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I will try not to be rude and remain factual unless it's more of an opinion question. Constructive help is the best help.

  • Penguins: mammal or bird?

    I looked up past questions already so please don't give me that lecture. Just curious to see what people come up with to support their answer. Personally, I'm not sure exactly how I would classify them but I'd say more bird.



    Hatch eggs

    regurgitate food

    flat ears

    Can anyone else find other reasons to support or disprove?

    Have a nice day!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Another myspace question ... >.>?

    Okay, so when a friend signed me up I got notices that someone had sent me a message or I had a new friend request or whatever. And one day they just ... stopped coming. I've asked Tom several times what the problem could be because it's really annoying to have to refresh my page when I'm messaging back and forth with a friend. Do any of you know what might be the problem or who I could ask about fixing it?

    Thank you in advace for NICE answers. Please no "myspace sucks" answers .. I'm asking for honest help with a pestering problem.

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Does yahoo need another category break off?

    On here, I see so many valid questions about piercings that are caught up in the tattoo category. Does yahoo need a subdivision for piercings to make sorting them out easier if you aren't interested in sorting through all of them to find one about the other? Just wondering, I think it might be an interesting change.

    16 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • About Religious Evangelists or lack of religion Evangelists ... Giving all of human kind a bad name?

    Okay, I am Christian and even from my stand point of personally believing that God is the almighty and the only God; I don't see any good that preaching to Athiests about how they are wrong, will go to hell, so forth, does.

    The way to make someone see a point, in my opinion, is to have a civilized conversation where you both state your points and agree on some while agree to disagree on others. Personal choices wont be changed over the internet, so why badger people and make the verbal fighting worse than it already is? And to those who are just trying to live their lives like me, does it get on your nerves that just because of what you believe in you get lumped in with the extremist and called every name under the sun when you try to show that they (which ever side) is being the bigot they themselves are accusing another group of being? I can't stand it, there is more to life then fighting over who is right and who is wrong on every issue in the world. Can't people grow up and talk?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do ignorant people post questions that have no factual basis?

    I've seen many questions about why do religions, force, assume, ignore, and all that other junk that people go off about when they have no idea? I find it extremely disrespectful. If someone wants to have a grown up conversation and ask a true question go for it ... but why do they act so silly and bash everyone? It makes no sense to me.

    Does anyone else find it disrespectful?

    Does it confuse you?

    Does it anger you?

    Or are you one of the askers out here that goes on a ranting rage instead of finding facts?

    I've wondered where all of these askers are coming from for a while and I just can't figure it out ...

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Calling tattoo artists or people with tattoos on fore arms!?

    I am planning on getting my first tattoo next month. I am 18 so it's legal and I know they are premant. I'm not looking for ignorant people saying they are evil and what about 50 years later ...

    The tattoo I want is the chinese symbol for Dragon on my left forearm but closer to my wrist. Where is a safe spot to get it on your arm? How close can you go to the wrist befor risking hitting a major vein? I'm very pale ... and I don't want to use bright colors, it will be small and probably in gray so that the black wont make my paler. Does anyone have suggestions about placement? Color? Any GOOD advice. I will get it either way but I want to do it safely. Oh, and I have metal allergies, really really badly ... I'm allergic to any metal besides 10k Gold, Sterling Silver, Surgical Steel, Titanium and Stainless Steel. Should I ask about possible ink allergies when I go to get it?

    Thank you all!

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Can you delete a question asked on Yahoo Questions if you reasked and got an answer from that one?

    I guess the question wasn't worded well the first time so I reasked and now I'm wondering about deleting or at least closing the first one since I got an aswer from the second one.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Revision of an earlier question about reporting someone badgering from a friends account.?

    He is a friends "ex" and kept getting into her account while she is in the hospital asking the same question over and over. How can I report him to Yahoo without his name? And hopefully preventing him from opening new accounts and doing the same things.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • someone got into a friends yahoo, how do I report the person if I don't have their yahoo name?

    I deleted his yahoo and now he got into a friends and keeps badgering me for information that he doesn't need to know. How can I get rid of him?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago