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The Truth Hurts! Ouch!

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  • Whirlpool washer only agitates, does not do anything else?

    This is the LSR7133KQ1 model washer, purchased in 2004 or so. We started a cycle as usual this evening. It filled and we left the house. We came back and it appeared to have stopped, filled with water and clothes. I moved the timer around to see what would happen and the only thing it would do is agitate at certain places along the timer's path. It will not drain, spin, or anything else. What is the most likely cause of this? Thanks!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Gasoline smell inside of 2002 Subaru Outback....?

    ...only happens when driving with the windows DOWN. When they're up, I don't notice it. I can't locate the source. I lifted up the back seat and opened the fuel tank access panel, but there was no odor or any evidence of a leak. But man.... when we're driving with the windows down, the odor is quite strong.

    4 AnswersSubaru7 years ago
  • How can I remove Mobogenie from my Android tablet?

    I've looked at every online "solution" and they all say to find it in the list of apps, then delete it. Nice, except for the fact that it is NOT showing up on that list of apps - it stays hidden somehow. It interrupts me with game ads that pop up randomly, and I did not choose to install this malware in the first place so it's annoying me to no end. I installed two different anti-virus apps; one of them did nothing to Mobogenie and the other at least allowed me to stop it from running, but neither allowed me to actually remove it. How do I remove this? Thanks! (NOTE: Before sending me a link to one of the many sites that say they can remove it, please look at the site and it it says "go to the list of apps, find mobogenie, and click delete', then please re-read my question).

    6 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Would a 2002 Subaru Outback have 2003 brake parts on it?

    I have a 2002 Subaru Outback with a manufacture date on the edge of the driver's side door showing 03/02, and the sticker under the hood shows that it's a 2002 model, which is unusual obviously. I guess some of those cars were manufactured during the model year. Anyway, I went to AutoZone to buy brake parts for it, specifically, the front caliper slider things, and they did not match what was on there. They have a different part number listed for the 2003 model and I'm wondering if one some of those care they might have used parts from a later model year if the car itself happened to be in production during the early part of that year (e.g., a 2002 Outback that was manufactured in March of 2002 possibly having 2003 brake parts on it.)

    1 AnswerSubaru8 years ago
  • Why does my plecostomus freak out and then act dead?

    First of all, I have him in a tank with silver dollars, which are neurotic fish in the first place. They tend to panic when you approach the tank as well, but normally plecos are not like that. I think he's picking up on their traits, because twice now in the same week he freaked out and zig-zagged around the tank quickly, then floated upside down as if he had died of a heart attack. Within half an hour, he was back to normal. What's up with this?

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Why do Atheists and some Christians insist that the Bible tells us the world is 6,000 years old?

    Nowhere in the Bible does it even suggest this. Some have examined the genealogies and counted the generations from Jesus back to Adam and Eve, but this is silly because Hebrew genealogies were not complete as only the most significant people were identified, so there were likely entire generations left out. Also, the Hebrew language words that said "So and so was THE descendent of so and so" could also have meant "so and so was A descendent of so and so...", thereby throwing the whole thing off. Also, and this is a BIG also, the Hebrew word used for "day" in the Old Testament (such as in the account of the creation of the Universe) is also used in the Bible to describe an indeterminate period of time.

    Sooooo, why do we keep hearing from Atheists and Christians alike that the Bible tells us that the Universe is 6,000 years old?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How long does it take for malachite green to cure parasites in African Cichlids?

    That is, I think the problem is parasites. The fish range in size from about 1.5 inches to 6 inches (they get along just fine) and have been scratching themselves on rocks and other tank ornaments. I started using a malachite green/formalin combination which turns the water blue and actually looks kinda cool. Anyway, I've been using 1 drop per gallon of water each night (light tends to neutralize this medication so I dispense it after the light is off the the evening) for about a week now, but they're still scratching. It should be noted that I did not start the medication when I first noticed the symptoms, so there is the possibility that the parasites, if that's in fact what it is, have multiplied or dug their heels in, so to speak, before I started. Otherwise, the fish seem healthy. They're hungry as ever, active as ever, and none of them show any signs of illness other than the scratching.

    So, back to my original question: How long should it take this medication combo to completely kill off the parasites? Thanks!

    [NOTE: You'll notice that I didn't include details like the number of fish in the tank, the size of the tank, exactly how long I waited before dispensing the medication, etc., because I don't want a bunch of holier-than-thou fish geeks telling me that there are too many fish in the tank, that I waited too long, the tank isn't large enough, etc., in other words, criticisms that in no way shape or form will answer the question and really have no purpose other than showing off how much they think they know].

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Have any of you used API AlgaeFix to kill aquarium algae and ended up with dead fish?

    I have an African Cichlid tank and used this product once to kill algae - it worked fine, but I also noticed that one of the Cichlids stayed at the surface for a few days and later died. I figured there was something wrong with the fish, not the product since it's supposed to be harmless to fish. A couple of months later I used it again and the one remaining Cichlid ALMOST died - was at the top of the water, hanging out there for a week, even after I did water changes. Finally the product wore off and that fish recovered.

    Anybody else experienced this?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • I'm looking at an 8-pin IC with the part number ULN2001A on it...?

    ... but when I search for the data sheet all I get are 16-pin devices. What the crap is going on?? It has a date code of 110402 and I'm not sure of the manufacturer - the symbol looks like 7L with a tiny star between the 7 and the L. I'm trying to find a replacement for this 8-pin thru-hole IC and everything I see tells me it's a 16-pin chip. HELP!!!!!! Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Can I spray-paint the center domes on my guitar amp speakers?

    I've got a 2X12 cabinet and the speakers are these old Pyle Pro speakers that are made in the USA, believe it or not. They sound alright but the center domes are silver and look pretty ghetto. I've seen this on bass speakers, but not guitar speakers. Can I just spray them flat black and be done with it? The amp is a 100W tube head, not that it matters.

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • Can I straighten black hair if I can't remember the last time I did it?

    My daughter, who is black and 13, is about to get her hair chemically relaxed by myself, who is not black and has barely a clue what I'm doing. I can't remember the last time I did this, but my guess is that it was probably a year ago. Her hair is slightly more naturally straight now than it was back then, and I can't discern which hair has already been straightened and which hasn't (the instructions say to only apply it to new growth). Since so much time has passed, can I just apply that stuff to all of her hair without causing a problem?

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Why does my 1987 Jeep Cherokee stop running immediately after starting it?

    I turn the key, it starts for about a nanosecond, then stops. The motor DOES turn over; it just stops immediately. The next time (usually) that I turn the key it starts and runs normally.

    May or may not be related: my throttle was sticking this morning (I'd step on the gas pedal and the throttle would stick right were I left it) and wouldn't throttle back. I lubricated 3 linkages between the gas pedal and the carb, and that fixed that problem.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • My weed-wacker idles fine, but when I full-throttle it, it goes VROOM! VROOM! VROOM! over and over again...?

    ... and sometimes dies between the VROOMs. In other words, when I go full throttle, it sort of oscillates about every 1 to 2 seconds, going between full blast and almost dying. But it idles ok. It sees like it needs an adjustment of some sort. Can you tell me what needs to be adjusted, and extra points if you can tell me exactly how to do it. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How do I get my addresses from Windows Mail imported into Windows Live Mail?

    I just got a new PC and it has Windows Live Mail (which sucks and looks stupid, but that's a whole different topic altogether). My other PC has Windows Mail, and I want to get that address book or those addresses imported into Windows Live Mail. What is the easiest way to do this?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • When selling retail items online, is it more attractive to say "free shipping"...?

    ... and add the shipping cost to the retail price, or to list the item for a lower price and the list the shipping cost separately? Which option has been shown to be more effective in getting sales? Thanks!

  • Is there free image editing software that will remove backgrounds?

    I know Photoshop will do it, but I'm not wealthy and I need a free program that will remove the background from around an object and allow me to place that object in front of a different background. Thanks!

    5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • I have one customer who sent me a 1099. What do I do with it when filing my taxes?

    My (very) small business has exactly 5 customers, all of which paid me through personal or business checks (some of my customers are residential accounts and some are businesses). One of these customers sent me a 1099. What do I do here? Are 1099s handled separately when doing my taxes? Or can I disregard the 1099 and just include income from that customer with the rest of the business income? I am a Schedule C LLC, and I will incorporate my business taxes in with my personal taxes. My company operated at a loss last year.

    1 AnswerOther - Taxes9 years ago
  • Why can't I find popular soft drinks sweetened with Splenda?

    I saw 7-Up sweetened with Splenda (sucralose) exactly ONE time about 3 years ago. Haven't seen it since. Have never seen Coke or Pepsi with sucralose. Most diet drinks use aspartame, which tastes like crap and gives me a headache. Why, when Spelnda tastes to much better, are the major diet soft drinks still sweetened with aspartame (Nutra Sweet)? I see Splenda in Diet Rite, but that's about it.

    NOTE: If you look at my question, you'll see that I'm not asking for your opinion of the safety of artificial sweeteners, nor am I asking you to tell me that diet drinks cause weight gain. Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • If creatine monohydrate is beneficial to people who are exercising to lose weight...?

    ... then what about all that dextrose that creatine is packaged with? Almost all creatine supplements contains tons of dextrose. Dextrose = sugar = calories = FAT. I understand that increased muscle mass from working out causes us to burn more calories at rest; and I also understand that we're burning calories while we're working out. However, does that offset all the calories consumed by drinking all that dextrose with your creatine supplementation?

    In other words, if I just ate an entire pan of brownies all by myself, say, 50,000 calories, and I took creatine, now I have to burn off all those brownies + the dextrose in the creatine. If I'm wrong, please explain it to me, Thanks!

    22 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago