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  • If you are having bleeding from endometriosis....?

    would taking Vitamin B make you nauseated? WHY?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • do they run checks for outstanding warrents when applying for a marriage license?

    My friend is getting her ML tomorrow. Her fiance had a bench warrent he "took" care of. I am not sure he is telling her the truth. I just hope they dont show up tomorrow and he gets arrested. The wedding is Saturday....

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do you clean a feather comforter?

    My hubby has this feather comforter that he has had FOREVER....I think it may have never been cleaned....HELP!

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • We have been trying to concieve for almost a year now...?

    I got pregnant with my daughter at 19, very unexpectedly (I was on the pill). Now, I will be 29 in a week and we want a child together. (I have one and he has two from out first marriages). I never imagined either one of us would have issues with fertility. I am not sure what to do next. I dont want to go to a specialist, and honestly , have only been tracking my cycles to try and know my ovulation days. What else can we try before we go and see a specialist, or is now the time?

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • If you accidently write a bad check...?

    Two months ago I wrote a $350 check. Well, someone got my account info and caused me over $1000 in fraudulent charges...OH it was aweful! The bank paid many of the overdraft fees, but I still had to repay many of the items. This particular check was to a small business owner. He threatened to turn me into the Magistrate and have me arrested, even though I explained everything to him. So, he took half the payment last week and said he would give me to the end of the month...

    He came to my home today, demanding the money. I explained to him that it was not available, and that was our arrangement. Can he still have me arrested for the original bad check, now that other arrangements have been made?

    I already feel like an a**hole about the whole thing, but I am trying to repay over 1000 in debt now....

    11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • If you are arrested for a suspended lisence and then have a bail bondsman post bail....?

    You appear in court and told you are going to be rescheduled. You are never given another court date, and have a really hard time getting any information., or even anyone to answer the phone at the county it happened. Been pulled over, no issues with suspended lisence....

    A year later, the bail company puts a bounty hunter out on that legal? Its not me, and this is about all the info I got...just wondering about the whole bounty hunter and how they can come after someone....

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I want to volunteer in New Orlean.?

    I will be moving there on June 1st. My husband is there working to help rebuild (as a contractor). I will be joining him, but dont know anything about his work. I am a nurse and would like to do something in the health field. BUT I want to volunteer my time to the Katrina victims!

    Any ideas or places to contact.

    5 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • My husband has hired movers for our upcoming move to New Orleans...?

    Can anyone tell me a website to check the moving company out? I want to see if they have a good reputation or not,any major problems, complaints, etc...

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • What is the name of song?

    What is the name of the song and the artist....the song that Melinda sang on American Idol tonight.

    4 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • My husband has been working out of town for 6 months now...?

    We have just been given a BIG contract in New Orleans. It is at least a year long, maybe two. I am in SC with my daughter. He is currently looking for us a house there, so that we can join him at the end of the school year.

    My family is NOT going to like me moving there. It is far away from GA and they think it is a dangerous city. (We will be living in another parish outside of New Orleans).

    Any ideas on how to make all this easier? Easier on my family and my daughter?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My husband has been in New Orleans, working, for 6 months...?

    Now he has got a great contract that will keep him there for at least another year. He is going to get a house in the Lake Charles area (I think thats where he said), and my daughter and I are going to live there with him.

    I am a little scared, grew up in GA, never been through a hurricane or flood.

    Can anyone give me advise to ease my fears? Also, I know my family is going to be upset to hear I am moving there, bc they think it is dangerous. Any words ot help me know what to say to them?

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • I can't find a Justice of the Peace in Georgia...?

    Can anyone tell me how to get married in Northern Georgia, with out a minister?

    This is both of our second marriage, so we don't want a wedding. I have googled Justice of the Peace and got nothing! I need HELP! We want to get married when our whole family is together in a few weeks...

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What if I am wrong?

    To all the nonbelievers...I am a Christian, I am saved and know when I die, I am going to Heaven.

    But, to those of you that believe in nothing, or that we just die and that is it...WHY? I mean I think it is sad to think you live in this world, try to be good, and then...BOOM! That's is just all over. There is no reward for your life. You just die.

    Well if you are right, then I guess I have nothing to loose!

    But, if we (Christians) are right, then what are you risking?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite NASCAR driver?

    I love JR!!! He is a cutie!!!

    I will always be a Dale FAN!

    5 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Can you legally withhold rent from your land lord for...?

    not repairing multiple safety concerns, such as not having keys for deadbolts, only doorknobs. The windows are also painted shut, leaving no way out of the back of the house in a fire. There is also a closet that opens to the outside of the house, which houses our breaker box, hot water heater, and personal items. I dont have a key for that door either!

    I also have a newly developed bug problem and doors he still hasn't replaced...

    I dont want to be in the wrong, but he has not even attempted to correct any of these issues and we are now 3 months into the lease.....

    15 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I was coming down the stairs and I my legs just came out from under me...?

    I was laying in the floor having the worst lower back pain i have ever had! I eventually was able to crawl to the couch and I took a muscle relaxer. I have a heating pad on it now...but it still hurts.

    My question is, could this be related to my kidney stones I had last week.? I passed four at home and have not had any pain since then. I was having back pain in the same place, not as bad, prior to passing the stones, so it makes me wonder if they are related.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Did America really vote for Sanjaya on American Idol?

    I can not believe they sent AJ home!

    9 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago