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  • How much for "the works" at a good dentist?

    I need a check-up first.

    Then I need at least two fillings repaired and one cavity filled... one of those broken fillings may also have a cavity problem.

    Finally, please God, Whitening.

    Am I looking at spending close to college tuition? Tell me it's not so!

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Where are the best places to buy antiques in Israel / P.T.?

    Spending a month in the area this winter and want to find some very old antiques. Any ideas where the best and most genuine ones might be found? I'm looking for everything from jewelry to artifacts that date B.. Thanks for any help ahead of time! P.S.- Obviously, I will be leaving the country with them, so I will need the proper documentation to go with them.

    3 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Why aren't more Christians also Pacificsts?

    Christ commanded us to turn the other cheek, so why don't we? Why do we support initiating war? I understand protecting our loved ones, but should we be on the offensive? Furthermore, if the attack is geared toward us specifically, why do we defend? Wouldn't it be more "Christ-like" to simply surrender and allow wickedness to be rebuked by it's own actions rather than my own "Christian-violence"? It seems as though we Christians are among some of the most patriotic people and we interpret that to mean that we should enlist in the armed forces. Can we really envision Christ with a machine gun if we're honest? Hmmmm....seems like an oxymoron. I know that this question has potential to piss many of my fellow Christians that are enlisted in the armed forces, but I'm willing to take the chance to get an honest answer. I'm not undermining bravery, just how we do it. Wouldn't being "peace-keepers" be more beneficial in the long run?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jews: Death by hanging on a tree?

    First, let me say that this question is posted for pure, fun controversy's sake. It is not to be used to bash Jews, Chrsistians or Jesus.

    Now that that has been said, the Torah says the following:

    “And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God. You shall not defile your land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance."

    Would you say that this was just to cause to have crucified Christ? Would you say that it should have been applied to the early Jewish-Christians as well? Blasphemy is the sin that I am talking about. That was the sin the Pharisees had against Jesus. Do most Jews think that Jesus was righteously crucified or do most think that it was a merciless act. Please don't comment if you have no opinion.

    Like I said, nobody should get heated or violent. This is just for debate and opinion.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any Christians rejoicing over Obama?

    We're all the way over here in China (Americans), but are ecstatic!!! Wish we were home to rejoice with our fellow Christians and Americans. A wonderful time to be American!

    Christians, we often focus on the bad of the Democratic Party. Let's reverse that. How will Obama being President be a thing to give thanks over? Please, no complaining. Be prepared to be rebuked if you do ;-). Let's count our blessings and begin praying for change and for our NEW PRESIDENT...OBAMA!!!

    I addressed Christians, but anyone who wants to give thanks to God, feel free to do so, but please don't bash God...bash me if you must. Let's put aside differences for this one.

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Tour of Israel / Egypt - Christian Perspective?

    Hey. We're going to Israel / Egypt for one month in January. Anyone know where to find a good itinerary for the Christian sights? I'd prefer not to visit the mostly disputable, Catholic sights. I want to visit the places that are backed up with archeology and facts. Obviously, not all important sights are, but more the better. We basically want to put the Bible to picture. So, if you can suggest sights or schedules, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks a ton.

    3 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Global Flood - Different accounts in Different Religions / Cultures?

    I am looking for an on-line resource in which I can find different "global flood" accounts. By this I mean different stories as recorded or passed down verbally by different cultures, religions, countries, etc. I want to use it to be able to compare and calculate, so if they're in the same place, it would be great! Thanks!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jewish vs. Muslim skull cap (and Christians too)?

    Where, when and why did the Jewish skull cap begin to be worn (same question for the Muslim equivalent)? Also, how can you tell the difference between the two? Is there anywhere in the world that Christians wear them? Just curious.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Time line of the one in your head or know where to get it?

    Okay...before anyone says it...I've done my homework; however, I still need help. I'm looking for a concrete time line of the gods (all the major ones that is). Specifically, I am really interested in tracing the Els, the Baals and any other mono-gods. I'm trying to find a connection (post-flood / Great Deluge era) between them and when people started breaking them in to multiple gods. It's important for me to do this from a Jewish perspective and not a Babylonian one which would have begun much earlier (according to tradition). So preferably, I need to find a time line that begins around the time of Noah (despite whether you believe in him), which would be no earlier than third or fourth millenium (and event that is really too early). I don't expect anyone to type a time line out (but if you want to...I surely won't stop you); however, a clear and concise time line website would be wonderful. I've looked and looked, but have yet to find one that answers all my questions. Thanks for the help ahead of time!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jews...Why is Jesus not Messiah?

    Okay, this is mainly for Jewish people or for people who know how they might answer. Try to refrain from heated-opinion and try to give factual reasons. What are the top five reasons that most Jews would say that Jesus is NOT the Messiah? Considering he claimed royal lineage, prophecies a second coming and fulfills many prophecies...what OTHER reasons / logic would a rabbi give?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Religion jobs in Seattle or Alaska?

    My wife and I are currently living in China. We've lived here for six years and are looking to move back to the West; however, she is Canadian so we need to live near B.C., Canada. I have a major in Christianity (minor in speech) and have traveled for extended periods of time to all the major "holy lands" of the great religions. Any idea what jobs are available, that I may be qualified for, in the Seattle / Alaska areas? If no ideas ring a bell, any idea where I might get a further degree, in the same thing, in the vancouver area? I'm just looking for someone to bounce ideas off, so thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need all the info you can give me on the earliest forms of Baal worship...can you help me?

    What can you tell me about Baal worship, especially the baal worship that would have been found in the early city of Sidon? I know that early on it was about fertility and later about sky / nature. Specifically, I want to know the rituals, practices, symbols, origins and anything else that might help me to see how it spread to various other religions. I'm looking to see how it has transformed, spread and died out throughout time. I have looked at almost all the websites that are any good, so it may require knowledge or books that are sitting on your shelves. My resources are limited because I live in China, so thanks for all the help! P.S.- Please don't warn me of the dangers or anything like that...this is strictly for research purposes. Thanks again! P.S. - What elements or practices of Baal worship still exist today? Any in Sidon, Lebanon still?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you know about Sidon?

    Can anyone tell me anything about the history of the Sidon (Zidon), Lebanon? I know that Sidon is mentioned in the Bible as the probable founder of the city (or was it named after the founder's son)? Also, anything about the culture, dates and religion would be great. I've searched the net, but I keep hearing that it is the "oldest, most-mysterious city that is still existing." Is that true? I know I'm being vague here, but there's not much on the net, so anyone that lives there or has visited there...your answers are coveted greatly! Thanks for the help!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Tower of Babel - the whole world or just some?

    According to the biblical account in Genesis, the tower of babel is where the language division began. It says that people came from the East to Babel. However, according to Genesis 10, the sons of Noah split to different lands with different languages already prior to the Babel (or so it seems). So, did they go back around from the Western lands and around back to Babel? Are the events not recorded chronologically? Or, was it not the whole world in Babel and then after the tower incident, there was another division of tribes and languages? Sorry if that sounds confusing, but I am confused. If you don't believe in the account that's okay, look at it as a fictional work if you will. Either way, I just want to make sense of it.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Connection between Canaan's El and Jewish El...and Babylon?

    Doing a study on the "Els." Can anyone draw a clear connection between the El of Canaan and the El that later entered (or returned) with the Jews? I know that the meaning is the same (lord, owner), but did one stem from the other or who started using that title first? Also is there any connection to a deity in Babylon that has the same name or a similar meaning in his name? According to biblical accounts, they would have all stemmed from the same source. So, when after the flood (regardless of whether you believe the account or not) would they have broken from monotheism (I know that Babylon has a similar flood story as well, however their history appears to begin with a female deity). Try to keep all info. factual according to recorded accounts and not according to personal opinions and religious persuasions. Thanks!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is the earliest, recorded god(s)? ?

    So far, I have found that El and Baal are recorded as being the earliest gods. Does anyone know of any other god(s) that are recorded as being earlier? Please don't be generic / biased with answers like Yahweh, Allah, etc. I don't want opinion, I want recorded history and fact. This is important because I am doing research for a project that I am working on. So, with that said, original names, origins and any other information pertaining to the subject would be greatly appreciated. Note: This is not an invitation to prosyletize. Thanks for any help and guidance!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago