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  • Do I have the right to get jealous of my brother?

    I'm 21 years old and I'm currently in a long distance relationship with a 17 years old girl, I phone her daily and we talk for about an hour or two. But when we meet in personal, she is very shy and doesn't dare addressing me in her talk. She usually talks to my twin sister and my little brother, who's 18 years old, and my brother is the main issue. You see, when they were young, about 10 years old and 9 respectively, she loved him and he rejected her. Fast forward 7 years and I asked her whether she still had feelings for him and she said that it was child's play then and she loves me not him. She has assured me that her talking to him is purely brotherly, but why do I cringe and get angry every time they talk? Why do i get angry when he chats with her from 4 am to 9 am? Am I justified in being jealous from my brother? She's gonna be my fiancee soon but I absolutely loathe seeing them together. Tell me, do I have the right to feel all of that? And if what I'm feeling is wrong, how can I make it right?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • is it a bad/good idea to surprise my gf?

    I'll explain, my gf soon to be my fiance is very shy and conservative and today she has a course to be taken, i'm thinking of showing up and walking her to it and then back from it and i think this would be a very nice gesture since i live far away from her house, but the thing is, i don't know what her reaction will be. I want the opinion of a girl preferably. I'm afraid she'll freak out and i'll ruin the moment or something. Help?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • the most complex love problem in the world, help?

    It's a long story, but if you're patient and read everything carefully, you'd know how difficult it is. Well, the story starts 25 years before my friend (a girl) was born. A major fight happened between her mother and her current lover's son. Well, the years have passed and he asked for her hand 4 times, only to be met by rejection. Out of despair he married a girl who wants him for his money, only it turns out that they were living together but nothing happened between them, for two months, he hasn't touched her because he loves my friend. Well, he blows out his cover one day and tells everyone that he did this out of love for my friend, but no one believed him, they preferred to assume that he's sexually unable to get married. He fell ill and my friend's mother forbids her to visit him. What can they do to make things right? Especially that his father will insist on him having sex with his opportunistic wife to prove everyone wrong. And since he's now regarded infertile, my friend's mother will only get more attached to her initial decision, she will refuse him.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can you help me find this song?

    It's a rap song filmed in an american football stadium, and the rapper is black (citation needed)

    do you know the clip's name? thank you.

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • Scott Adkins for Batman, do you agree?

    Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale. What is in common between them? all of them played the caped crusader. While some of them failed to properly portray the character, others are considered THE character. however with that being said, I can't help but feel that there is one side of Batman we have yet to see: the martial arts expert that Batman is. Don't get me wrong I like what they did with the character in general but the fights almost never rise to my expectations, it's either so robotic and lame or they just rely on explosions, gadgets and the whole Batman aura.

    portraying Batman isn't an easy task because you're not portraying one character but two: Bruce Wayne/Batman. I'm satisfied with the Bruce Wayne(s) we have been given. however Batman doesn't impress me yet, we're supposed to see sick martial arts, acrobatics and an amazing fight choreography, after all it's Batman we're talking about, one of the top 10 fighters in the DC Universe and one of the best in comics in general. instead of relying on throwing punches and kicking, we have to see some athletic fighting to finally complete all Batman aspects, and I can't for the life of me find any one more suitable for the role of Batman than Scott Adkins (a certified martial artist who practiced Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Wushu, Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Ninjutsu, Karate and Jiujitsu) and he'll also be a decent Bruce Wayne. Don't you agree?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • what's this error (picture provided)?

    When I start up my computer, I get this error

    what to do about it?

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • what do you really want?

    do you want the people in it to be like you or different? the reason of this question is sometimes I see people hating the guts of someone similar to them (dresses the same way, has the same personality and likes the same things) but I see in the same time people who get frustrated and hate other people who aren't like them and wish to see them totally like them. the proof is debates:- why do you want the other person to approve and be convinced of your opinion, the team you're cheering for, the politic group...etc the answer is you want them to be like you, but also the moment you see someone like you, you hate them out of feelings of competition, that's why so many claim to be the number one fan of a said celebrity.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • something about 300 the movie?

    well, the movie is all about 300 spartans, so if "Leonidas" accepted "Ephialtes" in the troops, they will be 301 spartans, which will ruin the movie's title.

    6 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Right side of the back of my neck hurts?

    three weeks ago, I was lifting a heavy loaded bar in the gym, then i heard something in my neck and immediately after, I couldn't turn my head to either directions (left, right) or tilt it back and forth. what could it be? the pain is hard to locate but it is almost always in the right side of my neck and toward the middle. i don't know if it's a spasm, pulled muscle, strain or sprain and what could heal it? I'm currently not working out, and i need to work the steel as soon as possible. i miss the gym. please help me

    2 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • right side of the back of my neck hurts?

    three weeks ago, I was lifting a heavy loaded bar in the gym, then i heard something in my neck and immediately after, I couldn't turn my head to either directions (left, right) or tilt it back and forth. what could it be? the pain is hard to locate but it is almost always in the right side of my neck and toward the middle.

    i don't know if it's a spasm, pulled muscle, strain or sprain and what could heal it? I'm currently not working out, and i need to work the steel as soon as possible. i miss the gym. please help me

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • relationship = friendship + sex?

    I've never really had a girlfriend in my whole life and i'm 20 years old, so i thought i'd ask those of you who have been in a relationship.

    well my question is:- Whenever i see someone who made it through the friendzone and became his crush's BF/GF. all i see is the same kind of relationship + sex. is that it? friendship + intimacy?

    what makes me think like that is what a girl once said about her new relationship with her best friend:" well, everything's kinda the same but with intimacy" is that all it is about? if there is no sex, it wouldn't be a relationship? please explain to me the aspects of a relationship

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • if killing wasn't forbidden or illegal, would u do it?

    i mean if you weren't restrained by rules, laws, morals or religion, would you do it? because sometimes people piss you off to the point where you want them gone, but you stop and think about it because you were raised with the principle that killing is wrong.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • CM Punk is still the WWE champion and here's why?

    there is no way The Rock gets to hold on to the belt. He's got a new movie coming out which he's going to be doing publicity for (I wonder if that's why he's back in the first place)

    Anyway..Don't be surprised if the decision from last night to restart the match is reversed because "The Shield" was never actually seen, so nothing guarantees that they are the ones who interfered. therefore the decision is nullified.

    So Punk regains his WWE title and Rock disappears after advertising his movie, then comes back at WM.

    3 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • what do you think of this workout?

    Day one:-

    Squats 3x8

    Bent-Over rows 3x8

    Bench Press 3x8

    Dumbbell Lunges 3x8

    Day Two:-

    Overhead Press 3x8

    Deadlift 3x8

    Push Ups 3x8

    Lat Pull-Downs 3x8

    i will be alternating day one and two in a 3 day fashion

    what do you think of this workout? and what exercise should go with what? could u put them in order please?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • what do u think of this workout routine?

    feel free to adjust it, tweak it, play with reps or sets or even change the order of the exercises or scrap the workout routine all together. ps:- compound only workout FTW

    Day one:-

    Squats 3x8

    Bent-Over rows 3x8

    Bench Press 3x8

    Dumbbell Lunges 3x10

    Day Two:-

    Overhead Press 3x8

    Deadlift 3x8

    Push Ups 3x8

    Lat Pull-Downs 3x10

    it will be a 3 day workout. like day one, rest, day 2, rest, day one, rest, rest...ect

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • what do you think of my workout sets?


    Barbell Curl

    Barbell Preacher Curl

    Dumbbell Curl

    Dumbbell Concentration Curl

    Cable Curl

    Cable Preacher Curl


    Barbell Close Grip Bench Press

    Barbell Lying Triceps Extension "Skull Crusher"

    Dumbbell Incline Triceps Extension

    Dumbbell Triceps Extension

    Cable Pushdown

    Cable Pushdown (with V-bar)


    Barbell Military Press

    Barbell Lying Rear Delt Row

    Dumbbell Arnold Press

    Dumbbell Rear Delt Row

    Cable Upright Row

    Cable One Arm Upright Row


    Barbell Wrist Curl

    Dumbbell Hammer Curl

    Cable One Arm Reverse Wrist Curl


    Barbell Shrug

    Barbell Seated Shrug

    Dumbbell Bent-over Row

    Dumbbell Lying Row

    Cable Close Grip Pulldown

    Cable Pulldown


    Barbell Bench Press

    Barbell Incline Bench Press

    Dumbbell Fly

    Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

    Dumbbell Incline Shoulder Raise

    Cable Standing Fly

    Cable Incline Fly




    Leg Curl (on stability ball)

    Hamstring Raise

    Standing Calf Raise

    Reverse Calf Raise


    reverse crunch

    Toe Touches


    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Movies that has jaw dropping fighting scenes?

    kinda like:-

    Undisputed 3:- every single scene , Damn !!!

    Forbidden Kingdom:- Jackie Chan vs Jet Li

    Around the world in 80 days:- the scene where Jackie whoops a villain's *** with a bench

    The Matrix:- Mr.Anderson vs Neo

    Never Back Down:- Jake vs Ryan

    Fearless:- all of it !!!

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What is your favourite action movie?

    please follow the following rules when answering:-

    1- it should be from 1980s to our present day, not earlier, 70's and so are not allowed.

    2- it should be only one movie, i mean one title that you thoroughly thought about, not a list.

    3- that's it.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • what is your favourite action movie?

    please follow the following rules when answering:-

    1- it should be from 1980s to our present day, not earlier, 70's and so are not allowed.

    2- it should be only one movie, i mean one title that you thoroughly thought about, not a list.

    3- that's it.

    7 AnswersMovies9 years ago