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jyothish v

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  • I own a hospital with Cathlab in India. Can I employ the wife of a cardiologist in this hospital and divide their pay?

    I own a cardiac centre with Cathlab and I need a cardiologist there. I am willing to pay him 4.5 lakhs per month. But the one I was looking for says that he is willing to work for 3.0 lakhs per months ONLY if I also employ his wife(a dentist) for 1.5 lakhs per month. I have no problem with the money...but the fact is that a dentist have not much role in my centre(atmost necessitating RS 10000 per month). ..but since money-wise this doesn't make a difference, I am OK with it. What I want to know is whether there are any legal issues with it-either for me or for the doctors? Can any authority question me or them? If at all they qn, what answer is legally acceptable? Or is this a totally illegal method. If at all I go for this arrangement, all payments will be white, with PAN and TDS and all that..its just a qn of legal issues with an arrangent like these

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What all would be a good choice of smartphone for me, keeping in mind the following specifications?

    1)Price range: Rs.20000/- and below (preferrably less than rs.15000/-)

    2)Camera quality shoud be good

    3)Decent battery back up ......should last 1 day confrotably ....and I use WIFI and DATA CONNECTION sparing.....I don't watch much videos or listen to music using my phone....and I don't play gamees as well........Not too much phone calls either

    4)Dual sim.....a high degree of preferrence forones with standard SIMs

    5)Flashlight (yes...i need that for my job)

    6)Good internal memmory.......preferrably 16 GB and higher........should have the option of using an external memory card as well

    7)RAM:atleast 1 GB, preferrably 2 GB

    I have had issues with LENOVO.....memory used up....programms don't work.......sound issues (can't listen on phone, even ring tone was affected....and this issue crept up again even after 1 repair)

    Sony experia.....gethung every now and then

    Thought about zenfone 5.......lot of people were however complaining about battery issues (not lasting even 1 day)

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Does the Azhage song by Utthara deserve a national award? I felt its just a good rendering by a child?

    Not comparable to Asha Bhonsle, Alka Yagnik, Ks Chitra, S Janaki or Lata Mangeshkar or shreya Ghoshal....I felt so

    Was it because there were no other better songs last year?

    I don't know....I don't listen to music...i feel if a music is good enough I will come to know about it......I don't have to reach out for anything

    On top of all that......there appears to be a lot of computerized correction/modulation of the voice.....quite evident in this song.....such cases should not be considered for an award

    i have seen such modulations elsewhere too....but not in award winning ones !!!

    1 AnswerOther - Music6 years ago
  • Who think Mahendra Pal Arya is a big idiot because of his poor common sense?

    He is just not able to understand what another person communicates......what even I can understand he is unable to !!!

    In the above video, the IT proffessional mentions several things......the so called Pandit is unable to understand what the other person very clearly conveyed !

    PLUS I have this doubt.....whether Pandit knows anything about Hinduism at all.....I have never seen him saying even a single intelligent teachings from Hinduism !!!!

    He never said he is conveying Hinduism......I agree....but then he foolows Vedas.....but he doesn't convey any single thing from it either !!!!

    If you are trying to reconvert someone you should remove the misconceptions he have about Vedic religion......rather than trying to put forward negative things about Islam......If you are going to only try dismantle must be honest, not boast ......and try to understand the others viewpoints......

    For the above video the Pandit....quotes some quranic verse which on surface seem to weaken Islamic ideologies.....the young man then put forwards the correct meaning/explanation.......Instead of trying to make him realise the illogicalness of his explanations...the Pandit simply declares..."Areh tum kuch nahi jante!"

    And he just shifts to another verse....who ever will be convinced by this sort of arguments....very PATHETIC

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is killing cattle for beef a greater pollutant than sustaining them for milk and other purposes?

    Recently I have seen a propoganda to support beef ban by quoting environmental pollutant effects of beef. They say beef is the most pollutant of meat....uses up more water and leads to emission of green house gases.

    I have read few of the articles which states things like these. But one point is unclear:

    "Suppose I raise 100 cows for milk this group A......and suppose I raise another 100 cows for this group B"

    From the article it seems to me that both A and B are equally harmful.....because pollution comes from raising the cattle......not during the actual killing and meat production part

    Plz tell me if I am wrong......because from what I understood, sustaining them for years might actually be more polluting because of simply the greater number of years that a cattle lives!!!!

    1 AnswerZoology6 years ago
  • Why is media people given so much importance? I speak in the background of Vrat Kohli issue in Australia?

    I mean Virat Kohli or any other celebrity do not abuse anyone other than media or the other media people would have invariably irritated the celebrity in some way.....Always.....My question is, why is abusing a media person for their bad deeds such an issue.?

    If someone had published derogatory things about you in newspaper, that person deserves abuse and some manhandling !!!

    In the virat kohli issue the media person was not at fault.....maybe media people are not at fault in many such occassions......but they will be responsible in atleast a few cases.....But the point is that people in other professions are not in error in any similar incidents.....its always media people......which seem to sugggest that the entire breed of media people are at fault

    In an interview the media people provoke the "stars" inviting bitter responses purposefully so that when the "stars" do react it will become a news item (Star manhandled news reporter)

    As though the insults done by media people are nothing......only the actions of "stars" are wrong.....why such a stance by the society???

    MAYBE the job of media people are such that they are meant to report things about stars which at times may be of a negative shade...AGREED thats their job.......But even then when celebrities go for abuse the response is "Look! this person dared to abuse a media guy".....It is this attitude thats the problem....abusing any huiman being is wrong.....but a media person is not special in any way

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can someone give the details about this so called judgemetn? Date/judge, the doctor's name etc?

    I have seen only this cicular but have been unable to locate the actual judgement from the delhi HC website's judgement list.

    Plz help......I need to verify this news

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Is it true that Apple iphone will last for a "lifetime" or atleast several years?

    One of my friend keeps telling me to get rid of my Lenove smartphone, which is just 1 yr old and is giving me problems and to get the Apple iphone.

    Now I am the Tyler Durden of FightClub....I don't fall for brands and looks and I don't care about showing off. I only care about quality. I am aware the Apple iphone are vulnerable to cyber attacks on your personal data. .....But still one thing attracted me, my friend told me that unlike my curent iphone do not get damaged soon and will last a "lifetime".......Well is it true? If not a lifetime.....will it last several years (say 10-15 yrs)?

    Because if its not......its doesn't seem to be worth the money !!

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Islamic terrorist killing women and children, enslaving and raping women. Is it wrong as per Islam. If so. do terrorist have ANY justifctn?

    I am aware that the Quran says "if u kill one innocent human being its as though....blah blah".

    My qn is....if this is so....what Quran/hadith based justification do these terrorist have in justifying their actions?

    I want to know their psychology. I don't buy the argument that they are "Quran illiterate".....they always seem to quote some supportive quranic verses to support their actions

    Eg: Its OK to fight and kill your oppressors (and in some verses it gives a licence to act against nonbelievers too)....and because these women and children are part of the oppressors, its OK to kill them.......somethiing along these lines

    What I would like to know whether the terrorist are saying the truth, or are they lying? or have they got the ideas wrong?

    5 AnswersRamadan6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Where can we get two seater tricycles in India-whether online or on retail stores? Looking for ones whcih can be used outdoors too. See PIC?

    I tried on online stores. Unfortunately such tricycles are there only on foreign online stores......its not seen in an Indian stores except on indiamart. But on Indiamart the cycles available are usable only indoors (the model is different....the tyres are smaller). I couldn't find such cycles in my town in the local stores either.

    can anyone help me and tell me where could buy one like these

    1)A two seater tricycle ....similar to the one in the picture

    2)Should be usable outdoors too. The tyres should be large enough

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • In India does the NCERT textbooks gives details about these issues?

    1)Birth of Jesus and the historicity of the events surrounding crucufcation and resurrection?

    2)Life of prophet Muhammed and the authoring of the Koran

    3)Creation of Israel, the arguments and counterarguments PLUS the background information regarding to who did the land belonged to from the time historical sources reveal. Eg: regarding the "promised Land" and all that....who were the initial occupants etc

    4)I know the partition of India is mentioned in detail and in a commendible ubiased manner.......but what about the plight of Hindu's in Pakisthan (The TB mentions atrocities upon Muslims in India.....that i know)

    5)Hostory of Jammu and Kashmir.....the driving away of Kashmiri Pundits

    6)The Emergency.....

    7)Indira Gandhi assasination and anti-Sikh riots

    8)Rajeev Gandhi assasination

    9)History of the first ammendement and the 42nd ammendment of constitution and the related SC verdicts?

    I saw a NCERT textbook describing emergency and anti-Sikh riots.....this was uploaded on scribd.....but i couldnt find these chapters in the history TB available on the NCERT website

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • Whats the name of this book/novel? Don't remember exact story.Rough plot given below?

    An UFO approaches earth. Earth sends a team to investigate. Two men and one woman gets into it. The UFO then quickly goes away. The three are trapped inside. It continues to go far far away for a long time. It had food for these people within the UFO. The three after a long time decides to have sex and procreate.....this creating generation over a period of centuries. Later on humans discover other life forms and then starts to exploit resources and does some bad things. Finally the original aliens controlling the UFO comes to them and tells them that "Human beings are the worst among the creatures seen by them"...all other species "collected" by them lived in harmony...except for human beings. Saying so, they are realeased back to earth

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Why do Christians consider their religion alone to be a part of history and thus true?

    Now I understand resurrection of Jesus and the "historical evidence" for people witnessing a live Jesus after he was definitely dead upon being crucified is the reason that today many people believe in Jesus. I have looked at the claims that "people who actually antagonised Jesus when he was taching bore witness to the miracle....and the letters that people like that wrote is proof"

    Now as far as I understand it....these claims have not been falsified and even atheists attempting to do so have failed.

    But of today unbiased historians do not consider the resurrection or death or ascension of Jesus to be an actual historic event.......eventhough most historians do believe that a person called Jesus may have existed !!!

    In fact.....i don't understand how 2000 yr old claims can be as of today be conclusively proven......similar claims have been raised by Muslims and other religions as well (their own versions of truth )

    So my question is.....what is the basis of the "believing Christians" of today.....are they follow Christianity because they find the Bible and its teachings beleivable and to be the most likey truth


    Did they (atleast a few) analyzed the histoicity of the events unbised and found it to be true......if someone actually did that......why isn't the historians so sure?

    Plz don't propose answers like "others don't believe because their minds are taken over by Satan" ETC ETC...I am looking for serious answers here.....The qn is HISTORY based

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Whats the meaning of these two passages from Rig Veda? Explain your answer!?

    Rig Veda 10.111.10 mahīṃ cid dyāmātanot sūryeṇa cāskambha citkambhanena skabhīy��n ||

    Rig Veda 9.74.3 divo ya skambho dharuṇaḥ svātata āpūrṇo aṃśuḥ paryetiviśvataḥ

    Plz....anybody trying to explain needs to explain it within the context of the whole chapter

    Further....I understand Sanskrit atleast in a feeble manner (studied for a few years....then stopped) don't try to fool me

    I say so....b/c i have seen people replying that it means "Indra has held up the sky with pillars" and stuff like that......Thats not a convincing translation......because it is not a correct translation in my view.... I have seen many other anti-Hindu translators coming up with funny meaning......but for starters...."Skambha! What does that mean......the word for pillar is Stambha .....and not Skambha"......PLUS many other querries exist !!!!!!

    Unbiased translators have kept these passages as un-translatable......meaning they are unable to decipher the ,meaning (not that the verse is nonsense)

    So....can anyone give me the correct translation with an explanation....PL.....PLZ do not copy-paste stuff from the net meanings that do not have a real meaning (I mean usage of incomplete sentence....usage of non-English words.....usage of signs like [sic] which i do not understand)

    If you are to use symbols and non-English words....plz explain their usage

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why are some plots (plot of land NO BUILDINGS)called residential plots and some others called commercial plots?

    The commercial plots have 8-10 times higher rate than typical residential plots nearby. There are no buildings invovled here....only plot of land.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • If some Hindu says, he beleives and WORSHIPS only one god, the omnipotent creator of this universe, is he a Muslim too?

    I am not asking for personal opinions here. I want a honest reply from Muslims here. He is not sure whether Quran is from God (maybe/maynot be-don't know), he is unsure whether a person called Muhammed exists. He is not sure whether historical descriptions are correct. Even being a Hindu, he is not sure whether a person named Krishna existed. He doesn't believe in history. I understand Quran challenges unbelievers of Quran to produce something similar to it-but that is no real argument. So please don't try to argue to make me believe in Quran or Muhammed.

    This person believes in one god as described above and worships it only....does this one attribute make him a Muslim (Forget about what else he does )?

    I understand from the Quran that the most imp thing that Allah requires of us to do is to worship him and him this person does that!

    Agreed Allah also tells us to obey him and obey the messenger......and Muslim is someone who submits his will to god .

    And I have heard this argument "So how will someone submit himself to the will of god.....if he doesn't know what the God's wills from you...Hence for this purpose it is necessary for that person to believe in the Quran too....b/c its in the Quran that the will of god is written"

    So this person in qn could not make up his mind....about authenticity of Quran or whether Muhammed existed....but he believes in only the One god (explained already).....Can he be considered as a Muslim?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do nonhindu's find it dificult to understand the concept of God in Hinduism?Most have only misconceptions.But Hindu's understand others!?

    All of them seem preoccupied with the idea that there is a monkey god, there is a elephant god, there is a god of the ghosts(Shiva), there is a god with snakes, (Shiva). god with four heads (Brahma), god with four arms (Vishnu)

    I know many Hindu's too think this way

    But a learned Hindu knows the truth......God in Hindusim is one who is unmanifest....but who may have so many manifest versions......where in reality all these so called multiple gods are nothing but the one unmanifest God called Brahman !!!

    Meaning the various functions done by Brahman like creation , sustenance and destruction is just represented by Brahma, Vshnu and Shiva

    The underlying concept is that even if one is worshipping Vishnu....we are not actually worshipping something that has four hands.....but we are in reality worshipping the one god, the unmanifest Brahman.

    (It is the same as that of Allah in Islam.....the Father in Chrisitianity)

    These multiple forms are meant only to make our bonds with the unmanifest one stronger. Its like learning a story....the story being the GOD....u can learn it by hearing or reading a book ....again the book maybe harbound.softbound, colored/uncolored....but in the end what u learn is the story only (THIS IS THE MOST IMP POINT)

    I tired a trial question at yahoo answers...and all the non-hindu's think only about cow-god, elephant god etc

    Some takj about caste sytem being a part of Hinduism...all these are misconceptions !!!

    Why so difficult to understand?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Isn't every person on the world a Hindu?

    Hindusim/hindu for one is not a well-defined religion/religious sect.So I don't care what swami Vivekananda defines it (or anybody else defines it for that matter).

    When i say Hinduism, i mean people who can be included as per the Hindu scriptures !

    I can't explain what i mean by "Hindu" scriptures.....but i am sure everyone with some knowledge understands what those are....eventhough i can't actually define it......i mean books like Vedas/Upanishads/Bhagavad gita/Puranas etc......i would like to exclude a few like Bhavishya Purana b/c i don't think many Hindu's woould consider it as their "religious scriptures".....many of it seems to be written very recently !!!!

    further u got to accept that none of the scriptures really contradict the if we try to define the god should fit into everything !!!

    Now Hindusim has this four fold path to salvation/Moksha/ultimate goal....whatever u call it


    Hinduism belives every religion is a path to the ultimate goal......your success depends on the level of belief and bhakti (intensity of worship to god)as according to your belief

    So technically all religions are valid.....even atheism too. So why can't they be another sect of Hindusim?

    Hence i think even a Muslim can be considered as a Hindu (eventhough they themselves may not want that)

    Any disagreeing Hindu's remember: Hindusim is as yet undefined

    Disagreeing Muslims plz remember: Agreeing this is not shirk! (Word limits reached)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago