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Why do ignorant people post questions that have no factual basis?

I've seen many questions about why do religions, force, assume, ignore, and all that other junk that people go off about when they have no idea? I find it extremely disrespectful. If someone wants to have a grown up conversation and ask a true question go for it ... but why do they act so silly and bash everyone? It makes no sense to me.

Does anyone else find it disrespectful?

Does it confuse you?

Does it anger you?

Or are you one of the askers out here that goes on a ranting rage instead of finding facts?

I've wondered where all of these askers are coming from for a while and I just can't figure it out ...


I just wanted opinions on this issue. I'm not going to get mad and sorry if it came out like ranting, I tried to avoid that. True, facts aren't really about religion but assumptions like "only christians wear crosses" come on ... That is what gets me about any form of religious bashing.

Update 2:

The age is a good point. I'm only 18 but I'm not going to go door to door and give away bibles. I admit that I don't know a lot about religion beyond what I've been taught, I just try to stay respectful and bite my tongue if my words wouldn't be polite.

Update 3:

Unknown, thank you for being the first to actually talk about the attacking. That's what I was seeing if people would say. And it's not just athiests going after christianity, why does any group attack another? It takes so much more energy than accepting and living.

Update 4:

Ignosticism, who are you taking to about calming down? And who are you calling Sir?

Wiccan Rider, I didn't mean that JUST christians get hammered on. And I know some Wiccans so at least I know the difference between Satanic and Wiccan.

Dawg, please stop ... you aren't answering the question at all and it's annoying ...

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I agree.

    I especially agree with The Poster with No Name.

    I do find it very irritating when people start a question with "Fact: ..." and then batter out any old nonsense. Especially when connected with being gay (what is the obsession people have?) and sinning and burning in eternal damnation (and that's from people who love us!).

    I disagree with the person who said that facts have no place here: a genuinely held religious/spiritual belief is a 'fact' in a person's life - where it all falls down is when people assume that their belief is a universal truth. There ain't no such animal.

    And yes, I do sometimes have a little rant back - here or in e-mails to the few who leave them open. I'm intolerant of intolerance - and I am not perfect in my actions ... and that IS a fact I am prepared to own!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the issue is one of generalization. Obviously, there ARE people out there who will attempt to force their religion on you. I've had it happen before, they may or may not have had it happen to them. It's just something that happens. That doesn't mean that all individuals of a given religion do that (though technically, the bible teaches that you're supposed to. The great commision or something), so it's really an issue of generalization, and a question based off of that generalization.

    Personally, I remain agnostic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not really angered by it, but I do think it's sad.

    My guess is that some of the people who post these questions are just trying to annoy others. They probably get some weird pleasure out of it.

    But I think most of the people are just so terrified that everything they believe in may be wrong that they have to lash out at other beliefs.

  • Jan P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't bother me but I pray for God to give me the wisdom to know when to answer and when to move on.

    Some people are just here for the points and don't really care about what they are answering as some askers are just trying to get a response.

    Ignore what you have to.....pray for people you see asking weird questions. Trust that God brought you here for a reason.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because some people or ignorant.

    some poor souls or actually retarded.

    they just had a death in the family and now very angry

    a child has gotten to a computor and is pretending their an adult

    a adult is pretending that their a child

    there bird just flew out the window and their angry upset and just plain mad at life

    their grandson just got killed by a dog,

    their mother died & their depressed.and when you get depressed you get stupid.

    the neighbours have been harrashing them for no reason and their angry and want to take it out on someone

    a bigfoot creature stole thru a window into a humans home & is trying its best to learn english and learn the computor at the same time

    ummm.oh.there in terrible cronic pain, depressed.& angry at life.

    someone stole their dog, and had it in there back yard in a cage hanging from a chain and it upset them and they havnt had a chance to settle down.

    someone stole their 1000 dollar bike,

    the store clerk was rude,and they want to return the rudeness any way they can

    They do not have the wonderful Spirit of God within them guiding them,

    I have to answer the door now .but I will try to get back with you on the remainder of the reasons why people seem to be so rude crude. weird and also of course strange.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why an atheist feels he/she must take it upon themselves to make us turn away from our faith! It does not anger me it saddens me that they are so angry that they want us to as they have said be smart like them. I would rather the Atheists just leave us alone I pray for them. I really do! I pray that they would know the joy of God's love, the joy of answered prayer. My prayer is for them! That they will not have the need to inter this site and attack our beliefs.What good would they be doing for the world if they turned everyone into nonbelievers such as themselves? God is not all anger God is love. I love because I have been instructed to love. I forgive because I have been instructed to forgive. Yes I find that the atheist are very disrespectful to my God and I pray for them and I shall always pray for them.I suggest that each and every Christian pray for every atheist who attacks our beliefs to Pray for them.

    Source(s): I am a lifetime Christian.
  • 1 decade ago

    They like to be disrespectful. the truth is those against Christianity will say there are no facts, it goes on and on with every form of belief raining down on the other. there is no excuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really find it offensive, but it's irritating when people blast Christians for believing something not all Christians believe. I think most of these posters are pretty young though and they go through these phases. Christians do it to non-Christians too sometimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are scared of what they don't know or understand and unfortunately are easily "brainwashed" into believing the first option they are presented with, whether or not it is factual or not. I find it unfortunate that people give up thinking for themselves and let others do it for them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Christians are real bad about that. If you do not like any religious bashing, then I habve ot ask if you get all upset like this when someone attacks Wicca?*

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