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  • Spending a weekend in Amsterdam?

    My friends and I (around 3-4 of us) are planning to visit in Amsterdam in June.

    1. Do you think it's better to have a 2D1N stay or a 3D2N stay? We'll be traveling from another European country nearby.

    2. Since we are all ladies, would you recommend hostel stay or hotel stay?

    3. What are the places of interest which are a must and worth visiting?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersNetherlands8 years ago
  • Help needed to identify this Korean song...?

    Hey guys, I need help to identify the artist and song title for this "video" which I have uploaded in link below. I have heard it many times over the internet radio and like it a lot. Unfortunately, they do not broadcast any information on songs which they play. So today, I recorded the song using my phone and added some pictures which were taken along my way in 2011. Your help is greatly appreciated!!


    1 AnswerKorea1 decade ago
  • 19 days tour in Europe - feasible or no?

    I am planning for my first tour in Europe for about 19 days. Before I make further plans, just wondering it is feasible or worth it to do so...

    Flying from Asia to Munich or Frankfurt, touring within Europe will be done using Eurorail.

    Places intended to visit:

    - Germany (Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg)

    - Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague)

    - Belgium (Brussels)

    - France (Paris)

    - Switzerland (Geneva, Zurich, Bern)

    - Austria (Vienna, Linz)

    - Back to Germany to fly back to Asia.

    Budget inclusive of air tickets and rail pass will be EUR3.300, which is around EUR2.000 after the tickets and rail passes. Not looking for fancy hotels or massive shopping. I'm looking for a relaxing trip to enjoy the scenery and the lifestyle which is totally different compared to Asia.

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Study material for ACCA?

    I am intending to self study for my ACCA Fundamental level, but i am not sure which study material i should go for - Kaplan or BPP?

    Please advise. Thanks :)

    P.S. I am intending to take F6 & F7 in the upcoming sitting.

    2 AnswersSingapore1 decade ago
  • Travelling to Philippines?

    I will be travelling to Manila (Clark) with my friends by the end of October. I heard it will be a rainy season then, but will I still be able to enjoy the week's trip?

    Tell me about the food & shopping :)


    7 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Asking a guy out - Is it okay to implement this idea?

    I have a crush on this guy who's very cute, really nice and single (it's weird, I know). My birthday is coming up soon. Just wondering whether or not it will be okay to ask him out for a night out with him.

    * He fancies this other girl who, in my opinion, is really hot for about 2 years now.

    * I know him through mutual friends. I rarely talk to him because we seldom hang out.

    * He's very nice and funny in a sense he calls himself a slut [as a joke]

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What happens when it's lost?

    What happens when your marriage certificate is lost and cannot be found? The one with you and your partner's picture, and the other green/white paper.

    5 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago
  • How can a Zebra fit in?

    There's this horse stable in my area and it consists of ONE zebra, ONE bull and some horses.

    Knowing that zebras normally live in a herd, how can it fit in to have a bull as a friend? You know, just the two of them, chewing on grass the whole day together!

    ** I don't think the bull charges the zebra as they live in different ranch.

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Marriage within the first year of knowing one another?

    How can people marry after knowing one another for less than a year?

    Is it the passion? Won't it sizzle off? After all the passion has gone, when real problems come in, what happens?

    How can you tell the person is the One after dating less than 12 months?

    Won't people deliberately hide their true self during this passionate period?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Becoming a single mom?

    I'm thinking of becoming a single mom. What are the obstacles i will encounter? I know this is a lifetime commitment. Do you think i should tell this to my parents? They're pretty conservative and they'll probably think that i'm a child myself since i'm only 23.

    Will the lack of father love make my child hate me?

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Indecisive Relationship!?

    My bf is married back home. Since he’s working here, he planned to bring his family here. He told me that he has problems with his wife but he cant file a divorce because of his daughter (the law will let the wife keep the child). He loves his daughter! He told me that he had thought of marrying me but he couldn’t work things out.

    Last week, I found a conversation of him and his friend which took place in early April, he told his friend that one of the reasons to leave here is to get rid of me. His friend asked him whether or not is because I keep pestering him to marry me, he said yes.

    My friends think that I should get money from him, for all the things I have done and this is what I get in return. I made up my mind to get it but last night when I chatted to him, he said that he was very upset about the future cuz he will not be able to see me again. He said that his marriage was one of his biggest regrets. I confronted to him about wanting to getting rid of me but he denied it!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the role of best friends?

    Are best friends allowed to call you easy or tell you that you have low self esteem?

    I have a best friend who is really supportive. She’s always there when I need someone to talk to. We offer comfort, shoulders to one another, and we’re honest to one another and we don’t keep any secrets. But she made such statement as above, is it right?

    The thing is she always thinks she is right and great. I had already gotten upset at her over this matter a few months ago and she knew it, but this happens again.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Egyptian Rice?

    I tried cooking Egyptian rice for my man, who misses home so much, last Tues and it turned out to be a disaster - it burnt.

    I put ghee and salt in water, boiled, put in washed rice and stir occasionally, i left it boiling for about 15min? What went wrong? I didn't stand there waiting for it to cook, i was in and out of the kitchen in between.

    Obviously, i'm not an Egyptian here but thanks for your help.

    12 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago
  • Divorce in Egypt will allow the woman to keep the child, any possibility for the man to win the custody?

    I have read through laws that indicated the children can follow the mother till the age of 12. The child is 2yrs old right now. Is there a chance for the father to hold full custody should they divorce, no matter who initiates it?

    3 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago