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I got bored with the car section, now I'm having fun with the men's health section!

  • How honest are employers about the reason for letting you go?

    About 5 weeks ago I started a new job, after being laid off from the one I'd been with for 4 1/2 years.

    I was directed to this job by a recruiter, so I was hired on to this company technically as a contractor for 6 months to do some engineering support work there, and after that 6 months the company would have the option to keep me permanently or not.

    This last Friday, the guy from the recruiter calls me and tells me that the project is "about wrapped up" and they don't need me to come in next week, and that he was just informed that by one of his supervisors. I go and talk to the plant manager and production manager...they both tell me that it's nothing I have done wrong, that they don't feel like I'm quite what they're looking for right now and they want someone that will "hit the ground running" and know how to do everything they do their without much training (I was still in the process of learning a lot of things), and that some things had slowed down and there had been fewer jobs coming in. They both said they really liked me and would give me a great reference if I needed one but right now things were very unsure.

    I'm a little confused and that's why I'm asking this question- I figured I was guaranteed at least 6 months to get up to speed, and they call it quits after 5 weeks. I will admit that I was using the internet a fair bit during the work day (reading news stories, etc) because they were not keeping me as busy as I had hoped they would and I was kinda bored.

    So, if they had let me go for excessive internet usage, wouldn't they have just come out and told me? Things had seemed kind of slow the last couple weeks, but it seems odd that this all happened with no warning just out of the blue, and I've been left wondering...but like I said, if it had been something like that, surely they would have told me straight out, correct?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • How do I slightly fade a pair of jeans?

    I have a pair of jeans that I like, but I don't care for the color as they're a pretty dark blue. I'd like to fade the color a bit to give them a bit more of a "worn" look.. How do I do this? Can I wash them with a small amount of bleach to get that look? Or, what is recommended?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Chewing tobacco flavor?

    I wanted some input from you tobacco chewers, I am a casual tobacco user (various forms) and tried chewing tobacco for the first time a few days ago. I picked up some stuff called Granger Select, which smells good, but I'm not big on the taste- it's so sweet I just don't care for it.

    Is there another brand that has a good flavor without being so sweet?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Ladies: Would you notice if a man performed "manscaping?"?

    I maintain my "area" and have for years. I shave the important parts and keep all the other hair trimmed very short.

    A couple months ago my girlfriend walked in while I was performing said maintenance and said "I didn't know you shaved down there." Keep in mind this was after we had been together almost a year.

    WTF, how could she not notice?

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why do I want to bang my ex so bad?

    I have an ex that I dated on and off for a couple years. Last year she decided to go lesbian and shacked up with another girl. I didn't hear from her in forever and not too long after that I met my girlfriend .

    Now just recently this ex of mine has been coming online and talking to me. She told me that she's "not as gay as [she] thought [she] was" and she's been "craving cock lately", and that she's gonna break up with that girl and move out. She also taught herself to squirt a few months ago.

    She's always been a horny little pervert, so whenever she gets online we have little chats about sex and such.

    Ever since she told me all that stuff above, I've had an almost overwhelming desire to nail her again.

    I realize I still have feelings for this girl, but I don't want to break up with my girlfriend for a shot at "possibly" getting in this ex's pants. I'm wondering if I'm feeling that urge to "sow my wild oats" so to speak. I haven't had very many sexual experiences which may be why

    10 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • "Stone Cold" Steve Austin PPV entrance question?

    Out of curiosity- I know on one of his early pay-per-view appearances as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, they had a big pane of glass painted with Stone Cold's skull logo, which shattered and he walked through it for his entrance.

    Does anybody know what event that was and what year?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Penis?????????????

    Penis penis penis


    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to make sandwiches keep better?

    I take sandwiches to work for lunch almost every day. I don't mind it, as I love sandwiches, however I would like it if they would keep better. I always make them the night before.

    Now, these are my dislikes by the time lunch rolls around-

    1. Mushy bread

    2. Wilted lettuce.

    Is there any way to keep the bread from getting mushy? I generally use Kaiser rolls or rye bread. Also, wilted lettuce is disgusting. How can I keep it crispy like it is when I take it out of my lettuce container in the fridge?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why is there no song variety on Launchcast?

    I like to listen to Launchcast at work, but I hear the same songs every time I put on a station. I mean, the "Metal" channel seems like it has about 6 songs on it. Even stations like 90's Rock or Big Hits of the 90's have no variety. Surely there were enough hits during the 1990s that I could listen to the station for two days and not hear the same song twice.

    1 AnswerYahoo Music1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much misinformation here?

    Seriously....why do people answer technical questions here when they have no idea what they're talking about? I see so much bad information given out here it makes my head spin.

    20 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Do girls like guys that really squirt?

    I've always been a "Squirter", as in usually 6-8 times and up to 4 feet. I've always thought it was fun, and you see it in porn a lot (Peter North), but the girls Ive been with didn't seem to find it as entertaining. Yeah, it can be messy, but that's part of the fun isn't it? Maybe girls don't understand how fun it is to shoot off (the girls that can squirt might)

    9 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how many decibels a standard car horn is?

    As the title states, I was just wondering if anyone knows how many decibels a standard factory horn is on your average car or truck.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • What is that horrible song on the iPod commercial ("One, two, three, four ...")?

    Title and beastly artist, if you've got it ...?

    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Best way to get loan? Financing for older vehicles?

    I'm looking to buy a vehicle in the coming months. I really want a diesel truck, but the only models of them that I can really afford at the moment are ones that are a few years old (for example, around '97-99 or so). How can I get financing for a vehicle that old and not get totally killed on the interest rates? Plus I've seen a lot of places that say they won't finance anything older than 2000.

    Also, what's the best place to get financing through? My bank has crappy interest rates for the most part, and Capitol One didn't give me all that great of rates either (9.7% on vehicles 2000-2003). I have a 700+ credit rating.

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Why did yahoo screw me over?

    Over the summer a hacker got into my yahoo account I had under another username and locked me out of it. I'd had this account for 9 years and used it for all my e-mail. I contacted yahoo's security center and they wouldn't do a damn thing for me. I faxed them my driver's license and everything else they asked for, and all they did was send me in circles and I never got to talk to a real person. WHY???

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago