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  • Is there any way to download Inuyasha episodes onto my Verizon Voyager? Does anyone know how to do this?

    I basically have every possible feature available and am able to watch television and Vcast videos on it as well as listen to music (just like an iPod). Anyone know where I can find downloadable episodes and how to actually download them? Thanks!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can have clothes made from my own designs in NY?

    There are different dresses and outfits that I see in movies or in magazines that I might tweak a little but would look perfect on me! Does anyone know where I could have them custom made? Thank you SO much in advance for all your answers!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Ladies, what do you do to comfort yourself when the guy of your dreams cancels himself out?

    When he makes a couple of little mistakes, fine. But then the couple of mistakes turns into a few and you realize you have to cut him loose. I'm so sad! :(

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is money an issue for guys?

    My boyfriend and I were having a conversation tonight about his upcoming trip to NY to come visit me (long distance relationship) and I mentioned that it was smarter to fly and he could just use my old Mercedes to drive around because my dad's getting me a Jag for Christmas. He seemed a little stunned and then acted kind of weird. Normally, this isn't a topic I throw around lightly but we've been dating for a few months and he knows my financial situation. We've discussed it before but he always says he doesn't mind as long as I'm okay with him not having a lot which doesn't bother me in the least. I'm beginning to suspect it bothers him, though. After that, I said, okay, who cares about that, let's change the subject. He said, "Let's talk about Christmas." So I told him what I picked out for his daughter (we both have children) and he laughed and said "Jesus, you're killing me." And then said I needed to go to bed and get some sleep. Which he NEVER does. So what's the deal?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Salsa or Mambo on 2 partner needed on Long Island or NYC?!?! Anyone know where to find one?

    I am at the Intermediate/Advanced level but would be willing to take on a partner at any skill level. Looking to practice during the week or on the weekend. My partner just recently quit so he would have more time for other things and now I have no one to practice with! :( Thanks for your help!!

    1 AnswerDancing1 decade ago
  • Can anyone translate "Luna Negra" by Rey Ruiz into English for me? First one to get it right wins best answer

    It is my favorite salsa song in the whole world! My dance partner verbally translated it for me and I thought it was beautiful, I would just like to have it in writing!

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • New jazz singers of Stacey Kent quality?

    I just discovered my 7 year old daughter has the vocal talent of a young Ella Fitzgerald with a little Billie Holiday attitude thrown in! She received a standing ovation at her vocal recital singing a '30s jazz song and says that she wants to keep singing (she says she loves the stage :), I would like to find some modern female jazz singers (she's heard all of the classics a million times!) for her to see that this is something that is still alive and well. Other than Stacey Kent, Norah Jones, and Diane Krall, can you guys think of anyone else? Thank you so much!!

    2 AnswersJazz1 decade ago
  • Girls, what is your absolute favorite chick flick (romantic comedy) of all time?

    I think I've probably seen all the good ones and just making sure I didn't miss any! Thanks so much, all answers will be hugely appreciated!!

    29 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • For everyone who's been in a long term relationship that ended and are dating again?

    Does anyone else find that for the first time in their lives they don't know what they want? How the hell do we find out? When asked by the person I'm seeing if I wanted a committed relationship, I had no idea, and believe me I've thought about it ever since (this was over a month ago!) and I still don't know! My 12 year relationship ended (by me, amicably, and no, there are no unresolved feelings) over eight months ago and I've been seeing the new person for 4 months. My lack of resolve has nothing to do with the person, he's fantastic. Has this happened to anyone else and how did you handle it? All answers will be appreciated!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For all the Salseros and Salseras!! What is your favorite mambo song?

    Mine is Luna Negra by Rey Ruiz

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know a great black hair salon on Long Island?

    My daughter has coarse hair and she wants braids like Alicia Keys. Being a white girl :) , I have entirely no clue where to find someplace that will do a good job!!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Guys, help me out! Is he just not that into me?

    Okay, I'm dating this guy. When we go out, everything is amazing. He holds doors open for me, he pays for everything, we always have a great time together, we have incredible sex, we talk for hours and then he likes to hold me, just sleeping, until we both have to rush off to work at 5:00 in the morning. He makes sure that I call him when I get home. Here's the problem. In between dates, I don't hear from him for like 5-9 days. It's rare that I call him but he doesn't call me until he's ready to set up the next date. If I do call him, I get his voice mail and he still doesn't call back until he has an actual day to go out. Okay, he does work two full time jobs and is in the military. On top of that, he separated from his wife (yes, I'm sure he's not still seeing her and yes, it was before I met him) and goes to see his daughter every afternoon in between jobs. On our last date, I told him I just needed a 5 minute phone call, twice a week. Said he'd call yesterday and didn't. What's up?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know who this song is by?

    My friend who was a dj made me a tape a few years ago and there was a reggae version of "My sunshine has come" on it? I could only find an R&B version by Angie Stone on Limewire. Does anyone know who made the reggae version and where I could find it?

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Modern Day Geisha?

    After having an unsuccessful 12 year relationship, I admit to being a little jaded. I have no interest in another relationship and am definitely not on a "quest for love". I have been offered a "mutually beneficial" option from a very wealthy man. He has offered me just about anything I want in the world to be his "friend" for a year or so. What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago