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I'm homeschooled, but I have to teach myself?

I've been homeschooled my entire life. I have tried really hard throughout the years to get good grades, because it was always my dream to get through college debt-free. So throughout my highschool years I've gotten mostly A's with a few B's. I'm now a senior with only a month to go until I graduate highschool but I've just reached the point where I feel totally burned out. The past couple of years, I've had to teach myself everything (and I mean literally everything!!). My mom will not help me with school; all she does is set a schedule for when I have to get assignments done and literally ask me every 30 minutes whether they are done or not. If I ever tell her that I don't understand something, she just gets super mad at me, telling me that it's my responsibility to figure it all out. It's been extremely difficult for me to maintain high grades; to do so, I've had to do school year-round for my Sophomore-Senior years, and I am still about a couple weeks behind my mom's schedule. Because of this, my mom if furious with me, telling me that I won't survive college, and threatening not to give me my diploma or transcript that I would need to go to college in the fall. I am just so frustrated that she has been doing next to nothing in teaching me, and I'm afraid that it's gonna really hurt my overall future in college and beyond. How can I just get through this when I am at a point where I have no idea what I'm doing?

7 Answers

  • gray
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Everything Jay R. said, I could repeat. Just be glad you're about to graduate, and that you'll be done with this chapter. You're about to move on and to a better one. It sounds to me like you are independently homeschooled, but that your mom is using a curriculum where she grades assignments and assigns a grade. That's a little silly if you ask me, but some homeschooling parents go about it that way. There are a few reasons this is happening.

    Your mom is getting upset when you ask for help because she doesn't have all the answers. I'm sorry, but nobody does at this point in high school. Yes, you need to find them yourself, that's part of learning, but rather than saying that she isn't sure, she is belittling you. The right approach for her would be to say, "let's figure it out together, go to this website, read this......", if she can't do that, I'm sorry, but she isn't doing her job as a homeschooling parent. Any body can make a time schedule and correct a test from an answer key. And besides, it is not good parenting to tell a child she'll never make it without her mom hovering and nagging. You'll probably make it a lot further.

    The other reason she's doing this is that it is a big transition having your child graduate and move on. It's doubly so if you're planning on going away to college. It even has a name, "The empty nest syndrome". All parents go through this. But it's sometimes even harder for homeschooling moms. Suddenly she feels like she'll be without a purpose: homeschooling you. She ought to deal with that better, but the fact is she isn't, so be empathetic. She feels like your success is her success. It isn't, but that's not the way she's thinking about it.

    Last, don't worry about her diploma. I'm assuming you've already been accepted to college. I don't know any colleges that care about the diploma for homeschooled students. It's all about transcripts and SAT or ACT scores. If for some reason they do, contact an admissions officer and explain that your mom is holding out due to her own personal issues. If you are attending a community college to start, they aren't going to care about that diploma. They are not selective. When you transfer to a four year university, homeschooling won't even be relevant. They'll only want to know about the two years at the CC. They don't consider high school in the transfer student's acceptance.

    Good luck. Hang in there. Understand that your mom is going through a difficult time. It is not about you.

  • 7 years ago

    It is normal to feel burnout and frustration toward the end of a school year, especially if it is stressful. Just keep at it. You only have 1 month left to put up with it. A and B are good grades and you should be proud of them. Unless you are procrastinating about getting work done, chances are you'll be fine in college. Colleges (and employers) like students who can work more independently.

    Source(s): homeschool mom of 2
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I am going through the exact same as you are (except I'm a few years younger) but my mom always wants me to do my homeschooling by myself but I have such a hard time doing it because she got me German textbooks and I always mix up the German terms for things (especially in math) and she gets mad at me if I don't understand it. I've even become too scared to ever ask her for any help. Anyway, I know it'll be hard to tell her, but tell her that you will get the assignments done at your own pace, it's just that having to teach yourself is very hard and stressful and that you won't be a failure in college because there you don't have to stress out about teaching everything to yourself, you'll have teachers who can explain it to you.

    I hope this helped and I wish you luck!

    Source(s): Having to homeschool myself and teach myself everything.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Your mother is teaching you perhaps the most important lesson of homeschooling - that is to be independent and not depend on others to tell you what to do. I'm not sure you'll like college because no one stands over you there and tells you what to do either. Mom's teaching you to learn. There is a huge difference between 'teaching' and 'learning'. You have been taught how to learn. It is a lesson you will use you entire life.

    You're just so close to the end you can taste it. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it,right? In a few months you will be done with it all, sooner if you work ahead.

    Yo say you are burned out, but I'm not so sure you just aren't itching to move on? Could that be it?

    Congratulate Mom. She's doing this homeschooling thing right. But she could have explained it to you better.

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  • Jay R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If I were you, I would be elated that this madness has only one more month to go. Part of your issue is your anger at your unreasonable mother. Put this aside for the time being and make every effort to finish at your usual high level of achievement. Imagine how delightful it will be to enter college and to have friends, pleasures and no mother taking nips out of your dear heart.

  • 7 years ago

    How are you getting grades if your mother isn't involved in your homeschooling? Are you grading the work yourself? If someone outside of your home is grading your work, then you are likely enrolled in some sort of public or private school. If that is the case, why aren't you asking your teachers for help?

  • 7 years ago

    So many young people are being harmed because their parents, for what ever their reason, will not send their children to public school and can't afford private school, so they home school them. Public and private school eachers attend college to learn various methods of teaching as well as to know their subject material, yet people with no training are teaching our present generation. Their only qualification is having graduated from school themselves. I shake my head in disbelief when I hear that a child is being home schooled. Your mother yells at you because she doesn't want to be bothered with the task of educating you as she promised to do when she withdrew you from the public school system. When you need help, it is easier for her to yell at you and say that you need to figure it out. Since you are months away from ending this travesty, do whatever it takes to complete the task so you can move on with your life and get into college. I certainly hope you don't flounder in college because of your parents decision to home school you.

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