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  • Child Protection Services in Harding County in Elizabethtown,KY can you help us?

    They have taken my daughters 2 babies but did not take the older children and accused her of neglect but the case was investigated by the police and the case was closed but CPS set a list of requirements to get her children back and she did them and the Jugde Addington did not let her speak and called her ungrateful, WHAT!!!, she only let the sister-in-law talk horrible about my girl.Then told her she would not get the children back and set a new date in April. Her court appointed lawyer did not even petition for the parents to speak. We are not rich and can not afford a personal lawyer and I thought court appointed lawyers were suppose to be good. What can we do. Please no ugly remarks we love our grandchildren and my daughter use to get in trouble but has been a good mother to 5 children for the past 15yrs. She can not help that she is poor, they both work hard and can afford a decent home and all the things the children need, but high lawyers she can't afford.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How come the same people who will not eat meat are the same that will fight for abortion right?

    I know this is not true for everyone but the ones that I have met have this view but some meat eaters are the same. I am a little confused about this view.

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Working to much to have sex, what do you think I should do?

    My husband works nights and has started a new business in the daytime and maybe gets about 4 to 5 hrs of sleep a day. Since the new business we do not have sex he says he's to tired and I am very sick with a mass and hurt alot and he does not want to hurt me more. His plans is to get the new business to a point where it will support us with out a second job. He does not want other people to help in this new job just me and him and maybe one of our daughters. I babysit for extra money, run the office end of the job, with all this going on we have sex maybe 2 times a month and it is damn good and can last for hours, but do you think both of us being tired all the time will lead to cheating or even worse hating each other when the other is tired. We are both older between 40 to 60 yrs old, is there others out there who made it through this period with a good marraige still intact, we have always been happy together and our only hard times have been because of our children.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why do non-Christian's celebrate Christmas?

    I just want to know why the world embraces this chance for celebration.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • All women who live alone or your man is not home at night, do you ever get scared or not sleep ?

    My husband just started working nights and I get nervous at times, I have insomnia anyhow and did have a stalker that died in a car wreck leaving my home, after not getting in. I also was sitting in my living room and a man kept whispering a dirty saying I thought it was my husband at the time playing a joke and I went to the bedroom and he was asleep, I thought he was outside the window. These two episodes has made me feel unsafe all my adult life. Do others do this or do you just jump in the bath and go to bed without a thought? My home is in a historical area of nice homes and some bad home, we are restoring ours, so I don't think its my area of town.

    13 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why don't they find Osama before they start wanting to invade another country?

    I am American and I believe in the good ole boy mentallity, but man find the guy first. We don't have enough people in this country to keep invading other peoples land. I love you, George but enough is enough.

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Christians only, how do you feel about the Indonesians fighting back?

    On Yahoo news the story there today, read it and tell me how you feel. It breaks my heart that there is so much violence, and I believe we should all get ready to make choices. The bible states an eye for an eye. IF you are not Christian I really only want to hear their views, I will not consider others views since its not the story is not related to you. Are we about to make hard choices.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you think the radical Islamic people are showing their love and caring for all humanity this week?

    WHY,WHy, Why, why do they hate and then if you say any little thing about their violence they start shoving up my nose why Christians in the past have acted, as if our violent past(which is very true) is a good excuse for them to act this way. How would they like it if every time we heard "Death to the infidels, death to America" we started blowing up their churches and killing their holy people because some are radical. They are the new KKK maybe they can start breaking into our homes and linching us. they already shoot and behead all the Americans they can find. If they are truly mad at Bush and his men go after him, not the poor man in America. Do they think that we wanted to send our children there to die,HELL NO! My grandsons are 15yrs to 3 mths would I want them at war,HELL NO! You people that keep emailing me saying how loving you guys are, are you delusional, you don't care and you laugh behind your closed doors. Yes this is sure the way to getting converts. SAY SOMETHING.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you think the pope should apologize to the radical people of the Middle East.?

    I did not call them by their religion because true religious people try to understand before they break. No one can even comment on their violence or their violent past without them going crazy. These people are litterly nuts. And I am sure you all are about to jump all over me because I will not bow and kiss their butts, I have freedom of speech also. I bet these people would like to kill all American women because we can state our views. I am one woman who will not bow to a religious fanatic. I will read you comments when I get back from my loving church.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you seen this commercial?

    A little girl doing homework in a red sweater & she says that America has more oil than the middle east ( I caught the tail end of it, so I am not sure that is correct) but is this true, she said enough for 250 years. It was just on CNN between segments. If it is true what are we doing with the prices of energy.

    6 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Have you seen "rapping in Iraq" on yahoo video?

    How can we as non-military ever judge from our glass houses what they do or go though.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you think the government reads yahoo questions and answers?

    Just a something to think about. And do you care?

    35 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Armageddon?

    What do you think, is this the holy war.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Do you think the people that lived through Katrina will ever be the same again?

    Tonight I was watching a Katrina documentary and started getting very nervous and then started crying a lot,not sobbing(that was the first week after) just steady crying even after I turned it off, I thank God my whole family made it, my best friends son did not & she could not even get in touch with me till after the funeral. I know many people who can not handle these shows either, is something wrong with us or is this normal. If we would not have been prepared I do not know where we would have gotten help,we were cut off from the world. Although I have never been more proud of MS because we pulled together, why can I not watch, it seems we try to act if life is still the same. It has changed, crime far exceeds what we have ever seen, more people want hand outs with many jobs avalible,police are quiting, we can not go out at night without getting robbed, murdered, & rape is rampant,not all but a lot of the new people are mean, and our officials tell us everything is the same!

    5 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • I am United Pentecostal, why do people say we are brainwashed when it takes a strong person to stand ?

    I believe as you do, that I have the truth. Iam not like my brothers and sisters, I do not believe we will be the only ones in heaven. All people are welcome to worship in our churches, but some say we are under bondage because we do not dress as the world and speak with other tongues, we are strong women how else could we stand your snickers when you see us in public.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago