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Favorite Answers15%

I am not an expert on anything, but I know some things about some stuff. ♥

  • How do I remove patches from my WoW client?

    I'm getting error messages while trying to log into the private server(s) I have registered for. I know some of them are not updated to the most recent patch yet, so how would I go about backtracking my patches? Do I just delete the patch files in the WoW folder?

    Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can anyone suggest a really good facial moisturizer?

    I tend to have very dry skin on my cheeks and around my nose. I have tried a few brands of moisturizer but no real results yet. Can anyone recommend a great facial moisturizer that is available in Canada - and preferably is not too expensive?

    Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Going to college for Graphic Design... note-taking/textbooks?!?

    Just curious, for anyone who has studied Graphic Design in college, did you have a lot of textbooks and hand-outs/looseleaf, or was most of the work done on the computer? I've purchased a MacBook Pro as required but haven't been given a booklist yet. I know the majority of assignments and work will be done in CS4.

    Simply curious if I should expect to be carting around lots of heavy textbooks as well, and if I will need binders for each class to keep paperwork organized.

  • If he was "The One" for me, I would know it, wouldn't I?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. He's a decent guy, we get along well most of the time, and we make each other laugh. I love him but I'm not so sure I'm IN love with him.

    I broke up with him when it seemed like he would be moving to another city and living with a girl roommate for college. He thought it was a dumb reason to break up. Things changed and we're back together, and he's not living with another girl.

    I'm just really uncertain. We don't fight too often - mainly because I am too reserved to start an argument when he does something that bothers me. But he is edgy at times and often speaks to me like a child, with a condescending tone that I can't stand.

    I've confronted him about the issues I have - he often doesn't even realize he has upset me, so I know it's not intentional. He will always apologize sincerely when I mention it. But it's so frustrating that I have repeatedly asked him to make the effort to change, and while he says he will, I have not noticed any improvements.

    I guess I struggle to find enough bad qualities to justify dumping him, but it just doesn't feel right most of the time. :/

    I'm going to be a first-year college student in September, so I'm sure I'm going to meet lots of wonderful guys. My tentative plan as of now is to wait it out until school starts, and if I start meeting people that appeal to me more, I will (try to) gently let him down and tell him I feel I need to explore my options and enjoy college life for a while.

    I'm just nervous because I was so incredibly guilt-ridden the first time I broke up with him. He was a complete wreck. And the night we made up he was more than convincing - the things he said and did were exactly how I want my boyfriend to act. So I know he's capable of being that guy. I have no doubts that he loves me, but he doesn't show it like other guys I've gone out with. I don't get it.

    I have a pretty good idea of what the answers to this will be, but I would love opinions on the situation.

    Will provide more details if requested. Sorry it was long.

    Thanks everyone!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone agree there ought to be a "Below The Belt Health" category?

    It would be great if they kept all those questions in one spot, and preferably keep them off the front page. I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of reading "I pooped purple, is that normal!?" and "Red, dime-sized boils on my manhood - what should I do?" questions. Ughhh TMI people! ahaha.

    I suppose they could also call it the "Go ask your doctor because the people on Y!A can only speculate and can't diagnose your problem!" category.

    Any other ideas for categories Y!A should make? :)

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Suspicious guy sits outside my workplace for hours at a time, changes cars and seems to be taking notes?

    Over the past few weeks a co-worker and I have noticed a man sitting in a black BMW outside our work place. He parks on the far side of our (small) lot, with the front end of his car facing away from our building. We are in a shared warehouse complex so there is more than one company here, including a chop-shop type business and a print shop.

    He often sits for a couple of hours at a time and looks like he's writing a lot of stuff down. Well, today my co-worker noticed he was in a different car than he usually is, and mentioned she's seen him in an SUV as well. Another co-worker walked in on our conversation and after hearing the story, she said "I'll go ask what he's doing!" and proceeded to walk up to his car and chat with him through the window.

    Apparently he was flustered and trying to hide his paperwork from her. She asked why he sat there so much and his story was that he works down the street and parks here to eat lunch. (We've never seen him eating like some of the people that stop in our lot, he just writes things down or sits there doing nothing.) She asked why he has multiple cars and he didn't have an answer. We saw her turn away from the car to head back into our building and he was pulling hastily out of the lot before she even got back inside.

    At first I thought maybe he was a private investigator, but if he is, he's not very good at his job because we noticed him weeks ago.

    I will be taking note of the license plate if we see him again but I'm not sure we will, seems like my colleague scared him pretty good.

    Any guesses on who he might be or what he might be doing?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Ever had a boss/manager that looked like a celebrity/famous person?

    One of the owners of the company I work for is the spitting image of Julian from Trailer Park Boys. (John Paul Tremblay: )

    What about you? Any uncanny resemblances?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What are your Obsessive Compulsive tendencies?

    I have not been diagnosed with OCD, nor do I think I have OCD. But everyone has obsessive tendencies - even if they are very small.

    For example, I like the papers in my recycle bin at work to be STRAIGHT. If someone haphazardly folds a piece of paper and tosses it in my bin, I will unfold it and place it squarely on top of the pile.

    When I shower, I always lather in the exact same pattern. Left arm first, then shoulders, then right arm... and so on.

    I will often write and re-write things if I feel my printing isn't neat enough or if I make an error. I sometimes edit posts two or three times before I am satisfied with the wording. Poor spelling and grammar drive me mental.

    I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them off of the top of my head.

    So! I'm wondering what YOUR obsessive compulsive tendencies are.

    Best answer to the most interesting/strangest answer.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Trolling vs. real questions?

    What do you think has the majority here in Y!A? Are most of the ridiculous and absurd questions just really stupid/lazy people, or is there a lot more trolling than we suspect?

    I think it's probably 60%/ real, 40% trolling/gag questions.

    Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Easy campfire songs for acoustic guitar?

    I made the mistake of telling my family I was taking guitar lessons. Now they're expecting me to know some campfire songs for our cottage trip next month.

    Can anyone suggest some easy to learn/easy to play campfire songs? Preferable ones that are well-known.

    If you can find a link to some tabs, great, but I don't necessarily need them. I can probably find tabs on my own, just want to know which songs are at the beginner's end of the spectrum.

    Thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Macbook Pro 15" - suggestions for accessories?

    I will be placing an order for my new Macbook Pro later this week. I will be getting a mouse for it, but was wondering if anyone has purchased any accessories with their Macbook Pro that are really worth the money? I've been trying to think of accessories that would help me out in college - the whole reason I'm buying the laptop in the first place.

    So! Any really good Macbook Pro accessories you can reccommend?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How to attract the right kind of guy in college? (Nice guys, I need your help!)?

    Okay, I told myself I'd never do this, but here I am... S&D for the first time, lol.

    I'm going to college in September. I've never been to post-secondary (took two years off after high school to decide on a major) and I will not know anyone at my campus.

    There's a part of me that's hoping I'll meet my dream guy in the next couple years at college. I have a pretty small dating record - I've had three boyfriends, all of which I've dated for more than a year and two of which I dated for two years plus. I'm currently with my third boyfriend, and though I love him, I'm not sure he's the right guy for me. He's told me if I feel like exploring my options in college to just give him fair warning, which I thought was admirable... and based on who I meet, I might do just that.

    Anyways. Is there anything specific that would attract the good guys? Obviously I don't want to date players or jerks. I know dressing slutty will only attract the wrong ones. I'm looking for personality traits that you nice guys are attracted to, or the ones that repulse you.

    Basically, if I meet a guy I'm interested in, what can I do to peak his interest in me, and what should I avoid if I don't want to scare him off?

    Any suggestions are helpful. Thank you!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who will take down Brock Lesnar?

    I'd love to see him get knocked the hell out... especially after his disgusting display after winning against Frank Mir. I couldn't believe he gave the whole crowd the finger, and then his stupid little speech, haha.

    I'm thinking Kimbo Slice could take him, if he wins the show this time around. What do you think?

    19 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ordered a Macbook skin from

    I will be purchasing a Macbook Pro for college this year and my whole class will have one, so I want to get a skin or a case to make mine stand out a little...

    I'm curious about the quality of the products they sell. Just wondering if they are nicely printed, easy to apply, remove without leaving residue, etc?

    Thanks for any help.

    (Re-posted due to lack of answers.)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Best job ever? Worst job ever?

    What was your best and/or worst job to date? Example of why it was best or worst, or just a funny anecdote if that's all you have.

    My best: current job as a receptionist/sales admin at an aviation parts supplier. It's best so far because the people I work with are awesome.

    My worst: tied between being a deli slave for two years and a waitress at a british pub for 4 months. The deli was nasty... and the pub was right next to a retirement home. I remember one lunch shift there was an England vs. Croatia football match... the whole pub filled up and I was the only server. The restaurant owner even put on an apron to help me get my food out. Sooo stressful, and not worth it for the crummy tips...

    Your turn!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's the best piece of advice anyone ever gave you?

    Doesn't matter what type of advice - just the one that you found to be most beneficial to you in the long run.

    I am curious. :)

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you search users on Y!A?

    Can't seem to find a search function. Forgive me if I've just overlooked it.

    I have the person's username to IM them but can't find their profile.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How long did you drag around your baby comfort item?

    Let's face it, we all had them. A teddy bear, a blanket, a doll... whatever it was that you were so attached to that mommy had to pry it from your arms just to throw it in the washing machine.

    What was your comfort item and how long did you drag it around with you? Any strange places or situations it ever ended up?

    Mine was a thin yellow blanket, that has been retired to the back of the closet but I can't bring myself to throw away. It was an everything toy - it was a cape, a pillow, a lassoo, "clothes" for the dog, a sled to pull my brother around on the hardwood floor... etc.

    What about yours, or your child's? :]

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How long did you drag around your baby comfort item?

    Let's face it, we all had them. A teddy bear, a blanket, a doll... whatever it was that you were so attached to that mommy had to pry it from your arms just to throw it in the washing machine.

    What was your comfort item and how long did you drag it around with you? Any strange places or situations it ever ended up?

    Mine was a thin yellow blanket, that has been retired to the back of the closet but I can't bring myself to throw away. It was an everything toy - it was a cape, a pillow, "clothes" for the dog, a sled to pull my brother around on the hardwood floor... etc.

    What about yours, or your child's? :]

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Canada Post's Find-A-Rate Tool - accuracy for eBay shipping costs?

    I've been selling things on eBay for a little while now. I have mostly sold DVDs and video games up until now, because they are easy and cheap to ship (and I had a bunch to get rid of).

    Now I am considering selling larger, bulkier items. I will only be shipping within North America and was wondering how well the Canada Post website's "Find-A-Rate" tool works. Has anyone had any major errors with it, or is it pretty accurate?

    I'm saving for college so I don't want to get screwed on shipping costs. Trying to save all my profits. :P

    Thanks for any help!

    (Re-posted due to lack of answers the first time...)

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago