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Dan B
What is the best product to coat your garage floor with?
I would like to get that nice show room floor look in my garage but I am not sure what the best product to achieve this look is. I have read that epoxy coating are best, but can be slippery. This will be a DIY project, but I am not afraid to do multiple coats. Links that explain the system would be great thanks a lot.
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoI am thinking about bidding on a HUD home. What is involved in this process?
Specifically How long does it take to get a response back from a bid?
How long does it take to get a closing date?
What HUD specific paperwork is required?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoCan the movie Maxed Out be believed?
The message that I saw in that movie was the credit companies profit more from the sale of debt than from collection of debt in the traditional method. They continued to say that the FICO credit score that we are all given, has unreported and flawed logic. And then implied that the United States Government has monitored debt for the past 100 years and now has us so far into debt that it cannot be paid off by the current tax rate.
Can this message be believed?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoJust saw the movie Maxed Out. Can you believe the message that it gives?
The message that I saw in that movie was the credit companies profit more from the sale of debt than from collection of debt in the traditional method. They continued to say that the FICO credit score that we are all given, has unreported and flawed logic. And then implied that the United States Government has monitored debt for the past 100 years and now has us so far into debt that it cannot be paid off by the current tax rate.
Can this message be believed?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoCorrupted excel file. Is there a way to revert to an older saved version of the file?
In a nutshell, I have a large excel file that I use as a log to represent files in my office. A co-worker opened the file and sorted it causing all the previous relationships to fail now everything is out of order. Is there a way to revert back to an older save?
Thanks for your help.
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoQuestion about liens. What does the phrase below mean?
First lien may be assumable at 14%-18% interest with 6 points up front.
I am looking for houses and stumbled across one that had this phrase written in the description. Any help is appreciated.
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIs the decaying magneto sphere above the southern atlantic caused by global warming.?
Or is it a result of the hole in the ozone near that area.
Or is it a caused by the impending change of the north and south poles.
Seriously I saw this show about it last night and they were talking about the decay of the magneto sphere and as such I am curious.
5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoI am trying to create a maintenance log for tools and equipment on a commercial construction job site?
My question is does anyone know any good links to maintenance sheets outlining the different milestones, maintenance, and repair needs? Lists are great too. Right now I plan to create two reports. One log detailing all maintenance to include date, cost, and reason. Then I will make a sheet for each item indicating what maintenance it will require. This second log will be done for items such as pumps, generators, gas operated tools, battery operated tools, hand tools and vehicles. I will be creating this report using excel. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI am pouring a 4th floor deck and need a cheap 8" sleeve for plumbing penetrations. Does Anyone know of a ?
good product on the market? It has to meet two criteria - 8" height - inexpensive. Thanks
5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoIn Houston Texas does anyone know of a good commercial carpet installer?
I need someone who is capable of installing all of the carpet in a 14 story hotel. The number of installers in the area is huge and I have never had much luck with installers. Always overworked and underpaid. So I am really interested in a company that is run by an installer who takes care of his employees.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoIs it possible to act as your buying agent when buying a home?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhere can I get good experience in Final Fantasy 7?
I am playing on the PC Cloud is at level 58 and I just completed the Rocket Mission. Also what level should I be to battle the Weapons and are there any multiple party battles?
2 AnswersPC1 decade agoWhere can I get good experience in Final Fantasy 7?
I am playing on the PC Cloud is at level 58 and I just completed the Rocket Mission. Also what level should I be to battle the Weapons and are there any multiple party battles?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs Al Gore really killing the baby polar bees?
I am really asking what is the back story on Al Gore. I did a yahoo search on the guy using "Al Gore Lifestyle". Listed below are three sites listed in the order that they appeared on the search engine. Is it possible he pulled an Al Gore and said something he couldn't back up and now he is trying to do just that? Is there a massive anti-Al Gore campain going on from the right? Is he really and evil hypocrite just trying to help reagonomics along by giving the oil companies a reason to raise prices? Seriously what is the deal with this guy, and does it really matter what he does? Its not like anyone really has a solution. The only thing I have heard is that we should hold our breaths as we bike to work.
5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoWhat in the current consensus on Biomass generators?
I understand many ranchers use them is it possible to convert human waste to energy with them?
Also is possible to use food waste in them as an alternative to composting?
1 AnswerGlobal Warming1 decade agoWhat are some common (Basic) formulas, tables, and concepts used in Structural Engineering?
I am interested in reinforced concrete, post tensioning, pretensioned, structural steel, and architectural framing. Just the basics really.
Thanks for answering.
2 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoHow can I maximize the MPG on my new Pontiac G6?
Currently what I am doing is:
Using the cruise control
Replacing the air filter with a K&N filter
Replacing the spark plugs.
What are some other suggestions for what I can do to increase my MPG. Also are there any aftermarket devices that I can put on the car to get a higher MPG.
Thanks to all who answer.
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoIs anyone out there actually doing anything to curb the problem of AGW?
I want specifics. I would really like to know what large organizations are doing to help the problem. Namely with coal fired power plants and power consumption. I know about the LEED standard for commercial construction, but what else is there to reduce our emmisions. I would also perfer if there was no humans do not emit gases hoopla placed as an answer because you are wrong. I will agree with you that there is quite a bit of alarmist material out there, but there is also quit a bit of flat earth material out there as well. I want answers that concede that human emissions are a problem and what is being done to curb them. Middle of the road only. I understand that computer modeling allows us to predict a probable but not exact future and I am not concerned with that information. This is because if the solutions work that is future we will never see. So again any potential solution please. Also please do not say hold your breathe because that makes you out to be ignorant.
9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoAs a society when did we learn earth was round and not flat? Also is a flat earth better for global warming?
I am being serious how would the climate be affected if the earth was flat. Would the deep ocean conveyer belt work?
9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoI am curious to know of the normal responders to global warming questions who believes in evolution and also?
do you believe in global warming.
5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago