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Skyrim: Why can't I stop moving?
Playing on PC. I'm in the Ratway Warrens, looking for Esbern. I'm sneaking, sniping Thalmor and generally keeping to the shadows...when suddenly, I discover that I can't. Stop. Moving! It doesn't seem to matter what I press, what I do with the mouse, nothing. Luckily, the one Thalmor I was trying to sneak up on didn't notice me spazzing out in the hallway nearby. I tried reloading to a point before the problem manifested, but it was still happening. Additionally, I'm not moving straight ahead, more like slightly to one side.
Important points, things I've seen referenced in other questions that do NOT apply to my case:
#1: I am playing on PC. Keyboard & mouse ONLY, no console-type controller!
#2: I am not overloaded with weight.
#3: It is happening irrelevant of whether I am walking or running, in sneak mode or not.
#4: I have not remapped any of my keys; all keyboard commands are Skyrim-original.
#5: I have tried toggling "c" for autorun; it has had no impact.
Please help!
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoWhy am I being attacked by Thalmor & Imperial Soldiers? (Skyrim)?
I happened to visit a town in the Reach...I forget which one. There were several people standing around, complaining about mercenaries in the mine. Before I could investigate, a dragon attacked. Long story short, my horse went berserk in the melee and attacked a townsperson. After killing the dragon (and 2 townspeople...whoops), I went on my way.
Shortly afterwards, I was attacked by 3 Imperial soldiers on the road. They just charged up and started whaling on me. I did have a bounty of 40 gold (courtesy of the berserk horse). Killed the soldiers (self-defense, no bounty added), continued on...and was promptly attacked by a group of 3 Thalmor!
Now, I'm not in the Civil War quest line at all. The only people I'd been killing (aside from unfortunate townsfolk) were bandits and Forsaken. Why am I suddenly being jumped by Imperials and Thalmor? Does it relate to the main quest; I.e., because I've been associating with a suspected Blade, I need to die? Can't figure this out.
8 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoHow can I transfer saves from old Xbox 360 to new?
I have an original white Xbox 360 w/detachable HD. It's actually my 2nd, since the 1st one went all RROD on me. Anyway, now this one is dying as well, and I'll be getting one of the new slimline black 360's soon. Is there any way I can transfer my savegames from the old detachable HDs to the new slimline? I'm pretty sure the old drives have no method of physically connecting to the new Xbox. I think I can use a thumb drive, but I'm not
1 AnswerXbox1 decade agoWhen did Betazed join the UFP? (ultra Star Trek geek question :p)?
I know I've read this somewhere before, but I can't find it anywhere now. When did Betazed (homeworld to Deanna & Lwaxana Troi of ST:TNG) join the United Federation of Planets? I'm going to be running a Star Trek tabletop RPG soon, using the old FASA rules, and I'm anticipating someone wanting to play a Betazoid. Thing is, I don't know if they were around during the era I want to! When the heck was it? Thanks much!
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoRed Dead Redemption: Does the game end after completing the story missions?
I don't know much about RDD, aside from all the "Grand Theft Horse" jokes. I know it's a Western sandbox-style game, and I know that there's a "main quest" storyline you can follow--and in fact have to, at times, in order to open up new areas of the world to explore. My question is, once you've gone through all these main story that it? Is the game over, or can you continue to explore the world & screw around?
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoFATE: How can I kill 3 lvl 20 dragons when I'm only lvl 9?
Took a quest to destroy a corrupted shrine on lvl 9 of the dungeon. As usual, the shrine has guardians; this isn't the first corrupted shrine I've destroyed. Thing is, this thing's guardians are 3 level 20 Thunder Dragons!!! How in the hell am I supposed to get around THAT?!? Is this a bug? I'm not above using a cheat to get past this kind of bullsh*t...any suggestions?
If it matters, I did manage to kill ONE of the dragons, but it cost me everything I had & I barely got away with my life. The dragon respawned, courtesy of the shrine.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhy is Oblivion crashing on exit?
I am playing TESIV: Oblivion on my new PC, and everytime I exit the game (via the Esc menu), it crashes. Note that it lets me exit the game...but it immediately goes into some sort of ugly loop & I have to use the Task Manager to close the damned thing. I'm running Windows 7 with 6 gigs of RAM & 100's of gigs of HD space. I'm also using a Nvidia GEForce GT220 videocard. Oblivion runs /beautifully/'s just bugging me with the crashes AFTER I've already exitted the game. Do I need to run it in Compatibility mode under Windows XP maybe, or am I just screwed? I have all the official mods installed, as well as the UOP & the UOMP...and a small handful of other mods. Thanks!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDid Majel Barrett provide voice talent work for Star Trek Online?
Gene Roddenberry's widow is well-known for having provided the computer voice for virtually every Starfleet vessel in Star Trek's long history. What I don't know, however, is whether she provided the computer voice for the new MMO, Star Trek Online. It /sounds/ like her, but I don't actually know.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs it too late to get the mages' help (Dragon Age)?
I'm playing through the Arl of Redcliffe quest, and am at the point where the possessed Connor has run off. I've decided against using Blood Magic (did that on my first playthrough & wanted something different) and went to the Tower of Magi...only to get dumped into the Broken Circle quest. No problem there, except I think I may have already chosen to side with the Templars. Ironically, this was /also/ what I wanted for this playthrough, but I think I might've screwed myself as far as getting mages to help with the Fade ritual for Connor.
Is it too late to get mages' help? Have I screwed myself here? I still have a save from right after I made the decision to seek the Mages' help, so I could still go back & make different dialogue choices to aid the mages over the Templars (yuck)
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAre "track packs" for Guitar Hero limited by your game version?
I got "Guitar Hero: Aerosmith" for Christmas, and there are a lot of "track packs" available for purchase/download on Xbox Live. These would effectively extend my game by giving me new songs to rock out to. Are they compatible with my game software, or do I need a specific version of Guitar Hero to use them? Does it matter?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat does it mean if my "Air Bag" light is on?
I'm driving a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon (GT V6) w/about 93k miles on it. Just the other day, the "Air Bag" light on my dash came on. I've not been in a wreck (not in this car anyway :p), nobody's kicked my bumper, nothing like that...what happened here? Could it just be a sensor gone bad? If so, does that mean my air bag might not fire if I got in an accident? About how much would it cost to replace it if it is just a sensor?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoCan I rip an original Xbox game to my Xbox360 hard drive?
I still play Morrowind GotY Edition, and the load times are, well...they suck. (Probably a result of the software emulator the 360 uses.) Can I rip this disc onto the HD like you can with 360 games? I'm hoping that'll help with the load times. Thanks!
2 AnswersXbox1 decade agoWill Windows XP SP3 still mess up my internet connection?
I downloaded SP3 when it first came out only to find that it prevented my PC from connecting to the Internet. (I have Comcast, if it matters.) Once I uninstalled SP3, my Internet service ran just fine. Now I have a new PC game that requires SP3, and I'm worried that it's going to foul up my connection again. Is this still the case? Are there any known workarounds for this?
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDo Messianic Jews keep kosher?
As above. Just a curiosity of mine, really. I'm an atheist, so it's more of a cultural inquiry than a religious one. Does accepting Jesus as the Messiah excuse one from keeping kosher?
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy won't my Xbox 360 recognize a DVD in its tray?
Since the most recent system update that got pushed through, the gorram thing won't recognize when a DVD is placed in its tray. You open the tray, place the DVD, close the says "Reading"...then "Open Tray", as if you hadn't put anything in there. Sometimes it'll recognize the DVD after you open & close the tray 20-30 times...sometimes if you reboot the console it catches on. It recognizes games just fine. What the hell is going on here? I swear, this just happened since the last system update, and since I haven't seen anything on the interwebs it makes me think I'm the only one it's happened to. Help?
1 AnswerXbox1 decade agoWhere can I find an e-book of "The Eye of the World"?
I've searched every e-book retailer I can find. They're all touting "Hundreds of thousands of e-books available!" Unfortunately, not one of them seems to be carrying any Robert Jordan. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any sites I can check out? I'm dying to get some mileage out of my new Sony E-Book Reader!
2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoThe Force Unleashed: How the hell do you bring down the Star Destroyer?!?
As per the question. I'm effectively trapped here, and the game stopped being fun a long effing time ago. I know I'm supposed to grab the floating debris and fling it at the TIE fighters as they fly by. I know once the fighters are gone, I Force Grab the Star Destroyer and follow the on-screen prompts about moving the right & left sticks. (This is on Xbox 360, btw.) Here's the thing--by the time I've managed to get rid of the damn fighters, the Star Destroyer has corrected itself, so I'm back at the freakin' beginning!!! I can't seem to make any effing headway here, and am at my wits' end. Is there something I'm missing (aside from try to get rid of the fighters faster)? Is there something more I can do? Like I said, this WAS a fun stopped being fun (literally) HOURS AGO. PLEASE HELP!!!
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoNCIS opening credits: What episode is Tony's "pee-pee dance" from?
My wife and I are presently watching the 2nd season of NCIS on DVD. From the first episode of the season, I noticed a couple of interesting snippets in the opening credits. For instance, towards the end of the credits, Ducky is shown swinging a sword around menacingly; I thought it was something new, but my wife remembered the first season episode it came from. Anyway, earlier on in the opening credits, you can briefly see DiNozzo hopping back & forth outside, as if seen through an open doorframe or window. It looks for all the world as if he desperately needs to pee! :p What episode is this snippet taken from?
3 AnswersDrama1 decade agoCan I upload or copy DVD movies I own into an iPod Touch?
Thinking about picking up the 8GB iPod touch (2nd generation, or whatever the newest thing is called, I forget). I'd like to watch video on it, and have a number of movies on DVD I'd like to be able to watch. I don't want to have to purchase "Iron Man" again from iTunes if I already have a perfectly good copy on my shelf, for instance. Also, would I be able to upload XviD and DivX videos I have stored on my PC? Are these formats supported?
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoIn Free Realms, how do you level up in Adventurer or Brawler?
Per the question above. Adventurer seems to be a "catch-all" job, the one everyone has no matter what. I'd like to advance some as a Brawler, and have tried some of the "free-roaming" (that is, just out in the wild) Brawler jobs...but I keep getting knocked out. How does one get better in either of these jobs?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago