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Enlarging pictures taken with a digital camera at home?
I am wanting to get a picture of my kids for above my fireplace. I am wanting a 20x24 in black and white. I called a few studios and I am looking at over $100 not framed. I was wondering if I took a picture at home and brought it in to be enlarged and changed over to black and white at a place like Walmart, K-Mart, Sam's Club, etc would it look OK? Or would it be totally out of focus and blurry?
4 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoHow can we get things back to how they were. . .sleep?
My son, 11 months, never had a problem sleeping through the night. That is until he caught the flu that was going around a couple of weeks ago; fever (103) for 5 days, stuffy nose, congestion, etc. He would wake up in misery and we would go in to either feed him or give him liquid, give medicine, etc. Problem is now he associates crying/whining in the middle of the night with mom and dad coming in his room. He even will cough, it's fake, to get us to come in. I normally would not cave into his demands like this, but I have a daughter in kindergarten who sleeps across the hall. She needs her sleep so we find ourselves soothing him to let her sleep, but at some point this needs to stop. We are talking 4-6 times a night. Our plan is to have our daughter sleep on the couch downstairs this weekend so she will not be as disturbed by the noise and we work on breaking him of this habit. I am looking for any and all suggestions on how to make this easy on EVERYONE in the family.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDeveloping an allergy?
How do you DEVELOP an allergy? I thought that you are either allergic or not to certain things.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoThe 12 hour stomach flu?
My 9 1/2 month old son has an upset tummy. . .threw up a little this afternoon and again about 15 minutes ago after having 2 oz of his bottle. This flu and gone around my entire house starting with me, then my husband, my daughter last night and now my son. We each had it for about 12 hours. Any suggestions on what I can give him to make him feel better and hold down some food? He eats solids if that makes a difference in your answers.
12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoFans of HBOs TrueBlood?
I keep hearing "only 3 more shows left" and now "only 2 more shows left", is that just for this season or is the show going off the air completely?
2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoDon't be lazy and hold your child whenever they want to be held!?
I see this all the time and quite frankly I do not understand it. I my is very clingy and wants to be held all the time. The tears start the second I put him down. I have a 5 yr old daughter who also needs attention. She just started school and there is homework to be done and just normal time that she wants to spend with her mom and dad. Should she have to give up her one on one time and attention because her brother can not spend 2 minutes in his bouncer or walker without screaming? Is that fair to her? How about my mother who watches my son while I am at work? She has a bad back and is physically unable to hold him as much as he would like to be held. Should I tell her to suck it up and schedule more of the shots she gets in her neck for pain or see her chiropractor more often so he can be held from the time I go to work until the time I pick him and my daughter up at the end of the day? Babies need affection and crave contact, I get that and agree with it, but there needs to be boundaries set and it should be be at the expense of my daughter's needs as well.
What do you think?
23 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat about when they go to school?
My daughter is about to enter kindergarten and one of the requirements is that I provide proof of vaccinations being complete (along with dental and vision testing being completed). I see a lot of moms here you are completely against vaccinations, right or wrong. How will you enroll your child in school when it is time?
11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhy do feel the need to judge others?
I read over and over again about how you SHOULD do this and SHOULDN'T do that. Some people are down right degrading towards others. Who is anyone to judge how others want to give birth. I was induced wiht my first. . .does that make me a bad person? Of course not. It was medically necessary in my case. With my first I also was not able to breast feed. I was made to feel guilty by LCs and by the looks of answers here, I think I might have been crucified. As mom's we do the best we can.
Shouldn't we be supporting eachother and not making eachother feel worse?!
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMorning Sickness. . .HELP!!!?
I did not have it like this with my first, just the usual. . .mostly the prenat that made me nausous. With this one, I have it in the morning afternoon evening. . .whenever. I try crackers, pretzels, laying down but nothing. I never actually do throw up, but come very close. I've noticed that I am more constepated than I was with the last one-does tht make you nausous? I have no idea!!!!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat is going on??
I can't get any new questions to show up. They are all over 34 minutes old. What is going on???
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoGuys. . . . . .?
Do you like a girl who drinks beer out of the bottle, in the glass orwho thinks beer is just for guys and has a mixed drink?
I'm a beer out of the bottle girl!!!
7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoI hate my co-workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
What are you supposed to do when you hate the people that you work with?
I work in an office where the majority is women, and you know how women can be! They're cliquey and I am the type of person that tries to be nice to everyone, but I don't think that is possible here. . .Case in point: Today was dress down day. We have comlpany collared shirt that is to be worn when wearing jeans, but I have not received one yet because I have not been here long enough. Instead, I wore a dress shirt with nice jeans. I walk into my supervisors office, the front door is slammed (so the girls and talk with out me hearing) and am told that the "fashion police" (exact quote by one of my supervisors) have a problem since I am not wearing the correct shirt, even though I have not been given one. I am told to either change my outfit (which means going to the store on my own time) or to go home and not be paid at all. I am not sure what I have done to create such a hatred from these girls.
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDirty Butts?
I live 5 minutes from a big water park. We have a season's pass because my daughter and I go on weekends on my day's off. I asked a neighbor why she doesn't take her kids. . .she says that she doesn't like public pools because of the "dirty butts" who see there. I think that with all that chlorine they put in the pools, every germ gets killed. Becides, if it was unsafe or unhealthy they would have to shut down. What do you think about public pools and water parks?
8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhat was I thinking?
When I was 15, my friends and I used to go to a dance club. I met a boy there. We talked to him for awhile and when I got my DL, I would drive with my friends to his house. He was apealing to me because I was in that rebellious stage-my grandparents would not have approved. He lived in a not so nice area. Looking back I am surprised that we did not either get in trouble or get killed being there. Anyway, we broke up because he used my car and lied to me about where he was going and I was done.
About a month ago, I was at work-I am a probation officer-and found his name and picture on the Department of Corrections web site (kidnapping, domestic battery, assult, fleeing the police and hijacking an automobile) and he is in a gang.
Do you have shady past or people in your past who turned out to be "shady"?
8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoOff the beaten path. . .?
We all have preferences that we like in our partners or to be partners (ie race, religion, nationality, etc). Are you willing to abandoned those to find "the one"?
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoOff the beaten path. . .?
We all have preferences that we like in our partners or to be partners (ie race, religion, nationality, etc). Are you willing to abandoned those to find "the one"?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoThis is it?!?
How do we know that there isn't something else that we should be doing?. . . Are we with the right person or is the man/woman I SHOULD be with still out there? Am I in the right career? What if things were different?
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoThe terrible 4s?
My daughter is a diva!! She has to wear the lastest fashions, obsessed with shoes and makeup. When people meet her they swear that she can not only be four. I can only imagine what she will be like as a teenager!!! Everyone else thinks that this behavior is cute, I do not. How do I get my 4 year old back?
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoLost my urge. . .?
Since I had my daughter almost 4 years ago, I haven't had the urge for sex. I can be 1 week up to 1 month and I still would be fine without it. I feel bad for my husband-bless his heart he tries, but I don't feel the same way about sex. I wish I could. I've seen those commericals-maybe I heard them on the radio, about a pill women can take. I'm pretty sure that I don't want a pill to make me desire sex. We are talking about having another baby, what will it be like after this one?
8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agowhy does my female cat spray?
It's not urine. . .it's darker, thicker and smells much worse. She usually does it when she is getting a lot of attention or when she is upset.
4 AnswersCats1 decade ago