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I'm in no way qualified to answer your questions. I like parentheses when answering math questions. Deal with it. I also like logic and reason. I also like long walks on the beach, dirty martinis.

  • How do I automate the scenario manager in Excel?

    I have a spreadsheet where I'm interested in how the result of two dependent variables changes in response to changing four different independent variables. Each of these four independent variables can have about 7 different values. As you can imagine, I don't want to manually type 2401 (7^4) individual scenarios into the scenario manager, so I'm wondering if there is a way for me to automate this process? Thanks.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Where can you create your own six pack of beer in the Houston area?

    So I'm looking to expand my beer horizons but don't want to be stuck with 5 beers if I end up not liking a particular brew. Therefore, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend to me a location in the greater Houston area (north Houston would be preferable, as I'm in the Woodlands/Spring area) that offers create your own six packs, hopefully with a variety of beers to choose from.

    Thanks, and if you have any recommendations, that'd be great as well.

    (Also: sorry if this is badly categorized, but some of the other appropriate subthreads seem to be not as lively.)

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How to fix a loose snap button?

    I have a shirt with some snap buttons on it. The other day, the female part of the button came off. I was able to reattach it with some pliers and patience; it was even able to withstand a round in the washing machine and dryer without coming off.

    However, now the button unsnaps really easily; the male and female parts stay on the shirt, but they disjoin from each other readily. Is there a way to fix this?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Having unconventional fun with derivatives: Trig Substitution?

    I was answering a calculus question posted here and, rather than be boring and calculate a derivative with the power/chain rules, like I ALWAYS do, I decided to mix it up a bit. However, my method did not work and I am baffled as to why it did not. Hopefully you greater mathematicians can tell me why.

    The function in question was:

    g(x) = 1 / (x^2 + 1)

    So what I did was this:

    Say x = tan(t)

    Then the denominator becomes:

    tan(t)^2 + 1

    Which is equal to, by the Pythagorean theorem:


    And, using the definition of secant:

    1/sec(t)^2 = cos(t)^2

    I then differentiated cos(t)^2 instead:


    And, since tan(t) = x/1 = opp/adj:

    opp = x

    adj = 1

    hyp = sqrt(x^2 + 1)

    From which,

    cos(t) = 1/sqrt(x^2 + 1)

    sin(t) = x/sqrt(x^2 + 1)

    And, putting my derivative back in terms of x, I get:

    -2x / (x^2 + 1)

    Checking this with a quick power-rule, I see I'm off by a 1/(x^2 + 1).

    What did I do wrong?

    Why wouldn't this work?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • An exact differential equation question?

    The following differential equation is exact:

    (3x^2)(y)(ln(y))dx + ((x^3)(ln(y)) + (x^3) - (2y))dy = 0

    Find the general solution (which I'm going to call W) and the particular solution corresponding to the initial condition:

    y(2) = -1


    My method, which I'm calling into question:

    dW/dx = (3x^2)(y)(ln(y))

    Which I integrated wrt x to get:

    W = (x^3)(y)(ln(y)) + h(y)

    Then I tried to find h(y) by looking at dW/dy:

    dW/dy = (x^3)(ln(y)) + (x^3) + h'(y) = (2x^3)(cos(2y)) - (x^2)

    Which got that h'(y) equaled something that isn't zero.

    I thought h should always equal a constant (and thus h' = 0). Is this not the case? Or did I mess up?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Atheists: Prove to me there is/are no god(s).?

    I'm asking for a solid proof. The more deductive the logic, the better.

    I am not asking to disprove the existence of the Abrahamic god, I'm just asking you disprove the existence of any sort of deity.

    For the record, "logical reasoning and science prove it" or something like that is way too broad - I'm not saying you cannot use these for your proof (because I imagine they may come in handy), but you must get into specifics: what areas of science, what studies, what is the logical chain?

    Convince me of your godlessness.

    (Tip: I will not be convinced by some witty little quip two sentences long, so don't bother with that.)

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to dress for a "job interview"?

    Normally this is an issue I feel strongly about: you must dress nicely for an official job interview.

    However, I'm curious about what to do for this:

    Firstly, I'm not sure whether or not this is an actual job interview. It was scheduled under the premise to "learn more" about what I would be doing for this job. However, it will also be the first time I'd be meeting my potential employer face-to-face.

    Secondly, this job is for my university and all applicants considered are fellow full-time students.

    Does this require dressing nicely? I'm not asking because it is a burden to dress nicely but because I did not bring any of my "nice" clothes (i.e. button down, slacks, tie) with me so to go through the hassle of getting some would be a bit burdensome. Is it fine to just wear jeans and a polo under the above circumstances?


    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Organized religion: how has it become popularized?

    I can barely agree with people I LIKE on where we should go to eat dinner on a certain night. How is it millions of people can agree on what they consider to be the supreme question to life? It seems improbable.

    I understand rallying around religion during especially difficult times (i.e. the Middle Ages), but why the prosperous ones?

    I understand pressures to "inherit" an organized religion, but why do they seem to "stick" more often than they "fall off"?

    And just a note: I don't want facetious answers. I know atheists troll these parts; while I'm not bashing their beliefs, I'm bashing the general shallowness of their responses. This applies somewhat to the evangelicals too. Personally, I'm an agnostic deist so I understand either side and don't need anyone to try to convert me.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is Gibb's Free Energy in words?

    I know that G = H - TS, but I haven't really found an easy-to-understand verbal explanation of what free energy actually is.


    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Iterated integral of the trig function, xsin(x+y)dxdy?

    The double integral over the region A of xsin(x+y)dxdy, where A:

    A = {(x, y): 0 <= x <= pi/4, 0 <= y <= pi/4}

    So what I did was first integrate xsin(x+y) wrt y from 0 to pi/4. This resulted in evaluating -xcos(x+y) from y=0 to y=pi/4 which I got to be:

    -xcos(pi/4 + x) + xcos(x)

    I then integrated this wrt x from 0 to pi/4. This meant doing integration by parts and eventually evaluating the following function from x=0 to x=pi/4:

    xsin(x) + cos(x) - xsin(pi/4 + x) - cos(pi/4 + x)

    This gave me the answer:

    (pi/8)(sqrt(2) - 2) + sqrt(2)/2

    Which I don't think is right. Any pointers?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What has Jesus done for YOU?

    I don't know. I'm no longer Catholic. I reject dogma.

    Actually, the question is what DID Jesus do for you? But, mostly, "And how?"

    I was "brought into" Christianity for a number of years and believe I understood the in's and out's of the religion very well, asking such religious questions which would even stump my priest. However, there has always been one gaping hole in my understanding which others have (blindly, in my opinion) accepted as fact:

    Jesus died, yada yada yada, sins were forgiven, yada yada yada.

    I don't get the "yada yada yada" part. How does the death of one man (a demi-god, if you please) cure the sins of other men? How does such a thing relate to people of today?

    Didn't God decide for Abraham to NOT sacrifice his son Isaac as doing so would lead to "pointless" distress and a ram would do just as well? And even when you consider that Jesus is divine (which is a different argument for another time, but here I'll play along), and try to make that mean his sacrifice is so much greater, so much more "meaningful" to the salvation of us, it must be remembered that this salvation is granted from God, who would have the power (in my opinion) to just easily use a slightly larger ram as a substitute.

    I don't want to hear personal opinions. I don't want to hear non-answer answers like, "God works in mysterious ways." I want to hear scriptural references or quotes from noted Christian authorities.

    Sorry, there's so many questions here and I know I didn't actually type all I was thinking. So anything and everything intelligent that relates to the topic is welcome.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much money does Queen get in royalties?

    It seems like every time you go to a sports stadium there is one unifying theme, no matter the venue or the sport: snippets of songs to get the audience pumped.

    Overwhelmingly these songs are by Queen:

    We Are the Champions

    We Will Rock You

    Another One Bites the Dust

    and I've even heard Stone Cold Crazy.

    Does Queen (their recording studio, whatever) get royalties from these?

    How much do they get? Per song? Total?

    Was just thinking about it the other day and would be interesting to know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Why are women not allowed in combat duty in the American Armed Services?

    I'm not looking so much for any personal opinion that you may have, but moreso I'm wondering what the Congressional reasoning was at the time the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 (which dictates that "Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps women could not be assigned ... [to] combat missions").

    Was this just a byproduct of the social meims when it was passed? Or is there some more legitimate reason that Congress had proposed?

    Or perhaps the reasoning Congress had used to be legitimate but is no longer with increased technology?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What are the soliloquies in Shakespeare's Hamlet?

    If anyone could provide me with a list of the soliloquies in Hamlet (not necessarily spoken by Hamlet) that would be great. If you could, include the act/scene and maybe the first few words of it so I can find it in my copy. I don't need Hamlet's "To be or not to be."

    I'm not entirely sure if some of the things I'm thinking of qualify as soliloquies or not. For instance, Hamlet's speech about death in Act V, scene i. He isn't by himself but he does seem to be talking to himself...

    (I was torn whether to put this question here or in the theatre section).

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If God is benevolent, omnipotent, and all-knowing, how can a Hell exist?

    You must use and explain all 3 adjectives and how they relate to your answer.

    In anticipation, I find omnipotence and all-knowing mutually exclusive with the concept of free-will.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago