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Lv 613,098 points

Tom Sawyer

Favorite Answers6%

I am well rounded smart sort of easy going most of the time. love to eat pizza and watch DVD's

  • Why is that some people think they have the right to yell at you?

    This can apply to work or you are helping your brother, friend whoever it may be. What makes them think that it is okay to yell at you when you are not doing it the way they think it should be done or the way they want it done.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why is it that people seem to be Jealous of those that have more.?

    I mean I don't understand it why people are so jealous of the super rich did not they get out and earn it? Now it is true that some were born into it but that should not matter the rich always want more and if you happen to work for them they can't pay you a livable wage because they say we will have to raise our prices.

    No that is not the reason it is called greed they won't be able to buy that Royles Royce and take home 23 million dollar salary.

    But don't be jjealousfor one minute because they will get what is coming to them.

  • Why do liberal hate The weathy so much?

    Are they really that envious of them?

    17 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Has anyone ever lost their TracFone?

    I did and need to know who to call to get it turned off so the person who found it cannot buy any minutes in my name. I found a numer called it talked with a person and told them what had happen they said it could be block. thing is did they really block it after I told they just to block it?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • How many of you play the Lottery in your State?

    I play it but have not won yet, but have planes for it when I do, give to what charities I like then the rest invest invest invest.

    4 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • If Obama was a white man would you have voted for him?

    Or would you have just said he is another bush want to be

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will Obama cry fowl Tomorrow?

    When the Republicans take back the Senate and House 80 to 20 in both .

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who would win in this fight?

    Bruce Lee are Chuck Norris

    Bruce lee are Steven Segal

    Bruce lee are Jean Claude Van Damn

    10 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How do you know if you are a dipstick or not?

    Give it your best shot but try to keep it clean, oh I am not talking about the dipstick you check you oil with.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What color is the Sky?

    Oh and don't say it is blue, Scientific answers please

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Did anyone out there find Avatar movie racial?

    Where in the movie was it anything racial about it, by that white and Blue racial.

    I watch the movie and found nothing in it that could be considered racist.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Taking over someone's mail box?

    Let's say you have a better looking mail box than your neighbor has and well they get jealous and swap the numbers that you have for their own Address.

    Now these mail box's are side by side is that considered stealing?

    I am not sure which category to put this in plus I could not find it I believe this goes under Government.

    So my apologies if it under the wrong one.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can an Employer refuse a Legitimate Doctors excuse?

    Our managers at the place where I work tell us that just because you bring in a Doctors excuse that does not mean the absence is excused.

    Is this legal are not?

    16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do question about obama get reported or deleted?

    I mean I see questions and insults about Bush, McCain, and other Republicans but they do not get reported.

    What is up with people unless in is sexual by nature I will not report it.

    Call Republicans idiots I will not report it because it is just and opinion.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who will win the Super Bowl?

    Will the Saints come away with the win of a life time or lose by three points?

    I will score it 24 Saint 18Colts

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Are you for gun control are against it.?

    Here in American there are different opinion on that subject, but that is why it is your right to have it, that is your opinion.

    Freedom to say what you think on a specific subject regardless if others do not agree.

    People get killed everyday by some one with a gun but take away the gun and they will use a knife stick are stone.

    Stricter law on when you use a gun improperly, like robbing a bank are killing someone is what is needed.

    Guns should only be use for hunting are protecting your home and family never ever to hurt others intentionally.

    Teaching the proper us of a gun is what is needed and the penalties for the misuse of the weapon.

    When you kill someone intentionally with a gun without a reason do like they did in the old west Hang them.

    That will not stop it completely but if everyone is of the same mind on the sentence and let the law do it's job then it will work.

    I have a gun and I most defiantly respect what it can do and the destruction that it leaves behind when used improperly.

    Guns are a useful tool when use the right way, they can kill a snake that is about to bit you are a very big large four legged rat that is biting your child.

    Guns are a good thing when used in the right way it is just some people use them to do very bad things and that makes it hard for those who do use it the right way.

    I know that this sound more like a rant but it really isn't it is just my opinion.

    I would love to hear yours it is important and your right to voice it when you are asked.

    If you report this all you are doing is violating someones right to voice and opinion.

    If you are for gun control great tell me why I certainly will not hold it against you.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter, remember this it is your right as and American and a citizen of this world to disagree.

    If you live else where it is still your right to have and opinion on this matter and any thing else you have and opinion on.

    Again I am very sorry if this sounds like a rant I certainly did not mean for it to sound like one .

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is up with all this cold weather?

    I mean it has snow twice hear in south Louisiana in the pass 2 years.

    When I was growing up we might have gotten a snow every7 years.

    Now I am not one to worry about the world ending in 2012 but this is very strange the whole USA is having.

    Stay very warm if you are where it is snowing today remember bundle up.

    2 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • Are suppressors for handguns legal in your State.?

    Yes or no, they are in mine if you have it registered.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Which is better Plasma, DLP, or LCD Tv.?

    I am thinking about buying one and need to know which is better.

    I hear that the Plasma only last around 2 1/2 years and haven't heard anything on the DLP TV. I have a Lcd tv and it all ready has a line running down one side.

    I do not play videos games just watch movies.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago