. what kind of herbs can I grow there? Thanks for any help you are willing to give.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Has any one referenced this book? Re feeding cats and dogs?

    The info contradicts all we've been told to hold sacrosanct. Would like others opinions?,8599,198...

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How can I disable cap lock without physically taking the cap of the key?

    Frequently, when i'm in a hurry and typing as fast as these old hands will let me, i unknowingly hit cap lock and find a whole mess of capitalized words that I have to go back and delete and then retype. Or I'll post the lot and someone will tell me to quit shouting. I'm an old lady and I can't hear very good. But my speech is facile enough that I seldom need to yell. Is there a way to get rid of all this feature> something that will work and not be to techie.

    Please and thank you!

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Women in combat?? Good idea or bad?

    Women are now going to be allowed to serve on submarines. Do you think this is a workable idea? How about women in combat? Is a women lying dead in a dusty street in Iraq any worse than a man lying dead there? Will her children morn more than his will? Do his kids need him any less than hers need her? Any human being lying dead is awful. maybe TPTB will not be so swift to start a war. What is your opinion.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why are the Adds so aggressive?

    I was trying to answer an question here and a dog food add kept blocking me. I felt as if I needed a lesson in Judo to keep this full coverage add off. As it was I lost the work I'd done. my only retaliation was to buy a different brand of food for my critters. And complain to the powers that be and here of course. How do you all feel about these pop ups and roll over adds? is there any cyber karate that would intimidate them?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago