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Lv 31,286 points

Guinea Pig & Hamster

Favorite Answers15%

Hello! I'm an experienced guinea pig AND hamster owner! I'm happy to answer questions at PETS > RODENTS

  • Which is better, hamster or mouse?

    1. Which one can be kept in groups? -- I only have 1 big aquarium, and I want to breed them.

    2. Which one is less attractive to cats? -- The cats keep one killing our small pets.

    3. Which one is easier to breed? -- I wanted to breed them.

    4. Which one lives longer? -- I want a pet that can stay with me for a long time.

    5. Which one is easier to take care of for a busy person like me? -- I can only go to the veterinarian and the pet store once a week. (Because of my parents.)

    6. Which one is better if in an aquarium? -- I only have 1 big cage, and that cage is an aquarium.

    8 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • What does this mean? (Cat doing something strange/unusual)?

    There was a stray cat in our garden. No one owns it, so I just kept it temporarily until we find someone that will adopt it.

    My parents said that I must be very careful when touching the cat because it might bite or scratch me and it has rabies (my parents are very sensitive). So I wear gloves when I was catching it. It was very aggressive and it can run very fast! It might escape or bite or scratch so I put it in the cage.

    When it was in the cage, it was shivering/vibrating it's body and it was making low growling noises. The noise sounds like a combination of a tiger's growl, a bee's buzz, and the noise made by a vibrating cellphone. And the ears were HORIZONTAL, instead of diagonal or vertical.

    And one more important question: Are feral cats' bite and scratch dangerous to humans? My parents said that it's better not to touch a stray/feral cat because it has rabies. But I do not think they are correct. Cats won't hurt you if you don't hurt them. And I know a LOT about all kinds of animals and I'm 13 years old. I know how to handle any animal without getting bitten or scratched. And do you think my parents are wrong? I think yes.

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Do pets have spirits? (Hamsters and guinea pigs)?

    I love pets VERY much. So I will be VERY sad if we will not see each other again when one of us die.

    Please NO bad answers. Thanks!

    7 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Can you correct/improve my website? 10 Points for Best Answer!?

    Thank you very much!

    I want a thorough and informative answer. Please No jokes, mean, rude, hateful, or bad answers, or else I will Report you.

    Thank you very much again!

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Can I feed my hamster ANY kind of insect?

    My hamster manual/handbook said that hamsters can eat ALL kinds of insects, like crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and moths. So does that mean that I can feed them ANY kind of insect? How about ants, flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, cockroaches, wasps, bees, and praying mantises? Aren't these insects poisonous or dirty?

    7 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Can you help me with my website?

    I created a website about my favorite animal. But I may have mistakes. So please help me.

    Please NO jokes, mean, rude, hateful, or bad answers, or else I will Report you.

    Thank you very much!

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I dropped my hamster 2 times! 10 points for Best Answer! EMERGENCY!?

    I dropped my hamster 4 feet from my hands and she landed on a CEMENT floor. Is she injured? I'm EXTREMELY sad and worried about her.

    Please NO jokes, mean, rude, hateful, or any bad answer or else I will Report you.

    Thank you very much!!!

    9 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Is it okay if a guinea pig urinates/defecates on my bed? 10 Points for Best Answer!?

    Guinea pig feces are pelleted, compact, and dry. I just remove it from my bed, being careful not to squish it, and throw it to the trash can. But what about the urine? Is it okay if I just wait for it to dry and do nothing? Or should I change the bed sheet? Or should I change/wash the whole bed?

    Please NO jokes, mean, rude, hateful, unnecessary, or bad answers, or else I will Report you. Thank you very much.

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • My pets are in EXTREMELY bad condition, but I can NOT make it any better, what should I do?

    I like animals VERY MUCH. So I bought HAMSTERS and GUINEA PIGS, but as I learn more and more about these pets, I discovered that they are not perfect or at least good for me. Here are the problems:

    1. I live in the Philippines (South East Asia). This is an EXTREMELY BAD country. ALL pet stores here are EXTREMELY BAD-QUALITY and NONE are good-quality. There are ***ABSOLUTELY NO VETERINARIANS*** here. It's EXTREMELY DIRTY and POLLUTED here. Almost all people (except for me and my relatives!!!) here are poor, dumb, and do not 'care about'/'know anything about' about pets (those people are like those from Africa or India!!!).

    2. Our house is EXTREMELY small, dirty, and bad. (Total size: Approximately 50 ft. long, 25 ft. wide; Indoor size: Approximately 25 ft. long, 20 ft. wide.) So my pets are in the garage (the garage has no door) and it's EXTREMELY dirty, dangerous and unhealthy (for pets), hot, and noisy there. It's so small that even if we clean it, it gets dirty after some time.

    Our house was built more than 15 to 20 years ago. It was originally owned by my uncle and aunt, but now that they moved to America, they gave it to us (there is a total of 6 people in our house: Me [1], my Father [2], my Mother [3], my sister [4], plus 2 maids [6]).

    Our house is also unsafe. The barbed wires on the fence and gate could easily be removed. The fence is made of weak cement and it can easily be destroyed. There are lots of thieves and drunk people.

    3. We are busy VERY often. And ***my parents do NOT want to use much money just for pets.*** The nearest high-quality pet store takes 5 tiring hours of car ride, and it will be very tiring to go there. We can only go there maybe once or twice a month. There are nearer/closer pet stores (the nearest one takes only less than a minute of care ride, while some others will take roughly 1.2 hours), but they are EXTREMELY BAD-QUALITY.

    4. Almost all people (except for me and my relatives!) in our country 'do not know much'/'do not care about' pets. They keep pets but they do not even know how to take care of these animals properly. They are abusing/neglecting/abandoning/being cruel to pets. They're careless, dumb, and harsh. They think pets are just things for entertainment -- WRONG!!! -- Pets are living animals and must be respected and given a healthy, happy and if possible, perfect life!

    NOTE: Please NO jokes, mean, rude, hateful, unnecessary, or bad answers, or else I will Report you. Thank you very much for understanding.

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • What are the Top 10 Most Frequently Used Category on Yahoo Answers?

    And also the Top 10 Least Frequently Used Category?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Why are there dead animals displayed in restaurants?

    We visited a restaurant and I saw dead animals in the walls. There are deer heads, birds, foxes, civets, skin of animals, and more. Are they real animals, or just statues?

    And one more question: What kind of animal is this? It is one of the dead animals from the restaurant. It is has brown fur/hair. It is as big as a dog. It has a long body, a tail, short legs, round head, and a short neck. It could be an otter, but the mouth looks like a bill/beak, so is it a platypus? Or maybe a crocodile or an alligator?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Which brand of hamster food has animal protein (meat)?

    Most, but not all, people think that hamsters are herbivorous (vegetarian; only eat plants). But that's WRONG! Hamsters are OMNIVOROUS, that means they eat BOTH plants AND animal protein (meat). Approximately 51% of a hamster's healthy diet is plants (grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, leaves, grass, nuts) and the rest (49%) is animal protein (crickets and other insects, chicken, egg, beef, dry dog/cat food, cheese).

    But why don't hamster foods from the pet store contain any animal protein? Do the people that made those foods even know that hamsters ALSO need protein? Why don't they just add dried insects (crickets, grasshoppers, etc.) or dried/pelleted meat (chicken or beef [like dry dog/cat food]) to the hamster foods?

    Hamsters will be very UNhealthy without eating any animal protein! So, can I just mix dry dog/cat food to the food that I buy from the pet store?

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Is this a good brand of hamster ball?

    It is the only brand that our local pet stores sell. But it doesn't look like it's a brand. It is very small and it is not clear (I chose the orange colored one).

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • How to take care of a genet?

    I have a pet genet. But it is not a very famous/popular pet so your not familiar with it. Okay, so here's a genet from Wikipedia and other websites:

    I searched on the internet about genet care, but I still have questions that those websites did not answer. So here are my questions:

    1. How should the genet drink water? In the water bottle, dish/bowl, or both?

    2. Can I ONLY feed my genet superworms, eggs, bananas, and mangoes?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • What kind of animal makes this sound?

    It sounded VERY MUCH like 2 *plastic bottle caps hitting each other*. It also has a pattern:-- It sounded 2 times every 5 seconds, but it only lasted for about 1 minute. It's a little bit like this: Tik tik... Tik tik... Tik tik...

    I heard it at 4:00AM (early morning) near my bedroom window. Everyone was asleep at that time (except for me) so it wasn't a human that made that noise. It wasn't dripping water because it wasn't raining at that time. And it has a pattern (I already said the pattern earlier!). What I think is that it's a bird pecking the roof. I have hamsters so maybe they made that noise. Or maybe it's an insect.

    But I'm not sure. What kind of animal made that noise?

    7 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Are red ants poisonous? And how to get rid of them?

    There are LOTS of red ants in our house. They're small, roughly 3 millimeters in length, but their bite is EXTREMELY painful! It even gets swollen!

    1 AnswerZoology9 years ago
  • Is it okay to let wild rats live in my house?

    There's a wild rat in my house. Because I REALLY love rats, can I let them live here?

    I can not buy a rat from the pet store (NONE of the pet stores in our country sell any rats). There are NO shelters or adoption centers in our country so I can NOT adopt rats.

    The ONLY rats in our country are the wild house rats. And if I catch one, can I keep it as a pet?

    And also what are the disadvantages of having wild rats in your house?

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Can I use a raccoon to catch the mouse/rat in our house?

    There's a wild mouse/rat in our house. I very often see it, but I can not catch it. It is extremely skittish and agile to be caught. I used ALL KINDS OF TRAPS, but they didn't work -- why? -- it's because he's intelligent enough to avoid them! It's almost impossible to catch that mouse/rat... then, I had an idea -- use a raccoon to catch it? But is a raccoon fast, agile and flexible enough to catch a mouse/rat?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago