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Lv 43,712 points

elly r

Favorite Answers50%

i will fill this out someday, but for now, work and school eat all my time (um, the time i'm not floating about on answers, that is)!

  • how long is the ms office project standard 2007 key code?

    i am trying to sell a copy of this software, and someone has asked me for a photograph of the top of the box. my problem is, i don't know if the numbers on the label include the keycode, and want to make sure i do not include that in the photo.

    is the keycode on the label? how many characters are in the keycode?


    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • in the movie "smoke", does paul auster actually make a cameo appearance?

    just wondering if the author/playwrite paul auster actually shows up in this movie? thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • what to wear to an interview at a salon?

    i am going for an interview tomorrow at an upscale salon. i have never interviewed for anything like this before, and i really do not know what i should wear.

    any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Replacing my dryer cord?

    We've just moved into a new house and have taken our old dryer with us. However, after trying to get everything hooked up, we discovered that the cord itself won't plug into the wall due to the plug being the wrong shape. Due to superior google-fu we were able to determine that the cord itself, or the 'pigtail' as I think it's called, can be replaced, but the problem comes when determining voltage and other specifics. The plug we have looks like:

    / \

    with the lower part being an upside-down L shape, and the one we need looks like:

    | |

    (This form doesn't seem to read spaces correctly, and we've used windows alt code for the 'images' above)

    Does anyone know if these are easily compatible in terms of voltage, etc.? And, if so, do we need to remove any sections of the dryer in order to do this?

    Thanks in advance

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • how to change to pull down menus on a pearl (from full page of image menus)?

    okay, let me see if i can word this right.

    my husband just bought a pearl (since he managed to destroy his sda). my pearl has a pull down menu when you hit the blackberry button (or whatever it is called). you just scroll down this menu and pick the app you need.

    on his pearl, when you hit the bb button, pictures pile across the entire screen, and you have to scroll up/down and left/right to get to the right app.

    how can we change his so the menu is a scroll down list instead??

    (yes, we did buy his used)

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • children's book about a cat who wanted to be in a painting with the buddha?

    i'm sure this sounds totally off the wall, but this story keeps popping into my brain. when i was still in grade school, i read a book about a painter who painted a picture of the buddha surrounded by animals. every animal was in the painting but the cat. by the end of the book, i think the cat was finally allowed to be painted in also.

    anyone have any idea what this book is??

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • suddenly disappearing from the top 10 roster in a yahoo answers category?

    i was on the top 10 list for a category i like to answer in, and i suddenly disappeared. i know i should still be there (in about 5th or 5th place, even). i wasn't notified of breaking any terms of service or anything like that. anyone have any idea why this might have happened?

    and yes, it's been a few days and i haven't reappeared.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • random sharp pain, any ideas?

    okay, here's what's going on:

    i have fairly random sharp pains in the left side of my chest. i'm 28 and a female, so i don't think i should be having any sort of heart trouble, and there's no history of heart disease in my family. it annoys me though, and it's a really sharp pain that goes away pretty quickly.

    and it's been happening for a long time. i'm sure i should get it chcked by a doctor, but doctors are hardly ever able to give me any actual answers, so i figured asking here couldn't be a bad start.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • trying to find out which actor is voicing the nature conservancy commercial on the discovery channel?

    during the show 'planet earth', the nature conservancy ( is running a nicely voiced commercial. there are two versions, one with a male voice and one with a female. i am trying to find out which male actor it is doing the voice over. it sounds like either baz lurhmann or michael douglas.


    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • good ideas for party games for 8,9, and 10 year olds?

    the short story is that i have never really had to throw a party for kids this young, and i'm really not sure what kind of games they might be into. i need some simple, inexpensive games to keep a group of 5 or 6 kids entertained. they're all between 8 and 10 years old, and the party will be about two hours long. any good suggestions out there?


    5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • where can i get a diagram of the inside of a compaq presario 2700 laptop so i can fix it for my fiancee?

    i seem to be missing one tiny little cable, but i'd like to have the diagram before i start messing around inside this laptop again :)


    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • NeoPost stamp machine question!?

    normally, i'm answering printer questions, but today i have one of my own :P

    has anyone ever had to deal with re-setting a neopost stamp machine? i attempted to refill one for someone, and we ran into the normal reset issue and just couldn't figure out a way to do it. we tried unplugging the machine, we tried taping the contacts on the cartridge, and so on.

    the problem is, these machines don't connect to a computer, so unless there's some sort of button-press combination we don't know about, we seem to be out of luck.

    any ideas?

    thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • can anyone post for me the lyrics to fujiya and miyagi's "photocopier"? or maybe a place to find the lyrics??

    it's a really cool song, with a lot of bizarre lyrics, and we want to know what they're singing! thanks for any help, we've tried numerous lyric sites with no luck. we would try to google a line or two, but the guys sing so fast it's hard to understand :P

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • How many people (worldwide) play World of Warcraft now?

    i am actually writing a paper on certain aspects of the game, and if i can find the number of people that play it, it would certainly help the argument i am making. if you know, or know a website where i should be able to find the answer, please let me know. thanks!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • why does permanent red dye fade out so quickly?

    bear with me, this is my first question ever and i feel kind of silly asking it at all.

    i used to be able to dye my hair red and it would actually stay that way, but i find that the newer red dyes fade out super fast. i've heard of this happening to other people too, so i'm fairly certain it's not just something to do with my hair.

    so, does anyone know why red dyes that are supposed to be permanent have a tendency to wash out or fade quickly?

    thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago