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Lv 31,426 points

Abdullah Mahmood

Favorite Answers16%

I’m Abdullah Mahmood (@Abdullahs_World at twitter) and I belong to Pakistan, a country where people deeply value hospitality. Masters in Computer Science , but why limit myself to just the title of my degree? Several interests keep me busy.

  • Yahoo Answers going away from us :(?

    Yahoo will Shutdown Answers on May 4th, 2021.

    I joined decade ago and I feel it :( 

    When you joined Yahoo Answers? And what do you think is this fair to shutdown any service without asking the users? I mean it. Yahoo should check the opinion of users!  

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers20 hours ago
  • I love the concept of TENET...What?

    you think about Christopher Nolan's TENET? 

    You like it? Then why? And If you disliked tell me Why so?

    2 AnswersMovies2 months ago
  • ever you visit UAE? I do but...?

    I need... and wishing to now your feedback and ideas.... So that I would know that my impressions were original!

    share about shopping, food and everything you want to share.

  • I'm 27 and still unemployed.. much of the time I feel?

    Ashamed and stay in depression. I tried for a job and still trying. But I need your motivation and advice to stay happy much of the time. Or you can just say..I want to exchange that time with happiness (Depression moments).

    I'm a drop-Out from my Master degree. Holding a bachelor degree and different short diplomas. Related with computer science. Visited UAE for the job (a move from my country Pakistan) back in 2019 for a job... but all in vain.

    I stay positive and happy but not all of the time. Is it normal? 

    8 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • What is the best age to get marry?

    Share your own views.. with detail please.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • what you think about marvel?

    I mean ever think about it...what they are focusing on Money? or Better Story?

    3 AnswersMovies1 year ago
  • Ever read Quran in your native language?

    Question for non-Muslims.

    Ever you read Quran in your native language... If yes! Then what are your thoughts upon Quran the last Holy book of God?

    If not...then why not?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • What are your thoughts about Muslims? ?

    Share your own feelings If you are non-Muslim.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • why Joker 2019 is your favorite?

    If you compare between Heath Ledger and  ‎Joaquin Phoenix.

    2 AnswersMovies1 year ago
  • Attachment image

    Twitter! What I have to do?

    My account is restricted (though I don't know why!) I had 10.4 K followers. I enabled the double verification to login (via sms). And now its almost two weeks twitter not sending verification code to my number (They tweet that they disabled this feature for unknown duration) Now I no longer getting the verification 6 digit code via sms to prove my identification. And they keep saying to identify myself to login! :-? There is no other way for me to prove my identity. So I contact them via online useless forums (since they not replying me through mails and there is no contact number of twitter!). I lost almost 1800+ followers within 2 weeks. And number going up and up! Please anyone have solution for this problem? Or any contact in twitter company. I will appreciate. (I even posted a letter to twitter headquarters but no reply at all).  

    1 AnswerOther - Internet2 years ago
  • I can get Computer or Science education after my B.A ?

    I'm doing B.A ( Bachelor of Arts). My Major combination of study is Economics,Computer, English. Here my question is what should i do after B.A? ? I mean i want to study computer and other science subjects further.! What the degree programme? ? I will complete my B.A in 2015 and go to London for study. If you tell me then 10 score for u.

    can i do M.Cs (Master in computer science) ?

    can i do M.IT (Master in I.T)?

    Or what? What degrees possible for me to get admission? ? ? Describe all even Arts and other fields please.


  • How get rid from useless hair permanently?

    from chest , neck and feet. My age 19 and i am boy. Tell some cheap way.

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • Help me Please!!! i want a Visit to London? plz plz plz?

    I'am pakistani 18 year old boy.

    I want a visit to london. I mean i want information about visit visa?

    1) how many money required (for tickets and for visa process)?

    2) My relative lived in london for 3 years.How they help me?

    3) I want to live their for two months.

    And complete information about visa???

    Plz. , . .and get 10 points.


    4 AnswersLondon9 years ago
  • I want a visit to London?

    I'am pakistani 18 year old boy.

    I want a visit to london. I mean i want information about visit visa?

    1) how many money required (for tickets and for visa process)?

    2) My relative lived in london for 3 years.How they help me?

    3) I want to live their for two months.

    And complete information about visa???

    Plz. , . .and get 10 points.


    2 AnswersLondon10 years ago
  • My girl friend in London! help plz?

    I'am in Pakistan. And wants to go London. Me and my girl friend decide to marry in December. But i have no enough money to go.

    You please give idea that how my friend send me visa invitation??? And how i go London in cheap ticket?? I mean i am going to marry with her. And plz give all Visa case process!

    Because we are lover and pray who fill happiness in our life.

    Thank u in advance,

    Romantic couple can happy if u struggle!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Help me in finding a Image!!!!?

    About one month before i download a image from a web.(which i forgot). Now i want to know the web from where i download this image. Note that i rename the image when i download it. I mean it is not now job of google image search. It can be solved when i upload the image and web browse identicle images like this.

    You have to tell me what web can search identicle images. As i upload photo and web show identicle images like my photo.

    I really need your help.

    Because of scensitive case. Help me!

    Thank you in


    2 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Help me in finding a Image!!!!?

    About one month before i download a image from a web.(which i forgot). Now i want to know the web from where i download this image. Note that i rename the image when i download it. I mean it is not now job of google image search. It can be solved when i upload the image and web browse identicle images like this.

    You have to tell me what web can search identicle images. As i upload photo and web show identicle images like my photo.

    I really need your help.

    Because of scensitive case. Help me!

    Thank you in


    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago