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Butterfly Christie :~:~:~:~:

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  • Can Bernie Sanders be a write-in candidate if he does not win the primaries?

    Every source I can find says most states require an individual to register to be a write-in candidate for their votes to be tallied. So, has Bernie registered, or does the fact that he ran in the primaries make him automatically registered?

    Please give credible sources so we can know for sure.

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Completing The Square, and The Quadratic Formula seem to give different answers in this equation?

    Am I correct that the 2 methods Completing The Square, and The Quadratic Formula are supposed to produce the same answers?

    It s this equation:

    x² − 6x − 11 = 0

    Completing The Square gives this answer:

    x = 3 ± 2√5‾

    The Quadratic Formula gives this answer:

    x = 3 ± 2√10‾

    This is what I did with Completing The Square:

    x² − 6x − 11 = 0

    x² − 6x = 11

    6 ÷ 2 = 3

    3² = 9

    x² − 6x + 9 = 11 + 9

    x² − 6x + 9 = 20

    (x − 3)(x − 3) = 20

    (x − 3)² = 20

    √(x − 3)²‾ = √20‾

    x − 3 = 2√5‾

    x = 3 ± 2√5‾

    So the answer is this:

    x = 3 ± 2√5‾

    This is what I did with The Quadratic Formula:

    -(-6) ± √(-6)² − 4(1)(-11)‾



    6 ± √36 + 44‾



    6 ± √80‾



    6 (÷ 2) ± √80‾ (÷ 2)


    2 (÷ 2)

    = 3 ± √40‾

    = 3 ± 2√10‾

    The answer is this:

    x = 3 ± 2√10‾

    I really appreciate any help you can give!

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Need help understanding the Point-Intercept form.?

    I'm confuzzled as to what the x, and y mean in the Point-Intercept Form, which is the equation (y = mx - b). I know in other context it's the ordered point in a graph, usually expressed as (x,y).

    At the moment my I think these are the definitions:

    (y) is the y-intercept.

    (x) is the x-intercept.

    (m) is the slope.

    (b) is the y-intercept.

    However then wouldn't b always equal y? In math questions I saw they were different numbers sometimes.

    Does x, and y represent any point on the line? I needed to ask someone to be sure. I can't find anywhere on the web that confirms that.

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Has Angelina Jolie ever said she is a feminist?

    She is definitely a feminist icon to many feminists, but does anyone have a quote from her saying she is a feminist?

    6 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • What's a word for someone who loves sex that is without any negative connotations?

    The only words I can think of in the english language are bimbo, slut, minx, etc. but these were originally made to be insults. If someone simply likes sex, and has safe, and consenting sex there is nothing wrong with that, so I'm trying to think of another word as a writer, or is our society really that backwards?

  • Have equalist feminists called out extremist feminists?

    Can you give as many examples as you can of feminists who are just for gender equality calling out radicals who seem to just be about women's rights over men's rights, that some people like to irrationally stereotype all feminists as?

    6 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Will the major religion's fall because they are essentially hurtful to innocent minorities?

    Muslims, Christians, and even Jews all have text that condemns gay couples. However as society has progressed, and we enter the information age we find even scientifically that gay couples are capable of a consenting, caring, responsible, loving, and safe relationship as much as straight couples are.

    So saying they are evil is liking picking on someone just for being different.

    The leading medical, and psychological associations have all consistently supported gay couples, and condemned "gay reparative therapy" because there is objective evidence that shows it harms them.

    So will this be more, and more seen as like how the book of Mormon says black people have dark skin because they were cursed by God?

    I think this may be why many preachers are so adamant to portray homosexuals as evil, more than adultery, and divorce. They want to stop gay marriage from becoming legal, when divorse which goes completely against Christianity is completely legal. It shows these religions written by people with the limited knowledge of their times, and societies rather than knowledge coming from an all knowing deity.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Isn't it funny that most questions are for atheists in the Religion & Spirituality section?

    Why do you think that is? (This isn't one of those questions that say atheists don't belong here because they obviously do. The amount of questions are just one evidence of that.)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would you vote for an atheist, transsexual president? this scenerio lets say they agree with everything you agree with, and are well qualified.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Chick-fil-A gave millions of dollars to theocratic religious organizations to be anti-gay?

    So are you going to not eat there anymore?

    I thought they had great food, but now to know I have been giving my money to organizations that want to force their religion on others with laws, which goes against the 1st amendment of the US Constitution. Organizations like, "Focus on the family", and Exodus International, a so-called ex-gay organization. It's very theocratic, and un-American. I don't feel like living in a Christian version of Saudi Arabia, so I'm not giving them anymore of my money.

    Here is the story:

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • The number of possible people DNA can produce vs. actual person born?

    I was wondering if there are scientific sources explaining this? Like how much possible people could have been born, when one actual person was born, with DNA. I'm guessing the possible number would be incredibly high.

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Christians, God, and Siberian Volcanos?

    If you have ever heard of the Siberian Traps, they come from a massive eruptive event which formed the traps, one of the largest known volcanic events of the last 500 million years of Earth's geological history, continued for a million years and spanned the Permian–Triassic boundary, about 251 to 250 million years ago.

    This extinction event, also called the Great Dying, affected all life on Earth, and is estimated to have killed 90% of species living at the time. Life on land took at least 30 million years to fully recover from the environmental disruptions which may have been caused by the eruption of the Siberian Traps.

    The only reason our ancestors survived is because we were small mammals living in holes underground. If we came up for air too long we die. This was life on Earth for millions of years.

    Okay, so where was the Christian God? He just sat there for millions of years and suddenly he decides to intervene just a couple thousand years ago to appear to some illiterate people in the desert who only have hearsay, and say-so from an old book as "evidence" and if we don't believe this we are supposed to burn forever? Does that really sound plausible to you?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • God, what's with all the dinosaurs?

    Just to give some perspective, dinosaurs lived on this planet for 165 million years, and humans have lived on this planet for 200 thousand years. That means humans have been on this earth 0.1% of the time dinosaurs have.

    Why would an intelligent creator want species who would not be very intelligent, and just are out to eat all of the rest of their creations for 165 million years? For that long a god just sat around with arms folded, and didn't do anything about that?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did you draw Muhammad today?

    Happy draw Muhammad day! It came with a free eclipse too! Yay! Did you make a drawing? If so can you post it for others to see? Here is mine, I haven't had time to do it recently though:

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • New keyboard opens default browser when pressing CTRL?

    Hi, my keyboard oddly opens a new window of my default browser just by pressing the left CTRL key. I use CTRL a lot for many keyboard shortcuts so I'm wondering if anyones knows what it could be?

    Things I've done so far:

    - I checked to make sure my N key wasn't stuck sense CTRL N opens a new browser window. It wasn't stuck.

    - I downloaded a free keyboard mapping program and installed it, set the keys to default, but my keyboard acts the same.

    - I tried reinstalling the drivers, I checked if there was no additional keyboard drivers which could interfere.

    - I tried searching Google, I found a couple people with the same problem but no one was able to help them.

    - I tried using a different keyboard, and only my new keyboard seems to be doing this. My new kayboard is the only one that works, with an exception to this problem.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware9 years ago