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  • What is a good brand for an 8-10' rod (spinning)? I am going to be fishing the Sac Delta for Stiped Bass.?

    I will be going out to the Delta in Sacramento this Sunday. I have a couple 6-7' rods, but I want a longer one to launch the bait out to the middle where the large stripers are said to be. Any recomendations on brands? If you are in the Sac area, I am thinking Fisherman's Warehouse.. so preferably a brand they carry. I want a good, while inexpensive option. thanks!

    4 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • The water in Castaic and Pyramid Lakes isn't good enough?

    I mean, honestly, Northern California has much more water storing capability, but Castaic and Pyramid are both near full.. why is the water from those lakes not being used for the water need in Southern California? Our Folsom Lake and Shasta Lake in Norcal and horribly low (17% and 36%) and we are experiencing drought conditions as well as new water use regulations, and it looks like there is no rain in the forseeable future, at least not until April according to the feds.. when are we going to use So Cal's water for So Cal?

    3 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Going crab fishing.. bait question?

    I am going to San Francisco for some dungeness crab fishing tomorrow. I bought chicken drums (skin on), herring, Pacific mackerel, chicken liver, and squid. I was planning on trying them separately, but would chopping and mixing them be a better idea?

    1 AnswerFishing7 years ago
  • How can illegal fish snagging be prevented?

    Title says it all. How can illegal fish snagging be prevented or taken control of?

    7 AnswersFishing8 years ago
  • How much is this reel worth?

    It's a Daiwa Sealine 900h.. good condition.. it's currently attached to a custom Master rod.. Rock Cod special.. thanks.

    2 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • Am I the only one who noticed that Taker..?

    Was completely and totally off his game? He was trying to follow Kane's lead but it was like he didn't know what he was doing.. I mean, granted, he has been gone a while.. but still.. as long as he has been playing the same role.. you would think it would be perfected by now.. he showed more rust than ever, IMO..

    6 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Rey Mysterio suspended for another 60 day wellness violation?

    Dude needs to cut it out with the roids.. the WWE used his real name too, you think he is pretty much on thin ice at this point?

    10 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • With the ring rust that Lesnar must have..?

    I mean, he was in UFC for the last 8 years, had major surgery.. actually busted Cena open with his fist (Wasn't supposed to happen) and has to be a little sloppy.. do you think he will be able to tone down the UFC style enough to not actually physically harm Cena? I see it ending with Cena legitimately injured and out for a while.

    3 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Predictions for Extreme Rules?

    Cena vs. Brock - I think Cena has to win this one

    CM Punk vs. Y2J - I think Y2J will take the title here

    Sheamus vs. D. Bryan - I think Sheamus will lose due to referee interference

    Orton vs. Kane - I gotta think that Orton will take this one, maybe with the assistance of Cowboy Bob with a pipe..

    Santino vs. Miz - I think Santino will win.

    Show vs. C. Rhodes - Big Show..

    What do you guys think?

    6 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Is this realistic? Should I trust the software?


    Here is the data I logged..

    Average Speed: 13.1 mph

    Calories: 1065 kcal

    Distance: 15.19 miles

    Duration: 1h:09m:32s

    I am 6'3", about 195 lbs.. 27 years old, and the trail has maybe 100 feet in altitude gain or loss at any point.. how is it even remotely possible that I lost over 1000 calories? I figure 50 kcal/mile.. which would give me 750 calories spent.. Is Endomondo known to be overly generous with it's kcal?

    3 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • I need a meal plan..?

    I weigh 200, I am 6'3". I want to be 180. I get moderate exercise. I am told 3000 calories a day will allow me to lose the 20 pounds, but it should be healthy stuff. I look at the numbers below and wonder how I can eat healthy if I need 125 grams of carbs per meal.. that makes no sense to me. Can someone help me with a meal plan (just for one day) that allows me to get to these numbers without having to gorge myself on bread and pasta or eat 20 apples a day? Not just the carbs.. every thing.. what is a good meal plan? Thanks.


    GRAMS per day 375g 187g 83g

    GRAMS per meal 125g 62.3g 27.7g

    CALORIES per day 1500 cals 750 cals 750 cals

    CALORIES per meal 500 cals 250 cals 250 cals

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Won't Obama have a better shot at re-election if he..?

    So, I am not an Obama advocate.. but the only way medical marijuanna will be rescheduled (it is currently a class I drug, along with heroin) is if Obama get re-elected or if hell freezes ove... I mean... Ron Paul gets elected.. so, Obama said before his initial election that he would legalize it.. now it is shown that if re-elected, he will do just that.. so why not do it now and have that many more votes? Do you think he will do it once he gets to debating with Romney?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • This whole Trayvon thing... it's rediculous to think..?

    Ok, this kid was a bad kid.. New reports suggest that Trayvon was suspended three times, had run-ins with school officials, was caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana and was carrying a bag of jewelry with a screwdriver. As you can see in the article that I grabbed this from, the parents are outraged and saying that the school is attemtping to "slander their son's name"... the kid was bad... he was caught.. he slandered his own FU$%#&G name! Now, we see all this pointless media coverage over a dead thug *** kid who would have died young anyway (my opinion).. and the man who was, in my opinion, no doubt reaching for his weapon and firing because Trayvon was trying to take it from him.. and a kid that hot headed would have fired, and then we would have had to house him in prison for a number of years..

    Ok, aside from all that, what would happen if a white kid in a hoodie got shot by a security guard? Obviously, security doesn't shoot to kill if there is no warrant for it.. they need to feel threatened to shoot.. it's part of weapons safety training which they have to pass to hold a weapon in public.. I am not saying all open carry permit holders are smart and accurate, but for the most part, if you hire a guy to hold a gun and protect something, you assume he can do the job... just saying..

    So yea, that's my question... would the media focus on this and blow it out of the water like they are if the person killed was not black?

    Read more:

    9 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • How can I attract girls that I am attracted to?

    Hello, I have an idea in my head of what physical beauty is to me.. I have a "type" when I look around a room that I think is beautiful beyond other types.. Everyone does... Here is the issue, I think I carry myself with pretty decent confidence.. I walk with super good posture, always smiling or looking happy.. positive all around.. plus I am a nice guy.. I don't fight, I don't talk about douchey, jerkey stuff that your typical "bro" talks about, and I don't dress like them... I am 27, 6'3"... 200 pounds... I consider myself decent looking... I have an established (6 years) career, 3 retirement accounts, a great job that pays me 2,000 more per month than I need.. my own place, with the risk, but not the intention of sounding cocky here, I really do have a lot going for me.. So why, I mean, why can't I get girls that I find attractive to give me second notice? I am not going for the barbies, I am not going for the chicks that take duck face pics... no bullshit high school activity more or less... I want an adult woman who has a good life going... I just want to also be attracted to her... if even just slightly... I mean... I get hit on by 3 types... women over 50 (which is flattering, they have had 50 years+ of knowing what's good...), gay guys (again flattering, but not for me), and large women... not chubby, obese.. I have lots of friends in all 3 categories, but none of them strike my attractiveness key... FAT IS NOT UNATTRACTIVE TO ME FOR WHAT IT IS SO PLEASE, NO HATE SPEECH.. I am trying to get into yoga, I want to get fit, and I try to be healthy... being obese is not healthy and it doesn't fit in with the life style I envision, that is the extent of it. So I suppose my question is, how can I attract healthy, driven, smart women?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Eating healthy, can't seem to find a solid answer?

    I am 200 lbs, 6'3", 27 years old, male, I ride a bike 3.5-4 miles a day.. I am going to start doing Yoga, and I want to get down to 175. According to most online sources, to do this, I need around 3200 calories a day. My question is, how can I do this with health in mind? I was told that given these numbers, I should consume 80-90 grams of fat per day.. that seems outrageous to me... So how can I get my calories healthily? I am trying to avoid meats, as well, but I am ok with dairy. Thanks.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Why does the U.S.A. get involved in foreign matters such as Kony?

    I mean, really.. it sucks, Kony kidnapping children or whatever.. but it's in Africa... shouldn't Africa do something about it? Why are we sending troops to try and stop this guy? Is there any threat to the USA from this guy?

    6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • The Rock shouldn't have come back..?

    Ok, he came back, he appears on TV at his convenience.. still have people eating out of the palm of his hand.. Don't get me wrong, when The Rock used to be full time, he was my absolute favorite, and that man still is my favorite, and Cena.. well I don't hate the guy, but I don't consider myself his biggest fan either.. Not because of anything except I just like other wrestlers more.. nothing against him as a performer... Now that you know my stance on both men, I think that this time, when Rock returned.. it was the loudest ovation I have heard in ever.. but his promos lately have been weak compared to what they used to be.. say it's the PG era all you want, but fact is Rock is pushing the boundaries of the PG thing as it is.. and he is still struggling to do... it... what the rock does... it.... I just don't feel it anymore... he has lost it.... and now I read that after the match with Cena.. The Rock plans to take an extended leave from the WWE until 2013... surprising is not a word I would use to describe this news.. I mean honestly... I am thinking that The Rock needs to lose at WM, and go back to the movies... he isn't a WWE superstar anymore... he lost his touch..

    6 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • How can I get over feeling like this?

    I am a grown man.. 27 to be exact.. but unfortunately I live a pretty dull life... I go to work, but hardly ever have anything to do (working for the state) so I sit there and twiddle my thumbs all day doing nothing productive and letting my mind wander... then I go home to no pets, no girl friend, no friends that are able to do anything (all my friends are married with children).. I don't have any hobbies, no real passion in life.. but one thing has always been for sure.. my parents have always been a 10 minute drive or less away.. my parents believed in me more than I beleived in myself.. they are still more confident in my abilities than I am.. but now, they are both retired, and they are moving out of the state... I am happy for them.. I really am, but now, the only thing I look forward to in life is gone.. it's a sad thing that seeing my parents is the only thing I enjoy in life, but it's true.. Anyway, I need to stop crying at some point between now and when they leave at the end of the month.. but I can't stop feeling like I am being abandoned.. I feel like a lost damn child and I hate it.. anyone have any advice on what I can do to stop feeling this way?

    5 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Putting a couple worms in to soil in potted vegetables?

    Ok, so worm castings are a good fertilizer... and I have run a couple successful worm bins to collect the castings to use as fertilizer... however, I am looking into the concept of "cutting out the middle man" so to speak, and tossing 2 or 3 worms into the potted plants... The dangers are known to me... worms in a confined space such as a bucket may burrow through roots... however, the burrowing will keep the soil loose and fluffy... I figure put them in, toss in a fruit or veggie peel here and there... and the worms will keep the soil fluffy and organically fed... Anyone have any opinions/ideas/experiences/advice? Thanks

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago