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  • John Denver fans...what's your favorite song of his?

    My favorites are;

    Sweet Surrender, Country Roads, Thank God I'm a Country Boy,

    Annie's Song, Grandma's Feather Bed, & Leaving On A Jet Plane.

    Twas a sad, sad day when he died! But at least he went out doing something that he absolutely loved...flying experimental aircraft.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hey, whatever happened to Joe Schmo?

    I like the Joe Schmo Show. I thought that they were going to do a second season, but never heard anything about it. Did they ever do it, or did they figure that it was too easy to catch on to?

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What's up with all of this 's stuff?

    Every time there's an apostrophe in the question you get that 's thing.

    Why is that? Is there some kind of problem with YA! in the tech dept?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's bugging you today?

    Got something you just want to rant about? Somebody ticking you off? Let it all out! I'll listen.

    Best answer to whatever amuses me the most. Not that your problems are funny, you know what I mean.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago

    Anyone else having SPAM for dinner tonight? If so how are you preparing it?

    Mine is sliced and fried with white american cheese melted on it, with a side of honey seasoned baked beans, and whomp biscuits.


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: Name a band or artist for every letter of the alphabet?

    best answer to the most diverse

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What was the view out your bedroom window, when you were growing up?

    As a military brat, I had many views. But my favorite was in Hawaii. Right outside my window was a plumeria tree, that gave off the best scent. Directly out the window (past the tree) was the neighbor's house. But if I craned my neck to look to the east, I could see a rounded off mountain top with trees all over it. Amazingly (for all the absolutely insane things we did), we never tried to climb that mountain.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the deal with the name "neo-con"?

    The way people use it, would be the same as calling an African American the N word. Where did it come from, and what does it really mean?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • New rule for NFL games...?

    Make your mother proud; chew your beer 15 times before swallowing.

    At the 6 degree Chiefs/Dolphins game today my beer literally froze within minutes!

    Does this sound like a good idea?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about the community guidelines and the YAmster...?

    When the YAmster has to delete a question for violating the community guidelines, do those of us who have answered it, LOSE 2 points?

    And just because the question is unpopular, why does that make it a violation? I saw nothing wrong with the question I answered. It was morbid, but not gross or anything like that.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What was your favorite Christmas gift?

    What was your favorite Christmas gift

    as a child?

    as a teen?

    as an adult?


    child - a stuffed raccoon toy. Racky went everywhere with me!

    teen - a nice stereo like Racky it followed me places...different colleges and towns I moved to and from, and through many years of marriage. Until it had a final meltdown.

    adult - Hawaii. My mother in law gave the entire family a trip to Hawaii.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • EMERGENCY >< How do I open the hood when the cable is broken?

    It's a 92 Dodge Caravan. The hood release lever broke, and the cable is frayed enough so that I can't get a grip on it with vice grips. How in the world do I open the hood. I HAVE to disconnect the battery due to an electrical short that won't let me shut off the parking lights.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should Brittney just change her name to Champagne?

    I mean if she's going to look and act like a cheap stripper, she might as well have the name. Get a freaking clue you ditz! I had to explain to my 6 & 4 year olds why that girl was dancing funny, in her underwear... ON THE DANGED MORNING NEWS!!

    Isn't it just time for this trailer trash queen to go away? Or at least go on pay per view where impressionable young kids don't see her nastiness by accident? Is an 8:30 AM bump and grind on national TV really appropriate? NO!

    7 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • I need books on How to fish. Any suggestions?

    I've been fishing all my life, and enjoy the solitude of it, but haven't had much luck, unless at a highly stocked private lake.

    I would like some how to books on fishing, but don't know which ones to look at. I'm fishing at lakes in the midwest...for whatever will bite.

    Any ideas would great! Something along the lines of Fishing for Dummies, but I haven't been able to find that one.


    8 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • What is with peoples' obsession with the Jonas Brothers?

    If you love them that's one thing. But if you don't like them, why do you spend so much energy trash talking about them?

    I'm a middle aged white guy, without cable. So I really have no idea what these kids are all about, let alone what they sound like. But I'm not gonna go around trashing them because they became rich and famous!

    Now Britney Spears? That trailer trash has got to go!!!

    Just kidding. If nothing else she provides work for worthless tabloid scum.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do you strip wax from a tile floor behind toilets?

    I am a church janitor, and we have a gunk/grime build up of dirt and stuff behind the toilets. How do I strip the wax up by hand, without a buffer? And without tearing up the tile with a scraping tool?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Anyone else feel like sending an ebomb?

    When you spend some time thoughtfully crafting an answer and then you try to submit it, and get that stinking "We're taking a breather!" message?

    It just ticks me right the heck off!

    Anybody else hate this stuff?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Buddy Holly song?

    Just a little curious about which songs of his are the favorites. Mine is True Love Ways. But I also really like Modern Don Juan.

    It's a crying shame that he had to die so young, and 8 years before I was born. I would have really loved to have gone to one of his shows. But I have gotten to see The Killer, and Chuck Berry.

    The Killer looked like he was knocking on Death's door, and ol' Chuck was fabulous.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Happy 233rd Birthday Marines!!!?

    Happy Birthday to all Marines wherever they may be! From a Marine brat.

    I remember one memorable Marine Corps Ball morning after. Dad comes stumbling down the hall, towards the kitchen obviously hung over and on crutches. It would seem that the guys decided that the thing to do at 2 AM, was to go streaking, and poor Dad stepped in a pot hole and broke his ankle! Picture that; a nekkid, 6'2 200 lb Marine laying in the street screaming in pain.

    Anybody else got any funny Ball tales to tell?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • should we fight a continuance?

    My wife went to court to fight a traffic ticket, and the city brought in the wrong police officer as the witness. He admitted that it wasn't his name on the ticket, and that he'd never seen my wife. The judge granted the city a continuance for one month to bring in the correct officer.

    Shouldn't the case have been dismissed, since the city was unable to bring in the correct officer?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago