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  • Is my wife pregnant? She has chills and nausea but no fever or flu like symptoms.?

    She said she felt strange today. She also felt nauseous then had a headache earlier today and still 8 hours later she still has the headache. She has also had an upset stomach and then shortly after that she had chills with no fever at all. She actually felt kind of cold to me. She also said she had some cramps today but they were light and went away after a little while. During the chills she said her abdomen felt weird or different somehow.

    I am not sure what it is but she doesnt have a fever and hasnt thrown up or anything. She said she is probably somewhere around 5dpo.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I a hypochondriac?

    I am constantly looking for things wrong with me. Currently I am worried that I have MS. My left hand feels "less sensitive" than my right one. Meaning if I touch my right one it feels more. Not sure if that makes sense. I just keep worrying (usually all day all night) that there is something wrong with me. Sometimes I bounce around during the day to different things that I think are wrong with me.

    I am seeing a counselor but it only helps so much. I am wondering if I need to get back on Zoloft. It is starting to irritate the people around me that always hear me complain about ailments that I have and that I think they are something serious.

    Sometimes I can convince myself that there is really something wrong with me. I just cant get my mind off of it, I don't know how to.

    Anyone else ever convince themselves that there is something wrong with them? Its really scary.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Which Real Time Strategy game is this?

    Its a newer one, released in either 09 or 08. It is medieval and you have a main character that levels up. You trade with surrounding tribes and things like that. There are wolves and bears you sometimes have to kill to get the treasures they are guarding. You can also build boats and have them fish. You also have to cut down trees for wood, mile stone, metal. You have blacksmiths to make weapons. You also have a storehouse that you have to upgrade.

    Anyone know what game this is? I played it a while ago but I cant remember what is was called.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Which transmission is in a 1985 Chevy s10 Blazer 5 speed 4x4?

    Or what will fit? Is it a T5?

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Does a sunburn remove acne scars?

    Ok so I got a sunburn last weekend. I have some acne scars on my back and I noticed they are darker spots on my back. Well I accident pulled on off. The whole scar came off.

    So my question is, will the scars come back as bumps again or will the be flat against my skin now?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Sunburn is itching real bad. Any relief so I can sleep?

    Ok so for about the past 12 hours or so I have had real bad itching on my back where my sunburn is. Its almost not itchy as much as like real quick sharp pains. Some of them make me jump cause they hurt so bad.

    Anyway I am looking for some relief. Some people have said aloe, that doesnt work. Some said vinegar, that didnt work, actually made it worse. I took some ibuprofen and drank some beer, that seemed to help a little till the buzz wore off.

    I havent tried benadryl yet but I hear that can work, but I thought that was like a anti histamine or something, I figure this is more of a nerve damage thing.

    What do you all think? I havent slept at all tonight (literally not slept at all) and I have to be to work in about 4 hours, I need something for the itching.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Had a root canal retreat on monday, still feeling pain. Is this normal?

    I had a root canal retreat on monday. All went well and they said they were able to clean it out all the way and get it all packed up again.

    I woke up last night with terrible pain in the tooth. Is this normal this many days after? I have been taking ibuprofen to take care of the pain.

    I also think I have a problem with clenching my teeth in the middle of the night so maybe I am making my tooth (or jaw) upset when I clench my teeth?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat randomly vomit?

    We got our cat from a rescue shelter near our house. She was 2 when we got her and she has already had kittens and been spayed. We took her to the vet when we first got her and they told us that she has feline herpes. I guess this means that she can have problems with a runny nose, watering eyes, etc.. but can that cause her vomiting? Sometimes she wont vomit for weeks and then all of the sudden she will vomit over the night. We feed her dry food. Sometimes her vomit is very solid like she didnt chew her food and sometimes its more digested and mushy. Its almost like she is eating too fast and throwing it up. We were going to try wet food but we have another cat and he is on a pretty good diet and likes his food (nutro). We though hers was food alergies so we tried all of the natural foods but the stuff we have had the best results on is friskas (I think) mixed greens. I know that stuff isnt good for her either but she doesnt vomit as much on it. She is also a smaller cat, so maybe we should feed her kitten food so its easier for her to chew? I am very confused on what is wrong. Anyway what do you all think?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • 2005 Mustang GT Volta Gauge Problem?

    I have a 2005 Ford Mustang GT and sometimes when I am driving the voltage gauge on the dash shows that the voltage is in the red (too high). So I saw this and I checked the voltage at the battery (with the car on). It shows that it is around 13.85 or so, which is about right. So my question is, is there somewhere else I should check or is the gauge just bad?

    It also only does it sometimes, other times its right in the middle where it should be.

    2 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Does a 1995 honda passport have a interference engine?

    Timing belt broke on mine, its a 3.2L V6 SOHC motor. I hear that it is from some people and that it isnt from others. It is an isuzu motor and trans in the car.

    2 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • I have a Zinsco electrical box and my lights flicker. Is it a breaker problem?

    I checked the 15 amp breaker and when I shake it, the voltage drops. Would this be a problem? My lights flicker about every 30 secconds even when just one light is on. I have a double 15 amp breaker. I checked the bus bar and it looks fine, no arcing or anything. I know Zinsco sucks but if I go to home depot can I buy the ones they have there and will they be better than the stock zinsco ones?

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 1995 Honda Passport. Just changed CAT and check EGR. Wont pass smog. What else?

    I just got the CAT changed and the EGR valve checked. What else is there to do? I talked to the shop that did it and they said that there is no timing adjustment to these which is kind of weird. Its so close to passing smog. Would changing spark plugs help at all?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 1995 Honda Passport Squeaking in Front End?

    I have a 1995 Honda Passport I got recent and it has some squeaking that comes from the front end. It sounds like bushings or something. Anyone have any ideas? The steering also loose and not very responsive.

    2 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • Newer rap song where rapper spells something out?

    I heard a song on the radio today and its a rap song where the rapper spells something out. Not sure exactly what he was saying but has anyone heard this song? I guess its a newer song cause I havent heard it before. He spells something out and then says "you know what I mean" Anyone know?

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Can you REALLY use Prestone coolant in ANY car?

    I have a 2005 Mustang GT and the coolant in the overflow tank was a little low so I wanted to get it up to the fill line again. I went to Autozone and got some of the Preson Any car, Any model, Any year coolant. I was wondering can you really add that to any car without it causing problems? Cause I heard that the coolant in my car will gunk up when the normal "green" coolant is put in. What do you all think, anyone have experience in this area?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can I use a PSP slim battery on a fat PSP?

    I was wondering if I can use a slim PSP battery on a fat PSP.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Anyone have problems with their AT&T DSL?

    I am having speed problems with my AT&T DSL. Sometimes its slow and sometimes its fast. Never consistent and it is starting to make me angry. They came out a little while ago and found out I had a bad run so they re-ran it and it worked great for a while. Now sometimes pages load fast and sometime they dont load at all and I have to keep pressing refresh till they finally load. I have called AT&T before but they are no help. All they do is tell you to reset your modem or tell you there is something wrong with your router. Anyway, anyone have this problem or had it and fixed it?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for my employer to assign reading and not let me read during work hours?

    I was told it is not legal since I am an hourly employee. This is regarding California law.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago