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  • What are the chances that I could get pregnant?

    My boyfriend and I were having protected sex - when he pulled out, the condom had broken. Not a lot of semen actually went in me, but I know there are millions of sperm in one drop of semen. The condoms were spermicide and my period starts in 5 days.. my ovulation occurred earlier in the month (I remember it). What are the chances that I could still get pregnant? I'm going to get the morning after pill today.. will that affect my upcoming period?

    Thanks to all answers!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is a bachelor's degree from the U.S. valid in Canada?

    I have been looking into possibly moving to Canada after I complete my bachelor's degree in nursing and begin working. I am reading up on the various steps it takes to move to Canada, but am confused as to whether my bachelor's degree will be considered valid. Would I have to have further schooling?

    Thanks in advance to all answers.

    6 AnswersVancouver8 years ago
  • Is a bachelor's degree from the U.S. valid in Canada?

    I have been looking into possibly moving to Canada after I complete my bachelor's degree in nursing and begin working. I am reading up on the various steps it takes to move to Canada, but am confused as to whether my bachelor's degree will be considered valid. Would I have to have further schooling?

    Thanks in advance to all answers.

    3 AnswersOther - Canada8 years ago
  • Is a bachelor's degree from the U.S. valid in Canada?

    I have been looking into possibly moving to Canada after I complete my bachelor's degree in nursing and begin working. I am reading up on the various steps it takes to move to Canada, but am confused as to whether my bachelor's degree will be considered valid. Would I have to have further schooling?

    Thanks in advance to all answers.

    3 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Excessive gas and distention?

    Each day I go to school, I have excessive gas after lunch. I hold it in of course, but it is persistant for 2-3 hours. I also have occasional distention. The gas makes me very uncomfortable, and when I hold it in, you can hear it (as if my stomach is rumbling).

    It doesn't happen with other meals, and doesn't really happen outside of school. Could it be the food at school? I would say dairy, but I eat dairy occasionally at home without it affecting me.

    Thanks for all the answers!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Excessive gas and distention?

    Each day I go to school, I have excessive gas after lunch. I hold it in of course, but it is persistant for 2-3 hours. I also have occasional distention. The gas makes me very uncomfortable, and when I hold it in, you can hear it (as if my stomach is rumbling).

    It doesn't happen with other meals, and doesn't really happen outside of school. Could it be the food at school? I would say dairy, but I eat dairy occasionally at home without it affecting me.

    Thanks for all the answers!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Excessive gas and distention?

    Each day I go to school, I have excessive gas after lunch. I hold it in of course, but it is persistant for 2-3 hours. I also have occasional distention. The gas makes me very uncomfortable, and when I hold it in, you can hear it (as if my stomach is rumbling).

    It doesn't happen with other meals, and doesn't really happen outside of school. Could it be the food at school? I would say dairy, but I eat dairy occasionally at home without it affecting me.

    Thanks for all the answers!

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Question about vaginal spotting?

    Today after a bowel movement, I was wiping and noticed brownish discharge (vaginal). Some spots were red.

    Is this vaginal spotting? If so, is it always associated with pregnancy? My partner and I have protected sex but occasionally have intercourse without protection (but not to the point of climax). I'm not on birth control and my period is not for at least another week.

    I'm semi-worried. Thanks for all answers!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • No sensation of hunger after stomach illness?

    I am recovering from a short stomach illness I had yesterday morning, and have not had the sensation of hunger. I don't want to call it a loss of appetite, as I feel like I CAN eat - and I do - without nausea. I just haven't had typical stomach grumbles or hunger pains as I would normal days.

    As for the background of the stomach illness, I had waves of nausea all yesterday morning, and I did not eat. I vomited 4 times and felt better, but then had a fever of 100.5 and chills. The fever broke that evening and today I felt completely better, other than no appetite. I did not suffer diaherra and am thinking it MAY have been a very temporary bug or food poisoning (I had Chinese the previous evening but my partner, who ate at the same place, is fine). I was also in the ER for a relative that night and may have picked up something there.

    Long story short, is this lack of appetite normal? Is my digestive track just trying to reboot?

    Thanks in advance to all responses.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Are there any atheists that have come from a religion other than Christianity?

    It seems to me that most Atheists I've seen have come from Christianity. Are there any here that have come from another faith?

    I feel like Christianity has left such a sour taste in their mouths that they've decided to dispel any other view of a god. There are many other views - not only the Christian view.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Peeing while sneezing?

    For the past year, on and off, I have had incidences of peeing while sneezing. It isn't a lot, but enough to where I have to change underwear and pants. It isn't often, but probably occurs at LEAST once a month.

    I know this happens in older women, but I'm only 17. I know for a fact I'm not pregnant. Could it just be the weakness of my pelvic floor muscles?

    Thank you in advanced for all answers.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Immigration question?

    My friend is from South America, married someone who was also from South America, but became a citizen before-hand. They were married in the 80's. She now works at a school, is a care taker, and pays taxes, but is not considered a citizen. How is this so? I thought marrying a U.S. Citizen made the individual a citizen? If not, can she do the paperwork to become one without the risk of deportation.

    3 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Small, string-looking thing while peeing?

    The past two times I have urinated today, one (each time) small, red, string-looking thing appeared while wiping. I looked at it closely and it looked kind of "vein"y? I have a picture (I apologize for it being in the toilet.. I half-way panicked.) It's located at the bottom.

    Does anyone have any idea what this could be? If it helps, I am a 17 year old female.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Weak, throbbing pain in forearm and middle finger?

    For the past couple of days, I've been having a weak (sometimes stronger), throbbing pain toward the middle of my forearm, and on my middle finger (maybe it's an extension?) It happens randomly, lasts for a bitt, and disappears. There is no physical change during the pain. It is also on my left arm/hand, which is not as heavily used (I'm right handed). Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Opinions from members of ISKCON or former devotees?

    I have recently stumbled upon ISKCON/Hare Krishna and have become interested. What is the basic philosophy of it? Also, if there are former devotees, why did you leave the practice?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Am I really being cruel?

    My dad has been an alcoholic since before I was born. Although he was a good dad, there are some things he's done (drove drunk while driving on a mountain, cursing at me for not being able to ride my bike properly, having me drive him to his friends house to drink and smoke weed, etc) that I just can't forgive easily. I live with my mom, and have decided to exclude him from my life after recent events (cussing out my long-term boyfriend, threatening to fight him, threatening my mother, breaking the windows in my house). He has been sober for 80+ days and wants to see me again, but I just can't do it. He had been sober for 6 months before, but as soon as he was out of rehab he began drinking again. Today he called and asked me if he could bring his present out to me. I denied, even though my mother plead and told me that was cruel. Is it, really? After the crap he's done, I should just let him waltz right back in?

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What's wrong with my throat?

    Hello all!

    I have had congestion in my throat since Thursday. Each day it has gotten worse and I have begun to get a hoarse, raspy voice. It is really bad (I can't talk) in the morning but gets less noticeable as the day progresses (liquids make it better). Even then, though, it fluctuates - I'll be fine and talking reletively easily one moment but it will be cracking the next. I also feel as if I can't cough enough, like the mucus can't come out. I don't have a fever or bad nasal/sinus congestion. There is also no throat pain. Is this just a passing cold?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Cat reacting negatively while indoors? Paranormal?

    A little over a month ago, I went on a vacation for a week. My mother left the house and spent most of the time at her friends house, checking on my cat daily. During that time, a troubled family member busted our front window and front door window with two rocking chairs. Upon my arrival and up until now, my cat refuses to come inside, despite her being 11 years old and well used to the home. Tonight we were able to get her inside and let her eat in her old spot; before long she scratched impatiently at the door wanting out and got EXTREMELY aggravated and belligerent when we tried to pet her or comfort her. My mother thinks it is something "evil" or paranormal, and I believe it may be from negative energy left behind from the window-smashing event. I have never personally experienced a paranormal even in this home, except for a small anxiety when alone in the dark in my room or back room (then again I get nervous easily). The house was built in the 1920's and I have lived here for at least 13 years.

    Is my cats behavior any indication of a paranormal being or manifested negative energy? Thank you in advance to all answerers.

    8 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • How exactly are Christians being persecuted?

    I see so many Christians (some, not all, mind you) in this modern age saying how they are being persecuted against by all of the "atheist, Pagans and homosexuals". Define persecuted, because I am honestly not seeing it.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What do you believe happens in the Afterlife?

    All faiths and non-faiths are welcome. I personally believe in a non-traditional Reincarnation.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago