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being outside, doing sports, photography, weather, learning to fly and much more!

  • A complete break above which vertebra can kill you?

    I understand a complete break of the spinal cord in the neck can kill you because it ruins the connection to your heart and vital organs.

    Have never heard this in the back so at what vertebra does it become 'life threatening' ?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop6 years ago
  • Do I have to take 4 A levels?

    I'm in the UK and the college I'm applying to is forcing me to take 4 A levels when I only want to do 3. Can they do this and why?


    1 AnswerStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • What's the fastest possible way to inflate 24m sq?

    I'm designing an air bag suit and need it to inflate at least as fast as an airbag. However it has much more vol than a normal airbag.

    Would combustion of nitrocellulose be the quickest method?

    Pls can somebody tell me the `fastest possible way.

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • From terminal velocity to zero. Shortest safe stopping time/distance?

    If you were travelling at terminal v(120mph) what would the stopping time have to be to ensure you were not killed or injured?

    Or how large would an air bag have to be to slow you down at a safe rate if it's deflation was linear.

    Thanks very much

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • How to be sure my neck isn't broken?

    Just had a major fall from my bike head first into a tree, helmet broke and I'm very lucky.

    I don't have any pain which is surprising - unless I move my head to the side a lot, which is expected for the energy was transferred through my neck on crash..

    Everyone I ask think I'm fine an don't need an X ray but I just want to be sure there's not a break inside. No swelling or anything. Just got a tingly foot which could be from bruised neck pressing the nerve or a separate injury to the foot on the crash which hut the nerve in the foot.

    Thanks a lot for any reply

    4 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Freezing Co2 for powerstations the bottling it?

    The freezing temp of carbon dioxide is no colder than -60C

    so why can't power station not freeze the chimney outlet to about -100C and let all the Co2 turn into dry ice and fall from the air onto a plate which collects it all? Then simply bottle it and it will turn back into liquid or gas but it will be compressed because the ice is already much more dense than the gas so it would fill up the bottles with compression without the need for electric compression....

    I think this is a solution to carbon capture why is this not possible, or is it?

    Many thanks!

    PS: If anyone knows where to get hold of some dry ice for experimenting please say.

    3 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • Freezing Co2 for powerstations then bottling it?

    The freezing temp of carbon dioxide is no colder than -60C

    so why can't power station not freeze the chimney outlet to about -100C and let all the Co2 turn into dry ice and fall from the air onto a plate which collects it all? Then simply bottle it and it will turn back into liquid or gas but it will be compressed because the ice is already much more dense than the gas so it would fill up the bottles with compression without the need for electric compression....

    I think this is a solution to carbon capture why is this not possible, or is it?

    Many thanks!

    PS: If anyone knows where to get hold of some dry ice for experimenting please say.

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming7 years ago
  • Fix a portable DVD player?

    My portable DVD player which I only use as an AV in FPV screen stopped working completely. No power, light, sound anything.

    I'd love to understand the stuff that goes on in the PCB boards, anyone know how I could fix this?

    It's not a loose connection

    Thanks very much to anyone whoanswers

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • Fake GoPro vs Mobius camera?

    Fake GoPro


    Which is better camera?

    I would use it for FPV and action sports.

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerCameras7 years ago
  • Is 70lb-ft enough torque to move a bike weighing 70kg?

    The electric motor with gearing will give about 2.75Nm or 73lb-ft of torque.

    How fast would it accelerate, or would I need to pedal to get it going?

    Many thanks

    4 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • What's the smallest bike cog?

    What's the smallest bike sized cog. I have a 10t one which goes on the dérailleur but need something like a 6t.

    Does anyone know where to buy a really small cog?


    4 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • Is this s good ski length?

    Just bought some 160cm skis from eBay, not the old design.

    I'm 167cm and weight about 8stone 50kg but still growing.

    The ski tips are level with my mouth.

    I like to do a few jumps and tricks but also go really fast and do turns.

    Do you think this is a good all round length for me? too long?

    Thanks very much!

    2 AnswersSnow Skiing7 years ago
  • What's this crank called?

    I've acquired a new bike frame, it's got a strange crank attachment on the bottom bracket though.

    Looks like an octolink but with 10 pins, anyone know what this is called?


    5 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • How would these skis work?

    I live in the UK where it doesn't snow much but I'd like to practice skiing with these cheap things.

    Do you think they would work ok? I'm a good skier but are these for real, would I be able to use them properly?


    1 AnswerSnow Skiing8 years ago
  • How to estimate wind speed with air pressure?

    How do you tell the wind speed on an isobar map?

    Say 1021 and 1022hPa were xx miles apart, how would you roughly calculate the wind speed?

    There must be a formula or something, 20 miles per mb/hPa = 10mph wind or whatever?

    Thanks very much!

    1 AnswerWeather8 years ago
  • How to glue plastic together strongly?

    I have got a RC plane and the platic servo control arm/horn has broken.

    I'm really struggling to fix it strongly, have tried Epoxy and super glue but it's not strong enough.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to glue it much stronger, it's only a thin piece of plastic.


    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • How can I safely use my laser pointer?

    I have an eBay laser pointer which was rated 5mW but it's more like 80mW. I had an accident where I lent it to a friend stupidly and it reflected of some tin foil and hit me in the eye. I was **** scared for about 2 weeks there was damage. Luckily there's nothing wrong any more.

    Haven't used it now for ages because of that. What filters could I buy to eliminate IR and also an ND filter to get it down to an eye safe level like 10mW? I know you'll suggest goggles but then it only protects the one with goggles on, not other people who are nearby or in cars etc...


    4 AnswersEngineering8 years ago
  • Was I being dis-respectful?

    I was flying my RC glider/plane in the old un-used cemetery today because it's the only near open space.

    I was careful flying but it crashed sometimes so I had to collect it from a grave.

    A really angry aggressive old man came up to us before flying and was shouting say 'you have no respect for the dead!' 'this is not a playground' etc he evened threatened us! Made me quite scared.

    I said 'I have total respect for the dead, I'm just trying out a new glider' but he didn't accept it at all,he just threatened to phone the police.

    I believe he was being very harsh and aggressive towards us, I totally respect the dead and I'm sure they'd rather people had fun rather than be like this horrible man!

    Do you agree?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Clear Virus' on PC--Re-install OS?

    I think I have a few viruses on my Windows XP, and I want to clear them.

    People suggested to re-install the OS, I will hopefully do that but first I want to know if I can keep all my installed programs?


    If not, is there another way to remove 100% of viruses from my PC?

    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago