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  • Why must people always resort to violence?

    Will people ever learn the violence is not the key? Look at all of the current happenings around the world, it sickens me to see such tragedy and sensless violence. I look at the great people who peacefully made a dramatic change in society like Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi, they led peaceful revolutions and in doing so they made great strides in culture and society. Why is it that people can't take a hint from that and seek a peaceful means of making a difference? What is happening to society as a whole now? How did we get here and where will we go from here?

    This is just stuff I've been pondering and with those four kids who shot that guy and then the citizens militia that's killing and plotting to torture and kill cops - I'm just afraid for teh future we are all leaving for our children. Any input is appreciated and all opinions are welcome, even trolls who may bring a chuckle to a pretty serious topic.

    4 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • why is it ok to give fathers a bad wrap?

    So I just took my kids mother to court because she got arrested for allowing her roomate to manufacture and distribute meth from her home. I brought relevant facts and current conditions of everything absolutely relative to the situation to mediation with me. I was even granted an ex parte hearing as a result of her arrest and previous criminal activity. She even admitted to lying on her response papers and the police finding at very least a pipe for meth in the room she claims is my daughters room.

    The courts saw fit to order me to take a parenting class and leave the visitation agreement as is. This comes after they turned my sole custody (from previous drug related incidents on her behalf) into a rotating weekly schedule that she asked for with no valid reason.

    I just went to do a Google search for "fathers who have been discriminated against in family court" but I was absolutely appauled at the instant suggestions. Sure there are plenty of jerk dads in the world, but whose counting the worthless druddy moms? Who's looking into mothers who lie and mothers who endanger their children?

    How in the heck did some man hating <insert colorful and derogatory term(s) here> get that pushed through?????

    Most important question is does anybody know of any kind of father advocacy in California??????

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What's Really Going On....?

    This George Zimmerman thing has me completely baffled. I'm no attorney and I'm sure the hours of Law and Order or Matlock I've watched haven't prepared me for litigation by any means, but why is the prosecution so bent on getting this guy? It's a horrible situation and my heart goes out to the parents of young Mr. Williams, but from what I saw of the trial this morning it doesn't seem like the state will be able to prosecute this case. Their star witness doesn't even seem like she wants to participate at all and her credibility appeared to be shredded in cross examination. Is there something I have missed in this whole deal? Why is it being blown up in the media like it was some huge hate crime if there's no evidence to even suggest that?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What is the best UTM firewall on the market?

    I'm running SBS 2008 (don't hate it came with the gig) and Exchange Server 2007 on a small 10 user ntwork. I was thinking about picking up and Endian Mini with WiFi but I haven't really looked very far int what's currently on the market. I know SBS is like a crack head server and t flips out all of the time and the 2008 version is really wacky.

    Although I want to migrate over to a Linux server and make my life easy, it's not in the realm of possible right now. This is a production server that is currently using ClamWin (the database was a thousand years old when I came on board) and has no spam protection. To make things even more fun the D-Link firewall was opened up like a Xbox 1 package at gamers birthday party!

    Anyways, just thought Id see if anyone had any tips on a solid and stable UTM appliance like Endian that offered all of the bells and whistles.

    3 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • What's a fun thing to do while stoned at work?

    I decided to wake and bake this morning - when I got to work I did all of the serious work stuff like or jumping on Yahoo Answers but somehow I'm kind of bored still.... Any good wasted workplace practices anyone can come up with???

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • Would it be better to lie about being an atheist?

    I often see Christian's posting what seem to be rude or cold questions about atheist's on here. I am an atheist, not by choice but by design. I was raised in a Christian home and my family is a mix of devout and only goes on Sunday folks.

    I have been honest about my lack of faith. I cannot (for my own personal reasons) believe as Christian folks do.

    I have studied the Bible and religion in great detail. I don't judge people for praying or going to church. I actually envy those who do have faith as it seems to bring them comfort at times. So why then should I be treated with disrespect by Christians? Why am I a bad person for being honest about my actual beliefs?

    I have no malice against religion and I absolutely respect someone's right to their own belief. I don't make fun of people for being religious, I don't judge them. As a matter of fact I abide to all 10 commandments, even the 1st commandment. I don't have any other god's I worship, I just just don't have that 1 God either.

    So how is it I'm a bad person?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What to do for the end of the world?

    So on Friday April 13, 2029 an asteroidd about 1 mile in diameter is going to come closer to Earth than some orbital satelites. The margin for global destruction is pretty large so I'm thinking about having an "end of the world party" - I'm not thinking it's going to end, but it's a heck of a good reason to throw one!!! Any suggestions on what kind of drinks to make, events to have and so on? I'm wanting to do something epic, but not like Heaven's Gates or Jim Jones end of the world epic, I mean more like even the police are going to talk about it for years to come kind of epic!

    3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Why do people try to make religion scary?

    I am confused, I've studied the Bible (rather extensively) and I've even gone as far as checking out the missing cannons. The old testiment God is pretty hard core, but the new testiment God seems really mellow and loving. Not a lot of people seem to be open minded about religion any more and that is very sad to me. Why is it people have to fight about it and make it seem like teenagers are just automatically going to hell, or someone who uses marijuana medically (and I've had friends go through kemo as well as brain surgery who were advised by respected physicians) would go to hell??? What wouldbe the point of living anyways if we are all pretty much going to end up in hell for some stupid thing???

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can i use serviio media browser in a regular domain?

    I have the Serviio DLNA server and I love it! I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my IIS 7 server now.

    I've already setup a URL rewrite rule, but the problem is in the media browser side it uses a secure URL protocal that just shows http://<domain>/mediabrowser and though the rewrite goes to teh login page none of teh scripts or css will work for me.

    I've tried yanking all of the jar files out and dropping them into my tomcat but it still didn't seem to work right, so I'm just hoping someone out there has at least a clue to what I can do.

    The URL rewrite rule is using wildcards and the address is http://localhost:28482/%7BR:0%7D (not sure if that's the right port but I'm not in front of my Serviio machine right now, the rule does have the correct port).

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Does anything promote bone marrow stem cell production?

    I am in a clinical trial using my bone marrow stem cells to repair (hopefully) my retinal damage from rod cone dystrophy. This is just a test for safety and the possibility of it being effective so they are only going to do one injection. As it stands I will go in early to have a set amount of bone marrow asperated and then the stem cells will be seperated, then injected. Since nobody is counting them, and it is more of a whatever they get kind of thing I was hoping to hedge my bets a bit and maybe start a diet or suppliment that would stimulate stem cell production.

    Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago