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Favorite Answers17%
  • In your own personal opinion...?

    ... is Buddhism a religion? Because I was speaking to someone who claimed that he was an Atheist who practiced Buddhism, and that perplexed me. Granted, I don't know an abundance about Buddhism, but I had always considered it to be a religion. What do you think?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll: Don't you just hate bad haircuts?

    ... I know I do.

    I went to the salon on Wednesday, and I asked for long, straight bangs. She gave me short, blunt bangs, about a half inch above my brow, and I hate them!

    If they don't grow out to a decent length within a month, do you think it would be possible to go to a salon and have them take more of my hair and make side-swept bangs with them? So then I can pin back the old, gross ones, and have side-swept ones instead? Or is that a stupid idea?

    Poll: Have you ever had an awful haircut? Tell me about it!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What to do with these bangs?

    I went to the salon yesterday, and asked for bangs like this, but slightly shorter:<

    I left the salon with bangs more like this, but they are about a half inch above my eyebrow:

    It really doesn't work for me, especially since I have a birthmark above my eyebrow that I've always tried to cover up, and now my bangs are too short to do so. They are also, unfortunately, too short to pin back or to the side. When I brush them to the side for the "side swept" look, the pieces don't fall into place right because they are too short and it looks silly..

    If it doesn't grow out enough in about a month to side-sweep them, do you think it would be possible to go to another hairdresser and ask them to take more of my hair and make side-swept bangs OVER my short, blunt bangs? That way, if I swept my blunt bangs to the side they would disappear under the side-swept bangs? Or would that not work?

    I'm going to college in a month, so I'd like to not feel completely ridiculous when meeting hundreds of new people. Any suggestions of what I can do are totally welcome!


    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • What can I do about the finish on my table?

    I spilled nail polish on my coffee table, and the dark-cherry-colored finish came off. It is a large spot in the center of the table that is now the color of the original wood. When I run my finger over the space, you can feel that the entire top layer of the finish came off, it isn't just discolored - the finish is actually missing. Is there anything I can buy to put on just this spot, or will I have to do something to the entire table? Any suggestions are welcome.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Relationships: How to deal?

    Why is it that when things start looking up in a relationship, something comes around and makes it difficult again?

    I have been dating a this guy for six months now, and we have a really deep connection, but the problem is is that we fight all the time. Most of the time we try to talk it out after the fight and resolve the issues, but it seems as though we are not able to skip the fighting and just try to resolve everything like adults. The fights have been popping up more and more often, about the silliest of things. After the last argument, we decided that we were going to try to talk things out from now on; and all was well in the relationship.

    But then comes along another man; a friend of mine who I have been growing closer to over the course of the year, especially over the last month. In the fall of 2008 I had developed feelings for him; a sort of look-but-don't-touch lust, because at the time we didn't know one another very well. Now that we have been talking more and more as of late, I learn that he has feelings for me. He calls me "beautiful" and flirts with me, and I admit I am very flattered by his attentions. I am worried that my feelings for him are starting to come flooding back to me, but now I have a boyfriend that I am very dedicated to.

    I wish to keep my friendship with my friend, but I am worried that my boyfriend will be jealous, which will only spark another fight. I am also worried that my feelings might become deeper towards this man, as hard as I try to ignore what my heart is telling me - I know it is trying to tug me in two different directions. How do I get over my friend, while still remaining friends with him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If I wanted to feel like a princess?

    ... which dress would I wear?

    I am trying to choose my prom dress, and I am down to just a few. All of them are ball-gowns, which I never expected I would want, but they're beautiful, and I've never had a ball gown before! I need outside opinions on which one is the nicest?




    11 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Curious about abnormal mole?

    (Note: Sorry that this is slightly long, but I'm concerned about it!)

    I have had this mole I believe since birth, but I've never really been as concerned about it as I am now. I have a feeling it may be cancerous, but I'm unsure. I know the ABCD's of checking for a cancerous mole. By those standards, there is no A (for Assymetry - it's just a normal circle); but there is B (irregular border - it's sort of a scalloped edge around it), C (changes in color: it's splotches of light tan and brown, and sometimes I see that it looks like it has red or purple-ish splotches on it.), D (diameter - it it well over 6mm, because it's about 2 to 3 times the size of a pencil eraser).

    However, there are two things that I am really concerned about that are NOT covered on this "ABCD" list. One is that the border on the top protrudes over the border attached to my skin; if you can't get a visual on this, it basically looks like a mushroom, or a muffin... Secondly, pieces of my mole occasionally come right off of the edges, simply when I touch the mole to try and examine it further. Is that at all normal for moles, or should I get it checked out immediately?


    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Do you think love can last?

    I mean, I believe in love, sure. But why is it that love doesn't work out? Why is it that so many people don't end up with their "first love," if both members of the relationship were "in love?" Why can't love last forever? And what is it that tears so many of these relationships apart?

    Have you had your "first" love?

    Are you still with that person?

    If not, why are you no longer with them?

    I just don't understand how something as beautiful as REAL love can fail so often... It's a very scary concept.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Poll: What color have your eyes...?

    ...been described as by another person?

    Today, my boyfriend told me my eyes were "Turquoise and Sunbeams" =] Has anyone else ever had their eyes described as something unique?

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Am I incapable of love?

    I am desperately afraid of falling in love. My relationship with my father ceased when I was about ten, and it really had a negative effect on me. I feel as though if my own father does not love me, no man will. I don't want to hurt any more than I already do, so I've always pushed away the idea of love.

    Now, I think I could have the potential to fall in love with my boyfriend, but I find that I'm holding back because I don't want to feel that pain all over again. How do I get over my fears?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a dress like this?

    I would really like to buy this dress, but it doesn't come in my size. (UK - 6, or a Small or 0-2 sized dress in USA). It looks like this:

    Do you know where I can find a dress similar to this?

    If not, do you think I should get this dress (in red) instead?

    Or is it not as pretty?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Two very different dresses, which should I get?

    I'm having trouble choosing a dress for my winter ball in January. The theme is "Snow Ball.." but I never really pay attention to the theme. It's a semi-formal dance. Which dress do you like better?




    Thanks! =]

    15 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How should I give him his Christmas gifts?

    Okay, so I got my boyfriend 12 Christmas gifts, each of them resembling a little inside joke we have, and each one is supposed to be for one of the twelve days of christmas... but I won't see him on the ACTUAL twelve days of christmas.

    SO I need to figure out how I'm giving them to him.

    Here are the two basic options:

    A. Start this Monday, and give him one gift every week day until the 23rd, so I can give them to him in school.

    B. Put them all under a little fake Christmas tree I have, and invite him over, and have him open them all at once, like it's his own little christmas just for him. =)

    Thanks for any answers, and if you have any other ideas, feel free to share!

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Is this a good idea for a Christmas gift?

    The guy I'm dating and I have a lot of inside jokes, so I thought maybe it would be a good idea for Christmas instead of getting him a big gift, to getting him a bunch of small trinkets that resemble each of our jokes. I was thinking it would be cute to get twelve of them, one for each of the "twelve days of Christmas," but I won't see him EVERY DAY of our vacation, so I wouldn't be able to give them to him on the actual 12 days of Christmas, so I was thinking that I could give them to him in school on the 12 school days leading up to Christmas Vacation.

    Do you think that's a good idea? Would you rather get twelve small, sentimental items that may be a little silly, or one big item?


    20 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Dress for Winter Ball?

    My winter ball is coming up, and I'm not sure what to wear. The dance is a semi-formal, but I really want a chance to wear my junior prom dress from last year to another dance. However, I'm afraid it will be WAY too formal. This is what it looks like:

    It's absolutely beautiful, but I'm not sure if I should wear it, or get a short dress and save it for some other occasion. What do you think?

    Also, can people give me suggestions of shorter dresses that are preferably under $100? I can't find any I like!


    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How long should I wait before dating again?

    I broke up with my boyfriend of a month yesterday, because I only thought of him as a friend. I still want to be friends with him, because he's a really great guy, so how long should I wait before dating someone else?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Boy troubles!?

    Sorry in advance that this is so long...

    I've been dating this guy for a little over a month now, and he's a really great guy: he's nice, thoughtful, and really likes me. However, I feel as though he likes me a lot more than I like him, he always has. I wasn't even sure that I actually wanted to date him when he asked me to be his girlfriend, but I had figured I would give it a shot. He's done everything right, and yet for some reason I still don't feel as though I have a great connection with him. When it's just the two of us, I really enjoy his company, but when we're with my friends he just sits there, and when I'm not around him he's not on my mind.

    There's another guy that I've been talking to lately, and we connect on such a deep level. He knows that I have a boyfriend, but I think that he likes me, and I think I like him, too. I am extremely conflicted, because I'm not the type of person to go from one guy to the next, but this other guy really understands me like no one else does. I am not sure what to do though, because #1 I think my boyfriend is a great guy and wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, #2 I am not sure if a relationship with the other guy would even occur if I were not dating my current boyfriend, and I have no way of knowing how this boy really feels.

    I feel as though I can't connect on a deep level with my boyfriend, and I'm unsure whether I am in a relationship with him just to be in a relationship... I would NEVER cheat on anyone, but I'm worried that if I break up with my boyfriend I will lose my chance on having a good relationship, because I'm not sure how this other boy feels.

    Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have any ideas on what I should do? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Poll: Do you have more...?

    Do you have more Best Answers, or more Questions Asked?

    Please put the numbers.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: Have you ever...?

    ...Traveled out of the country?

    Where did you go?

    Did you enjoy it?

    Was it worth the money?

    Did you go with a tour group, or by yourself?

    What was your favorite/least favorite part about the place you traveled to?

    My friend and I are trying to plan a vacation, and I feel like the whole world just opened up to me... So now we need to choose where it is we want to go.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: What are your top two favorite...?

    holidays? What are your least favorite two holidays?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago