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  • Anyone know why Tidy Cat litter recalled?

    Went to Wal-Mart today to buy some more cat litter (my cats like the crystals blend tidy cats or the one with the dark blue lid) and there was none. We asked a person who worked there about it and they said they took them off the shelves because the dark blue kind was recalled, but they had no idea why. I have tried to find out but can't find anything. Has anyone heard anything about this?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what's going on with BB10 and Ollie?

    Wait, wait, wait. So he throws a hissy and breaks BB stuff, but has no punishment. No automatic eviction (yeah, he's gone, but he could have easily stayed), no talking to, no punishment at all? What is going on? First, physical abuse last season, destruction of private property this season, what's gonna happen next? Attempted murder? And they'll just turn their heads and pretend it didn't happen.

    9 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know this book?

    I think it was a fantasy book, it might have been romance. I read it in the 90s.

    This princess was supposed to marry a prince but didn't want to. She was strong-willed and knew how to fight, or by the end of the book she was fighting. I know there was a lot of mistrust between them. The male thought she was trying to kill him. It was kind of a medieval setting, with castles and dragons. There was a dragon they had to kill. The most prominent thing I remember was this jewel they had to find (not sure if it was crystal, sapphire, or ruby). It went in their forehead and gave them all kinds of power. I believe it belonged to the male, but the female found it and used it and somehow gave it to him. It was how they defeated the dragon they were fighting.

    I know it's not a lot to go on, but any help would be appreciated. If noone knows the book, do you know of anywhere that searches for forgotten titles?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hey Buffy Fans....?

    Did any of you happen to watch the Lifetime movie Capture of the Green River Killer with Tom Cavanaugh (Ed)? Were you as surprised as I was when James Marsters came on screen as Ted Bundy? He did a good job, he's an expert at playing a bad guy, but it's kinda odd to hear him with an American accent after he had a British one for so long. What did you think about it?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Have you heard about the new MIller Lite philosophy?

    First, they showed how much they loved illegal immegrants and didn't respect hard-working Americans. Now, they show how much they hate Jesus and all Christians. I am rather insulted myself, but what is your view on it?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A questions for all Louisianians?

    So rumor is Ray Nagin is going to try to run in a political campaign and try to be governor of our good ole state of LA. How do you all feel about that? I personally think the fool needs a reality check and good slap across the face to knock some sense into him. What he doesn't know yet is that even though NO voted him in for mayor again (for some unkown reason), the rest of the state REALLY don't think too kindly of him. I really hope he doesn't do it. It will make our state look even more crooked than it already does.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about pitbulls?

    On the tv show The Power of 10, there was a question about the percentage of Americans who believe people should not own pitbulls. The percentange was 55%. I couldn't believe it was so high. I have worked at a vet clinic for quite a while and out of the hundreds of pits who have come in, not once have I had a bad experience with one. Of course, the people who usually bring their animals to a vet's office aren't the type of people who raise animals to be vicious towards other people and animals.

    For those who hate the breed, have you actually been around multiple pits or is the hatred you profess to from just stuff from the tv. And don't you think it's unfair to hate the whole breed from a few instances. I mean, that would be the same thing as saying you hate black or white people because one hurt your friend.

    31 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Howl's Moving Castle book vs movie?

    What is your opinion of the movie? Was it better than the book? I love the book and personally I thought the movie was horrible. It was completely different and I just couldn't deal. It didn't explain anything about the spell on Sophie and in the movie it was like they didn't even notice that the spell was off of her. I forced myself to watch the movie and it took me three days because I kept turning it off because I was so disgusted. Did anyone else have this reaction?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Are firefighters supposed to do this?

    The other day at the vet clinic I work at, two women got out of their two different cars at the same time. One had a dog, one had a cat in a pet carrier. The woman with the cat took the cat out of the pet carrier outside of the clinic (smart, huh?). The cat got scared that the dog was there and took off up a tree. It was about 25 up in the tree when the firefighters got there. They decided to hose the cat with their fire hose while the owner watched. I guess they figured when the cat fell down out of the tree terrified and soaking wet, it would run into their arms out of gratitude. Well, it didn't. It took off into the field behind the clinic and noone has seen it since. The woman threatened to sue the clinic and the woman with the dog - which will lead to nowhere.

    Are they supposed to get cats down like that now? Is that the newfangled thing to do? I just don't understand why they did that. Does anyone have any ideas about why?

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Can someone please help me with the name of this book?

    I remember a lot of the story but I can't remember the title or author.

    It's a sci-fi/fantasy type book. There's this village which brings girls to this castle for the vampire type person who lives there to eat. The girl figures out that the vampire use to be a human and can still become a human again so she tries to find a way to turn him back. She's, like, number 7 or 13 and if he gets the lifeforce/blood (or whatever he needs) of a certain number of girls then something will happen (forgot what).

    She ends up turning him human again and they fall in love. There's some kind of adventure they go on (maybe he runs away and she finds him?) and she saves his life. But he is scared of her because (I think) she has blue eyes and he thinks she can see through him and knows all his deep thoughts and also by the fact she knew what he had been. (I think) he had a fiancee before he turned and they end up meeting up with her. At the end of the book, she leaves to become maybe a priestess.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

    One of the questions was what country connected to the US has the longest border. The woman said Mexico. Mexico. And, supposedly, she had a 3.3 GPA in college. I couldn't believe she said that.

    Anyone else see it? Do you like the show?

    10 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Why do people ask such stupid questions?

    Are they really that stupid or just too lazy to do the research themselves?

    And then you have the people who answer the stupid question with the very long and correct answer so you know they had to actually do the research and write the answer. Are they also stupid for actually doing the research for the stupid question asker or that desperate to maybe get two points?

    16 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why did they delete my question?

    I asked a question about whether everyone thought I should have been fired at my job or not and not even two hours later they had deleted it. Why did they do that? Considering some questions I see that are on the boards that call people names and even threaten to kill them, my question was completely innocent. I didn't call anyone names. All I did was explain the reasons they gave me for being fired, the real reasons behind it, and asked if they should have. Which rule did I break?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people believe Clinton didn’t do anything for terrorism?

    Someone please explain why they say Clinton did nothing when his administration thwarted the attacks that were planned against the UN Headquarters, the FBI building, the Israeli embassy in Washington, the LA and Boston airports, the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the George Washington Bridge, a plot against the US embassy in Albania, killing the Pope, and to blow up 12 US jets simultaneously. He tripled the counterterrorism budget for the FBI and doubled the funding overall, rolled up al Qaeda cells in more than twenty countries, created a top-level national security post to coordinate all federal counterterrism activity. After the embassy bombings, Clinton issued a presidential directive authorizing the assassination of Osama. Then after the attack on the USS Cole, Clinton put Richard Clarke in charge of coming up with a comprehensive plan to destroy al Qaeda, which was completed a couple weeks before Bush’s inauguration, which Bush obviously ignored. But they blame Clinton instead??

    19 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago