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ancient aliens, all about the money?
they're selling the series on dvd now, the whole thing is ridiculous
found this and it makes a LOT more sense to me then ET
check it out.
1 AnswerAnthropology8 years agoIs anybody that works for starbucks happy ( please no newhires)?
I am considering the possibility of working for starbucks but I don't know if starbucks is the place for me, I like fast -paced work environments and friendly is always good but I just am not sure about the rest (benefits / pay / etc) so if any starbucks could respond that would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Oh and sorry about the new hires thing but EVERYBODY is happy when they first get into a job. Oh yeah and one more thing, is this a job or a Career? Thank you!
1 AnswerCorporations8 years agois the effort of getting my job back at rei futile?
I am wondering if it is even worth the effort to apply at REI, I was fired from there in 1998 but with no explanation why, (and I sure as heck don't know why) so I am left with this big question mark over my head wondering what happened. It was kind of like a car wreck or another traumatic experience, at the end of my shift the boss just said your fired and that was it I went to the back, got my stuff and that was the last day I worked at REI, now if that had happened now I would have contested it knowing full-well that I did nothing to get fired for. This was before 1998 so I am wondering what you think about applying again, I have moved so it would be a different REI but I know they probably keep records of stuff like that, but for how long? Any suggestions are also welcome (and don't tell me to move on, I already have moved on and had other jobs and did not lose them but couldn't stay in them for one reason or another ( moving ,etc.) , but this (REI) was a career. So should I re- apply or just give up and get some job I don't want.
2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses8 years agoWell I guess I was just an Ignorant kid?
in 1997 I worked at REI ( i know, a LONG time ago, but I am going somewhere with this so please read on) and was a good worker and was happy with my job, one day at the end of my shift I was called aside and "let go" it was way past my probationary time and I was a darn good employee if I do say, so myself but there was no reason to have fired me, my question is if I re-applied all these years later at a different REI (i've moved) will the record of my firing still be there? I miss that job and should not have been fired it is my own fault that nothing was said or done at the time of the firing but I really was just a dumb kid that didn't know any better than to just say okay and leave. I appreciate you reading all of this as it was a bit long but there was much to say. Oh and I don't want to take legal action against them, I do miss my job but I am not going to get it back that way. Thank you for reading. ( and for your response)
5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoam I a virgin............................?
Hey, I know, weird question but I'd like to know what people think about this situation
I had a seizure a long time ago and apparently before the seizure I had a girlfriend intimacy and all that ( I was told) well I can't remember a frigging thing about anything before I had the seizure (including girlfriends) and I haven't had a girlfriend since then so I was wondering if you would consider me to be a virgin or not because I can't even remember my first kiss and (and enough time has passed now that the doctors have said that "what Ive got is what I've got") so I am not going to be remembering anything else so, what do you think. Just to clarify I don't remember anything but I can form new memories, it was the grand maul seizure that pretty much wiped my brain clean of memories.
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years agocan a person get lazer hair removal if they have an ICD?
1 AnswerHair9 years agowhat is the CPU on the sony vaio desktop model pcv-c42L?
I am building a PC and I want a CPU with the same output
model pcv-c42L is what it says it is on the back of it
thank you.
4 AnswersDesktops10 years agoSo, here I am, faithless?
a "christian" and now realizing that not even one prayer that I have ever prayed has EVER been answered, even out of coincidence one or two should have been, that ask and you shall receive bs is just that, I've had very emergent prayers that have only been responded to by silence, it hasn't always been this way I used to be very devout and went on mission trips and the like but as I think about Christianity it makes less and less sense to me, If Jesus wanted us to know of him why didn't he just create something, something that would withstand the test of time and be here on earth as an eternal witness/proof of his existence NOT the bible something tangible that he created and we could not. Something that would bear witness to his having been here.Supposedly he created us so he would know that we would be skeptical. If this offends you, then I apologize but that is what yahoo answers is for isn't it?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agocamera help nikon d3000 lens?
I have a nikon D3000, my nephew likes gadgets and things like that, well I bet you can see where this is going, fortunately I got to him before the camera was disassembled but I have only recently discovered that he managed to take the back part of one of my lenses off, re - assembling the back part of this lens has become more than I am capable of doing I need some assistance from someone who knows what they are doing, what I have is pretty simple, it's just the rear lens and three screws that are about 1/4 inch in length (all the wires are still connected) found the three screw holes but with further inspection I discovered that just inserting the screws will not attach the back part to the camera lens I need help, please. I haven't really tried to connect it, I figured that I would get some info from someone who knows what they are doing before i make an attempt, I'm pretty good with gadgets and stuff I just don't want to mess this up.
There are three screw holes and three screws but it looks as if it may not be just that simple to re- assemble. Because of the nature of this problem i cannot take it to a professional, please help.
2 AnswersCameras1 decade agogoing to paramedic school?
Hello I intend on going to school to be a paramedic, I'm just the kind of person who likes to be overly prepared, that being said I want to be as prepared as possible for paramedic school. What can I do to be prepared for medic school and what do I not need to be studying right now. I would prefer answers from people in the medical field but every answer is appreciated.
4 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade agoProblem with a neighbor?
there is a old hag that lives by the park where I live and every time we (my mom and I) go to the park she threatens us that she is goihg to call the cops because the car is parked in a culdasak and there is a no parking sign,but noone else in the neighborhood has a problem with it because my mom cannot walk the hills requires to get there and everyone hates her for being a hag my mom is not capable of going up and down the hills that it would require to get to the park so walking there is not an option.So I am looking for more creative solutions to this problem. Any and alll input is appreciated, Thank you.
10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoSocial anxiety disorder?
Okay, my brother is 23, none of us thought anything of it but he just spends sooo much time in his room (E-bay) that is not the primary issue, what it is, is that he no longer leaves the house for anything, nothing at all even to go to dinner which he used to love doing. He shows no signs at all of depression and none of us think that this is the issue. Social anxiety disorder however fits like a glove and therein lies the problem he has a type A personality and does not take advice well. It will
be nearly impossible (even if the evidence is presented to him directly) to convince him of this. It has been progressive as he used to go places with us but now will not leave the house. Okay do not hesitate to write even for suggestions you might think are stupid, at this point I will take all the suggestions I can get. My sincerest thanks.
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoNeed help with my waitering capabilities?
hello, I am applying for waitstaff job at an extremely high-class restaurant the issue I have is with memory, I have no impairments yet I would still like to be able to remember better than I currently do ( I know I can just write it down, but for the sake of speed, professionalism and making each order personal I would much prefer to be able to recollect) so, with that in mind is there any computer program, brain exercise or other method that I could use to enhance my mental capability to the point in which I could do that, thank you.
1 AnswerSeattle1 decade agoShould I go to buiseness school?
I am thinking of going to business school, why should I not?
3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoFrom the summit, A question of what to do?
I live in a small town (veeerrry small) And now am looking for someplace online to make money as the oportunites here are nearly non-existant. (please only legitimate answers.) Thank you.
1 AnswerMarketing & Sales1 decade agoI am looking for a place online to get rock salt (the kind you cook with NOT the kind you put on your driveway?
Where I live, there is no place to get rock salt for cooking, I can only get the salt for the driveway and since gravel isn't in any of my recipes that won't work.If anybody knows someplace online that sells rock salt for cooking , that would be much appreciated thank you.
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago