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There is no hope. Go home. Love, God

  • Nursing mom cat with diarrhea?

    My seven month-old cat gave birth to four kittens about two weeks ago. Everyone seems healthy, except that about two days ago the mama developed a pretty bad case of diarrhea. I've read that this is pretty normal but can be caused by roundworms (which are sometimes activated by pregnancy). I have some over-the-counter wormer; would that hurt the kittens since the mom is still nursing? Should I wait until the babies are weaned? And if so, how can I help my cat with her diarrhea?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • iChat help?

    I have a MacBook with iSight and my boyfriend has a G5 with iChat but no iSight. We are trying to iChat together (he would just see my video, obviously), but it won't let us do it. Is it because he doesn't have a webcam? That doesn't make any sense to me; why would both people have to have a webcam? I know I won't be able to see him.. anyway, why won't it let us video chat?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Where to keep my cat for three months?

    I'm moving out of state for the summer and I cannot take my cat with me. A friend was supposed to watch him, but that has since fallen through. I really don't want to board him given how long I'll be gone - it would be too costly and I'm afraid it would be too traumatic for him.

    What can I do? Should I find him a new home?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Writer's block?

    Gah! I'm participating in nanowrimo ( and I'm currently having a hard time drawing any inspiration from.. anywhere.

    I had a novel going for the first few weeks, became frustrated yesterday, deleted it, and started over completely. I'm on page 2 (50,000 words, the requirement, is about 175 pages).

    What do you do when suffering from writer's block? What sort of things do you suggest for me to relax and HOW do I ignore all of these distractions?!


    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do I remove this keylogging program from my computer?

    I was on my computer today and an error message popped up informing me that the program "XP Keylogger" had malfunctioned. Obviously, I did not install this on my computer.

    When I ran a search of my hidden files/folders, "keylogger.dll" popped up in the drivers folder.

    I googled "keylogger.dll" and a website said that it was malware, which I think means that the keylogging software was put onto my computer through an email/insecure website..?

    How do I find out where this software has come from, and

    what websites/free software can I trust to remove it?


    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Anyone here doing nanowrimo?

    If so, what's your word count?

    I've barely breached 1,000.. and it's the second week!

    What's your novel about? Share if you'd like!

    If you don't know what nanowrimo is, check it out:

    It's not too late to catch up!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anyone here doing nanowrimo?

    If so, what's your word count?

    I've barely breached 1,000.. and it's the second week!

    What's your novel about? Share if you'd like!

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?

    According to, the word of the day is

    ameliorate (transitive verb).

    Definition (transitive verb): to make better; to improve

    Definition (intransitive verb): to grow better

    Example Sentence:

    "Among the pressures provoking these distresses were a father's financial inadequacy and a growing awareness that, by finding employment himself, he could ameliorate the family's exiguous circumstances." - Terence Brown, "The Life of W.B. Yeats: A Critical Biography"

    Have fun, be creative; Best Answer goes to the most interesting.


    *Oh, and in case you don't know:

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?

    According to, the word of the day is

    ameliorate (transitive verb).

    Definition (transitive verb): to make better; to improve

    Definition (intransitive verb): to grow better

    Example Sentence:

    "Among the pressures provoking these distresses were a father's financial inadequacy and a growing awareness that, by finding employment himself, he could ameliorate the family's exiguous circumstances." - Terence Brown, "The Life of W.B. Yeats: A Critical Biography"

    Have fun, be creative; Best Answer goes to the most interesting.


    *Oh, and in case you don't know:

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • How do I know if the right decision was made?

    I was with my boyfriend for three years. We started dating right when I turned 18 and he was 19. We became serious very quickly and soon moved in together.

    We spent almost all of our free time with each other and our relationship was wonderful. We had ups and downs, but for the most part everything was fine.

    Well, we decided to split up about a week and a half ago because we just weren't respecting each other enough. Both of us have issues to work through and we didn't want to remain so serious if we were going to begin hurting one another.

    But, this hurts.. I mean, I knew it was going to hurt regardless, but it just feels so bad and wrong. He was in the process of moving out so that we could give our relationship a try while living separately, but then I just decided to end it right then.

    Should I have waited to see what it would have been like if he moved out? How do I know if the right decision was made?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I dare you NOT to use this word in a sentece!?

    I'm sure phrasing my question as a dare will get me more than a few sarcastic answers, but hey.

    According to Merriam-Webster online, the word of the day is "bodacious" (adjective).

    Definition 1: "Southern and Midland": outright, unmistakable

    Definition 2: remarkable, noteworthy*

    Definition 3: sexy, voluptuous

    Example Sentence:

    "Bears are not picky eaters especially in the spring, after they wake up from their winter hibernation with a bodacious appetite." -- George Osgood, "Star-Gazette" [Elmira, New York], May 12, 2007

    Have fun, thanks for playing! The user with the most COMICAL sentence will get the 10!

    *also, Yahoo!Answers needs to add this word to their dictionary!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I dare you NOT to use this word in a sentece!?

    I'm sure phrasing my question as a dare will get me more than a few sarcastic answers, but hey.

    According to Merriam-Webster online, the word of the day is "bodacious" (adjective).

    Definition 1: "Southern and Midland": outright, unmistakable

    Definition 2: remarkable, noteworthy*

    Definition 3: sexy, voluptuous

    Example Sentence:

    "Bears are not picky eaters especially in the spring, after they wake up from their winter hibernation with a bodacious appetite." -- George Osgood, "Star-Gazette" [Elmira, New York], May 12, 2007

    Have fun, thanks for playing! The user with the most COMICAL sentence will get the 10!

    *also, Yahoo!Answers needs to add this word to their dictionary!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?

    Today's word of the day according to Merriam-Webster online is:

    *anticipatory pause*

    "ACERBIC"!!!!!!!!!!! (adjective)

    Definition: acid in temper, mood, or tone

    Example Sentence:

    "Liam's speech was punctuated by his usual acerbic wit, and some people in the audience thought that his comments went too far."

    Or, if you don't feel like using that word in a sentence, try's word o' the day:

    "abrogate"(transitive verb) <--- not as exciting

    Definition 1: to annul or abolish by an authoritative act

    Definition 2: to put an end to; to do away with

    Example Sentence:

    "So why is Washington seeking to abrogate the ABM Treaty, to push ahead with its anti-ballistic missile Star Wars programme?" -- Simon Jenkins, "Thanks so much for having me, Mr Blair", "Times"(London), April 19, 2000

    Uhmm... so, use one of those, or use BOTH in the SAME SENTENCE and you'll receive...

    absolutely nothing, probably, to be honest, no extra praise or cash prizes or anything like that.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?

    *sigh* Today's word of the day according to Merriam-Webster online is:

    *anticipatory pause*

    "ACERBIC"!!!!!!!!!!! (adjective)

    Definition: acid in temper, mood, or tone

    Example Sentence:

    "Liam's speech was punctuated by his usual acerbic wit, and some people in the audience thought that his comments went too far."

    Or, if you don't feel like using that word in a sentence, try's word o' the day:

    "abrogate"(transitive verb) <--- not as exciting

    Definition 1: to annul or abolish by an authoritative act

    Definition 2: to put an end to; to do away with

    Example Sentence:

    "So why is Washington seeking to abrogate the ABM Treaty, to push ahead with its anti-ballistic missile Star Wars programme?" -- Simon Jenkins, "Thanks so much for having me, Mr Blair", "Times"(London), April 19, 2000

    Uhmm... so, use one of those, or use BOTH in the SAME SENTENCE and you'll receive...

    absolutely nothing, probably, to be honest, no extra praise or cash prizes or anything like that.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I am SO BORED. What should I do?

    What are *you* doing, besides the obvious of course?

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Oh won't you please complete my survey?

    What time did you wake up today?

    Did anything particularly exciting happen to you today while at work/school/otherwise?

    Have you laughed today?

    What are you going to eat for dinner?

    May I come over?

    What are your plans for tonight?

    What's the last song you heard?

    Do you hate this survey?

    Do you think I'm a pretty elephant?

    Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?

    Can you tell me one interesting fact about yourself?

    Uhh... thanks!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: What's your favorite thing to do when you're sick?

    I've had a bit of a cold these past few days; I've spent most of my time (when I don't have to go to class) snuggled under the covers with some water reading a silly gossip magazine or drifting in and out of sleep.

    I hate being sick, but I love that cozy feeling. What makes you feel better when you're sick?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Bet ya can't use this word in a sentence!?

    I've never heard this one before! According to Merriam Webster online, the word of the day is "quidnunc" (noun) - pronounced "KWID-nunk".

    Definition: a person who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip : busybody

    Example Sentence: "Those who criticize Joanne for being a quidnunc are usually the first to go to her when they want to know the latest gossip."

    This one's kind of simple, so I'm hoping I don't see sentences like "my sister is such a quidnunc", "people call me a quidnunc", etc. etc. etc.

    Try to make it creative and interesting to read! Draw on personal experience! Write me a short blurb!

    Have fun; thanks for playing! ♥

    31 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can YOU use this word in a sentence?

    I've never heard this one before! According to Merriam Webster online, the word of the day is "quidnunc" (noun) - pronounced (KWID-nunk).

    Definition: a person who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip : busybody

    Example Sentence: "Those who criticize Joanne for being a quidnunc are usually the first to go to her when they want to know the latest gossip."

    This one's kind of simple, so I'm hoping I don't see sentences like "my sister is such a quidnunc", "people call me a quidnunc", etc. etc. etc.

    Try to make it creative and interesting to read! Draw on personal experience! Write me a short blurb!

    Have fun; thanks for playing! ♥

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?

    Howdy ho, good people! According to Merriam-Webster online, the word of the day is "salubrious" (adjective).

    Definition: favorable to or promoting health or well-being

    Example Sentence: "Scott's breathing problems have improved markedly since he left the city and moved to a place with a more salubrious climate."

    I'm interested to see what you guys can come up with for this one.. have fun, thanks for playing! Hope your Monday wasn't too sucky.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago