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  • Switching to CF bulbs. Is it worth it?

    Is the switch from regular light bulbs to CF bulbs really worth it? I understand that they are better for the environment, but do they really pay for themselves?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard of Oklahoma rock crumbling due to ants?

    I live in Tulsa Oklahoma and have been experiencing problems with ants lately. We have had 22 days straight of rain and that is about when they decided to visit. They change locations where they come in but now I have noticed a spot on the corner of my house where the rock (typical Oklahoma rock) is missing the top layer. Almost like the rock peeled off. The ants are all over it. Big problem!!!!! I don't know which came first but I did NOT notice this rock looking like this a couple of days ago. I can't find anything about this subject on the internet so I thought maybe you all might be smarter than me! PLEASE HELP before I lose my house or my mind!

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Doing research "What's your fav. game?"?

    I am doing research for my website, and would like to try to find out what are the popular games that people like to play or what games they played when they were growing up. I want to see if my games are similar to popular demand and I would like to try to make a chart of percentages of what people like. Just a thought, I figured it would be easier to get more answers and faster this way.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • My husband is looking for a sport that will get him out of the house...?

    My husband is worried that he isn't active enough. He likes competitive sports, but we don't have every weekend available to play softball, or basketball or other team sports. Ideally it would be something that could be practiced alone, or with others, not overly expensive, and that has competitions occasionally. The one sport that comes immediately to mind (and appeals to him ) is fencing.

    Any other suggestions?

    8 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Emails I send sometime show up as SPAM... Why?

    This only happens occasionaly but sometimes when I send emails to my husband they get automatically deleted as SPAM and sometimes they go through. Also one of my coworkers when I reply to them it shows up as SPAM but still goes to their inbox. Why? I have yahoo email so could it be me or them or what????? HELP!!!!!!

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Need advise from parents re: Christmas problem!!?

    I have three children 9, 8 and 2. My 9 year old daughter is very young at heart but I just found out that she is the last child in her class to..... "believe". She evidentaly got into a dispute with her friends in class about it and told them that she was going to get up at 5:30 to prove it. I found all of this out the day after Christmas when my mother told me that she had relayed this information to her. Well I had told her that she couldn't set her alarm for 5:30 Christmas morning because the baby needed to be able to sleep later than that.... (obvioulsy not knowing she was trying to be a detective).

    What should I do say to smooth things out with her? I don't want her to loose her innocence, yet I don't want her to get into it with her classmates. Another thing is that we are strong Christians and I don't want her to question her beliefs in God (if you catch my meaning)

    Please let me know what you have experienced with your children or how your parents handled this.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Need to cook a ham around a time limit,TODAY... HELP!!!?

    I have a 8.5 lb spiral cut ham that I want to have for a special dinner tonight at 5:30 pm. I have to leave the house from 12:00 noon to 4:30 ish. Is it possible to to put this fully cooked ham in the oven on 200* at noon to just have it warm or will it get dried out? Should I just put it in for 45 minutes?

    Please help me what do you suggest? I don't wnat a dry ham or a burnt down house or a disease infested ham either.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • A thank you for a bible study home group leader?

    I attend a bible study in someones home and we are supposed to do a special thank you to the people who offer their home this week. They know us very well and know that our finances are very tight and next to none. Some of the members are doing things like bringing a plant etc.... What could I do that shows how much I care about the people and still do something for them.

    I was thinking I could offer to cook dinner for them or something like that.

    Any other ideas???? I don't get paid till after the day of the bible study but it is important for me to do something other than just a card.

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Anyone got their keychain yet from yahoo?

    I got plenty of best answers way before the deadline to get the keychain or whatever you picked from the promo. But no keychain yet.... Just wondering if anyone else got theirs yet. The didn't say you had to wait 4 to 6 weeks or anything.

    I just wonder if this is going to be like the special thank yous they had but didn't really have.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I read the Chronicles of Narnia LOVED IT! Suggest another....?

    I read them all and loved them! I like the way the stories flowed. They were very active and you were really drawn in to the story! Can anyone suggest another book that has a very similar read to it? I want to start another book or series but I never was much of a reader (parents just never made it a priority) but have just realized I like to read! Please tell me of something you would recomend that is similar and why you think I would like it...... GOSH this sounds like a book report. Not really just need insight from more experienced readers! = )

    Thanks a bunch!

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Bird died in the chimney! What do I do?

    I know that after a certain amount of time the smell will go away but now I am worried that when it gets cold and we light a fire it will start again. We put an air freshener in the fire place to get us through the stinky part but I need advise on where to go from now. I plan on going up on the roof to see what I find but I would think that if the critter got stuck and died I wouldn't be able to get to it..... Any thoughts? What do I do?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Need help finding a ??? about Steve Irwin Death Video...Joke catagory.?

    I was cruising through the jokes and riddles catagory and came across a question that said it was a link to see the video of his death and when you went to the link it was one of those turn the sound up and watch close kind of things and it was a scary face. I can't find the link or the question and it doesn't show up in my history. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

    Only answer if you really can. NO SILLYNESS PLEASE!! I just want that link.

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Need information about X box games......?

    My mother just bought my son the new X box and the store clerk told her that we can download games for it and possibly burn copies of games. I have a hard time believing this as they are pretty expensive I would think they would be imposible to get for free. Is there any website that I can get games for him (he is only eight years old so they don't have to be very complex) I know you can get them from netflix are there any other options out there? I just can't afford $60 games! BTW PLEASE don't answer back with useless IDK answers or anything else just to get 2 points! I need advise not sillyness. = ) Thanks in advance for your help!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need info re: new Pirates of Caribbean movie?

    PLEASE I DON'T WANT USELESS ANSWERS!!!!! My children saw the first movie but I have heard that the new one is much scarier. I have a 7 year old and a 9 year old. They have seen movies like lord of the rings, Star Wars, Jurassic Park. They understand the concept of CG and know it's not real but I don't want to subject them to horrible dreams. If you have seen it...what is so scary about it so I can decide.

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it really ok to leave a crock pot unattended all day?

    I love the crock pot classics that they sell at the grocery store but I have never used my crock pot all day and actually left the house. I work for 6 hours out of the day and I don't want to burn my house down or ruin the meal. Is it ok? I know it is a dumb question but better safe than sorry.

    27 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Windows start bar messed up..HELP!?

    My son was playing games on my laptop and when he finished the bar at the bottom of the screen had now been changed to the side of the screen which is VERY annoying and not as easy to use... I don't know how to fix this and get it back to the bottom. I don't know a lot about computers but if someone could tell me which file to get into to fix this I would be SSSOOOO greatfull!

    6 AnswersSoftware2 decades ago
  • I am addicted to soda and carbs. Is there anything out there that would make it less apealing to me?

    OOOHHHHH THEY ARE SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! But they are making me fat!

    28 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • Ten year reunion... How do I lose weight fast?

    I know!!!! Not a great idea. And yes I had ten years to get this done. I now have three kids and am very busy so it's hard to eat healthy and exersise as much as I should. Any websites with EASY EASY healthy recipies. Gotta be fast and cheap (remember I have three kids)! Also do water pills work for this? What else works? HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!

    34 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago