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  • Does this qualify as discrimination?

    My wife accepted a job to work at a daycare and was set to start 3 weeks afterwards. However, one week later, we were to suprised to learn she was pregnant, and we immediately scheduled an appointment to confirm thatvshe was 5 1/2 weeks along. She spent 4 days the next week in the hospital because of abnormally severe sickness which led to dehydration. She was released with nausea medication and her OBGYN stated she would write a doctor s note for any employer stating that the pregnancy had complications. She went in to the daycare today on her first day, and worked for a couple hours. She explained to them that she was pregnant and hadn t known at the time of her hiring, but wanted to continue working. The daycare management, basically told her that they thought she knew she was pregnant before beong hired, and that they couldn t accommodate her. They saod she couldn t be getting sick in front of the kids and that she couldn t differentiate between mornong sickness and viral sickness. They also told her "Well you ll just be gone in 8 months anyway." We have all the documentation with the timelone of all of this. Would this qualify as discrimination, and would it be worth pursuing?

    1 AnswerPregnancy3 years ago
  • 2002 Firebird won't start sometimes and security light comes on. This is becoming more frequent.?

    I turn the key, and the engine does not attempt to crank over. The security light comes on. After waiting for 3-4 minutes, the security light shuts off and I can try to start it again. It used to be a infrequent problem, and would start after the light went off the first time, but now sometimes I am trying for a half hour to get it to start. I have tried unlocking my doors with my key instead of my remote, and I have switched to my second key, but nothing has helped, as the problem is just getting worse. I have found no combination of any sort of having the doors locked or unlocked, open or closed, it will start at random. Could it possibly be the ignition switch that needs changed?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • I'm homeschooled, but I have to teach myself?

    I've been homeschooled my entire life. I have tried really hard throughout the years to get good grades, because it was always my dream to get through college debt-free. So throughout my highschool years I've gotten mostly A's with a few B's. I'm now a senior with only a month to go until I graduate highschool but I've just reached the point where I feel totally burned out. The past couple of years, I've had to teach myself everything (and I mean literally everything!!). My mom will not help me with school; all she does is set a schedule for when I have to get assignments done and literally ask me every 30 minutes whether they are done or not. If I ever tell her that I don't understand something, she just gets super mad at me, telling me that it's my responsibility to figure it all out. It's been extremely difficult for me to maintain high grades; to do so, I've had to do school year-round for my Sophomore-Senior years, and I am still about a couple weeks behind my mom's schedule. Because of this, my mom if furious with me, telling me that I won't survive college, and threatening not to give me my diploma or transcript that I would need to go to college in the fall. I am just so frustrated that she has been doing next to nothing in teaching me, and I'm afraid that it's gonna really hurt my overall future in college and beyond. How can I just get through this when I am at a point where I have no idea what I'm doing?

    7 AnswersHome Schooling7 years ago
  • Can I use a quote as a title in an essay? How would I cite it?

    I am writing a persuasive essay in MLA format. I want to use Elbert Hubbard's quote "Responsibility is the price of freedom" as my title. Is this even allowed, and if so, how would I cite it?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Can I use a quote as a title in an essay? How would I cite it?

    I am writing a persuasive essay in MLA format. I want to use Elbert Hubbard's quote "Responsibility is the price of freedom" as my title. Is this even allowed, and if so, how would I cite it?

    1 AnswerQuotations7 years ago
  • My laptop is shutting off for no apparent reason?

    I have an HP Envy Ultrabook 4-1025dx. I have had no past issues with it, but today I booted it up, and it worked normally for about 3 minutes, but then it just shut off. I sat shocked for a moment or two and then tried to boot it up again. The laptop turned on; however, the screen remained blank, much like a computer with a bad RAM stick would. Nothing showed up on the screen for several minutes, so I had to force it to shut off. I waited for about 10 or 15 minutes and gave it another shot. This time the laptop booted up fine, and it ran normally for the next couple of hours that I used it. This evening I got on my laptop again, booted it up normally, and it proceeded to do the same thing: run for a few minutes and then shut off unexpectedly. I have no idea what is causing this. My antivirus is up to date and I scan for viruses often; I am certain I did not download any program with malicious software; I clean it software-wise often; I defrag regularly; the problem did not start after any updates; I have had any recent hardware changes; and I have plenty of RAM (12 Gigs). Could this be some sort of overheating issue, and if so why does it run fine for a couple hours at some times and at others only for a few minutes?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • What is the impact of procrastination on the U.S. economy?

    Just wondering if anyone knows how procrastination impacts the U.S. economy. Please answer with a viable source.

    1 AnswerEconomics8 years ago
  • Where can I buy a MyITLab access code?

    I need to purchase a MyITLab access code for a class next week. Where can I buy a legitimate access code?

  • HP Pavilion dv6000 drivers?

    I recently got an HP Pavilion dv6000 from a friend, everything minus an OS. I have a Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 disk, so I installed it on the laptop. The installation seemed to run smoothly, but after it was finished, 11 critical devices were not functioning because they did not have drivers. But here is the problem: I downloaded all the drivers from the HP website, but they seem to be upgrades instead of just the basic hardware drivers that I need at the moment. Where can I find all the drivers that I need, such as those for the Ethernet controller?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Weird pain in my left nut?

    I was playing soccer with a couple buddies of mine and one of them kicked the ball right into my nuts and ever since then my left nut spikes up in pain every few minutes. It's been about 1 month since the accident. Why do you think this is happening?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Help!! I just spilled mashed potatoes in my homie's PC!!?

    So my brah asks me to upgrade his PC for him, and I, knowing a little about computers, agree to help him out. I was upgrading his CPU, which is on a PGA format socket. Anyway, after I took out the old CPU, I got a little hungry, so I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes. I was eating over the computer, and a big glob of potatoes drops down right on the PGA socket. I tried to clean it off with a napkin, but that really just pushed the potatoes down into the socket. I figured that I couldn't get it out, and it probably wouldn't hurt anything, so I just dropped the new CPU in, applied some thermal paste, and put it back together. But when I hooked it up to a monitor and powered it on to test it out, all that showed up on the screen was a giant glob of mashed potatoes!! I know I didn't drop that much on the socket, so I want to know how the computer expanded the amount of potatoes by so much. I'm thinking that this could potentially solve world hunger problems, but I don't know how to take advantage of it!! What should I do??

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • How can I blackenize my car?

    I live in this hood with a bunch of hood-type cars (rims and such), and I'm feeling really out of place because my car is just some white-boy Honda civic. How can I make my car look like it belongs in this hood?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago